Suitability Map of Golf Course



Factor Maps

Topo-slope Map

I changed original map by "Reclassify", because I wanted to give a good score to middle topo-slope. I switched value of 1 and 2 with "Reclassify"

Accessibilty Map

With 3 types of transportation themes - bus, car and subway access themes, I made this map using "Map calculate" - add three themes.

Building-type Map

I got a theme showing different types of buildings. I considered the match of building types and golf course. I was interested in institutional building type because golf course and institutional buildings are both sort of public space. Using "Reclassify" and "Find distance" I made theme showing distance from institutional Building  

Noise Map

There are two types of noises. one is point type noise such as from subway station, the other is linear type noise like from railraod, street. After making each theme by noise type, I got noise influenced area themes using "Find distance" and combined two themes with "Map calculate". but I didn't consider value of noise - decibel.




Score Map & Alternative Golf Course

 Score Map

I gathered many themes and adjusted them to 4 factor map. With these 4 factor maps, I created my score map using "Map calculate" and "Reclassify". When I used "Map calculate", I gave different value to each factor. I thought topo-slope was most important (so I multiply 3 times), accessibility is next (2 times). My calculation is as below


+(noise)+(closeness of institute)

After calculation, I reclassified to 5 gredient, best to worst

 Alternative site for Miniature golf course

Considering the color of score map, I picked 3 alternative golf course in Mill creek. These site can be good place considered accessibility, slope, away from noise amd being become to surroundings