Mill Creek Ideas and History

4017 Green St.

I am Robert Walker of section 281. There is a problem with flooding at my school. The rain floods the north and south lunchroom. Sometimes the gym floods too. We can not go to gym when the floor is wet. We need a place where we can use that water for something useful. I suggest a water garden.

Here is an example of how it would look. There will be a gate on the outside. do not try to climb up it because there will be barbwire ontop. On the inside, there will be a brick path coming from all four sides with a variety of flowers like roses, dandelions and carnations. In the middle there will be a fountain in the garden. There will also be some sprinklers. We also have something for the kids in the community. For example, if it is a hot day and the child is nowhere near the pool, he can just go into the garden and cool off.

We also learned about the past. Indians lived in America two thousand years ago. That is when the Indians had a path. The path was located on Lancaster Avenue. The Penn students told us about how the Indians used that path to get around. They showed us pictures of how Lancaster Avenue was in the 1900's and how it is now. Now we use it. They also showed us pictures of how the creek was on land and how it is underneath today.

"On the inside there will be a brick path coming from all four sides with a variety of flowers like roses, dandelions, and carnations."