Solutions to Dot Product Exercises
- You can't prove that the dot product is associative because
doesn't make
sense: either way you evaluate it, you should have to take the dot
product of a vector and a scalar, which is impossible.
- (1,2,3) · (4,5,6) = 4 + 10 + 18 = 32.
- The dot product of two unit vectors separated by an
angle of 60 degrees would be the cosine of 60 = 1/2.
- .
- (0,0,0) is orthogonal to (1,2,3), and so is (1,1,-1). In general,
any vector (x,y,z) with x + 2y + 3z = 0 will be orthogonal to (1,2,3).
- Projection is additive because the dot product is additive; i.e.,
- The angle between (0,4,-6) and (3,0,-2) is
cos-1 (6/13).
- The projection of (1,2,3) onto (4,4,4) is ( 8 sqrt(3), 8 sqrt(3), 8 sqrt(3) ).
- The work done against the force (0,0,-30) by moving
an object from (1,1,1) to (-10,3,7) is (0,0,-30) · (-11,2,6) =
- The Cauchy-Bernard-Schwartz inequality follows from the fact that
cosine is always less than 1.
- The triangle inequality can be geometrically interpreted to mean
that the length of one side of a triangle is always less than the sum
of the lengths of the other two sides.
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Last modified 1 July 1997