## zstatus Invocation :zstatus -c bpchen -i status ZStatus will ask you for your sleep-dep, angst, stress, and hosage, and then display a bunch of progress bars documenting your responses. (You can easily change these status labels at the top of the script.) Enter integers between 0 and zstatus:max (default 10) inclusive. You can also invoke as :zstatus This sends to the class specified by zstatus:class (default $ENV{USER}) and the instance specified by zstatus:instance (default 'zstatus'). **NOTE**: specifying only one of class or instance will NOT cause the other to default to the appropriate one of these variables. If you'd like the status bar to use 256 colors: :zstatus --g2r256 -c bpchen -i status If you'd like the status bar to color the characters in each bar separately: :zstatus --gradient -c bpchen -i status Combined: :zstatus --g2r256 --gradient -c bpchen -i status (Note that the position and order of these options is currently crucial. You must specify them in that order, and before any of the normal zwrite options. Sorry, writing argument parsers is hard.) (zstatus also supports the other color schemes that zbars supports, but the default and the one introduced above should be the ones with the most suitable connotations.) ## zbars Invocation Similar: :zbars -c bpchen -i status This prompts you for a semicolon-separated list of status bar items. Each status bar item has a label followed by an equals sign and then a number. The number can be a normal nonnegative integer or a fraction like `7/8`. For example, if you type `foo=8;bar=3`, you'll get two status bars, one labeled "foo" with 8 squares filled and one labeled "bar" with 3 squares filled, both with the default status bar size (10, if you haven't modified the script). If you instead if you enter `foo=8;bar=3/16`, then bar's progress bar size will be 16 squares, so it will have 3 out of 16 squares full. Specifying different color schemes: :zbars --r2g -c bpchen -i status :zbars --rainbow -c bpchen -i status :zbars --g2r256 -c bpchen -i status :zbars --r2g256 -c bpchen -i status :zbars --rainbow256 -c bpchen -i status `--rbw` and `--rbw256` are short for `--rainbow` and `--rainbow256`, respectively. Putting `--gradient` after the color scheme option, or as the first option if you're not specifying a color scheme, also works. ## Configuration zstatus is configurable through many BarnOwl variables. `zstatus:max` (default: 10) The default length of bars of denominator of stats, if unspecified. `zstatus:class` (default: `$ENV{USER}`) The class that zstatus sends messages to if not provided with zwrite arguments. `zstatus:instance` (default: 'zstatus') The instance that zstatus sends messages to if not provided with zwrite arguments. `zstatus:header` (default: '[Zephyr status dashboard]') Header for zstatus zephyrs. `zstatus:gradient` (default: off) Whether zstatus uses a gradient by default. `zstatus:char` (default: '█') `zstatus:prefix` (default: '[') `zstatus:suffix` (default: ']') `zstatus:overflow` (default: '▒') Characters used to draw status bars. ## Other improvements The script safeguards against bars that go over the denominator by a ridiculous amount.