; See if the input starts with a given symbol.
(define (match-symbol input pattern)
(cond ((null? (remain input)) #f)
((eqv? (car (remain input)) pattern) (r-cdr input))
(else #f)))
; Allow the input to start with one of a list of patterns.
(define (match-or input pattern)
(cond ((null? pattern) #f)
((match-pattern input (car pattern)))
(else (match-or input (cdr pattern)))))
; Allow a sequence of patterns.
(define (match-seq input pattern)
(if (null? pattern)
(let ((match (match-pattern input (car pattern))))
(if match (match-seq match (cdr pattern)) #f))))
; Match with the pattern but no problem if it does not match.
(define (match-opt input pattern)
(let ((match (match-pattern input (car pattern))))
(if match match input)))
; Match anything (other than '()), until pattern is found. The rather
; clumsy form of requiring an ending pattern is needed to decide where
; the end of the match is. If none is given, this will match the rest
; of the sentence.
(define (match-any input pattern)
(cond ((null? (remain input)) #f)
((null? pattern) (f-cons (remain input) (clear-remain input)))
(let ((accum-any (collector)))
(define (match-pattern-any input pattern)
(cond ((null? (remain input)) #f)
(else (accum-any (car (remain input)))
(cond ((match-pattern (r-cdr input) pattern))
(else (match-pattern-any (r-cdr input) pattern))))))
(let ((retval (match-pattern-any input (car pattern))))
(if retval
(f-cons (accum-any) retval)