Wooden Jr.
Eating Area

Hi. My name is Douglas S. Wooden Jr. The Mill Creek has caused alot of bad problems in the West Philadelphia area. The area has empty lots and is infested with rodents and water insects. The Mill Creek sewer has caused the Sulzberger Middle School lunch room to flood. There was also cave ins in the late 1950's and early 1960's. There were floods in homes because they put the creek in a small piping system.

That is why I made a plan to use the over flowing rainwater in interesting ways at eating areas in the West Philadelphia area. I will use the over flowing rainwater in fountains. Each eating area will have at least one fountain. There will be many fountains at areas that have alot of overflow. The area will have about twelve cement tables.

Hopefully in the future, this plan will happen and people might take pride in their community instead of writing all over the buildings.

"I will use vthe overflowing rainwater in fountains. Each eating area will have at least one fountain."