
Observe, Describe the Environment

A True Life in the Neighborhood

Transform, Represent the Surroungings

Create a Miniature Golf Course and a Community Park



Story of a Squirrel

 One day, a baby squirrel made his decision. He wanted to leave his home which was located at a garden."I want to roam through outside world alone. I am mature enough to visit the strange place."  
 When he climbed the on the wall, he saw several teenagers were drawing some thing on the wall. "A colorful wall."  
 He discovered a vacant lot, which was full of weeds. He ran into weeds. "Just like a maze" He found a red button. "What a wonderful thing. It’s a present for me."
And then he found a baseball. a discarded bike and a broken chair…He just climbed up and down." I like here. A interesting place."
 There was a vacant house just beside the lot. "I wonder to visit human’ house for a long time. "He ran into the house from the broken window quietly. It’s dark and quite. He couldn’t see anything and leaving disappointedly.  
 Walking at the sidewalk, he enjoyed the flowers, which came into bloom.  
 "What’s that?" A large red structure appeared to his face. A noisy voice came from far away. "My dad has told me-subway. It can run fast. Maybe next time. I can travel by lt."At the pleasure travel. He saw many things he had never seen before. "I really grow up now. I have such a good experience…"  
Suddenly, a big dog was barking and running toward him. He ran fast and got into a hole on the ground. And then He was falling from the entrance of the hole and jumped into running water. A stink water."I guess this is a sewer.  
 Dad has told me. It was a beautiful river long time ago."He can’t swim and just relax himself and rolled down by water. After a long time, he saw a light from the front. He was flowed into a river.  
 "Help! Help me!" He shouted himself hoarse. A kindly pigeon who was in the treetop bore him on the shoulder and flew for a short time."That’s my home. Just beside the high-rise.  
 I live in the garden. "Next time I want to run a risk again. It’s really an interesting world. I have a story to tell my sister now."

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