Mill Creek Project

1529 S. 30th st.

Hi, my name is Keisha Bernhardt, and my class has been selected to develop urban water in the Mill Creek neighborhood. The first site is 47th and Aspen Street. There is a serious problem with flooding at that intersection which at times can cause the raw sewage to back up into the north and south lunchrooms of the Sulzberger Middle School after a rain storm. The reason why we call Mill Creek "Mill Creek" is because there was a Mill built over the creek.

This is in the area of the Empowerment zone. This is an organization that helps some Philadelphia neighborhoods be restored. They are out to restore old homes, not build new ones. We are going to design a water garden and a place for water play as well as outdoor classrooms for Sulzberger Middle School.

I think the water park should have benches, water fountains, and picnic tables. We need to plant some flowers and more grass, and build a brick walkway. It should be a play area for children, and maybe have a big fountain in the middle, and under it, a stone with some history about Mill Creek. We should paint the gates and poles, and put out some trash cans, and recycling cans. We should also re-do the pool.

What I personally want to see happen in the Mill Creek neighborhood in the next 25 years are a golf course and community park, about two pools, a recreation center with a drill team, and a camp. I want to see new houses, more stores, more activity for children. Maybe we will even see the "Water Park" that the students of section 281 of Sulzberger Middle School have put together.

"There should be a play area for children and maybe a big fountain in the middle. Under the fountain will be a stone with some history about Mill Creek."