# This somehow goes in ~/.owl/modules/ZStatus/lib/BarnOwl/Module. # Run :reload-module ZStatus after hacking. # Don't be a dumb typo-maker like me and run :reload-modules and get confused. use warnings; use strict; use utf8; =head1 NAME BarnOwl::Module::ZStatus =head1 DESCRIPTION I didn't write this. --? Me neither. --bpchen (2015/10/12--15) (hacked together from https://github.com/nelhage/barnowl-zstatus aka http://web.mit.edu/nelhage/Public/BarnOwl/ZStatus.par) =cut package BarnOwl::Module::ZStatus; use POSIX; our $VERSION =; # I don't actually know what this does *shrugs* # default stat names that you're asked for my @defaultqueries = ('Sleep-dep', 'Angst', 'Stress', 'Hosage'); # default stat names that are zephyred next to the bars # (it's your responsibility to make them the same length for alignment) my @defaultlabels = ('sleepdep', ' angst', ' stress', ' hosage'); my $default_instance = 'zstatus'; my $default_max = 10; # status components {{{ my $default_header = '[Zephyr status dashboard]'; my $default_char = '█'; my $default_prefix = '['; my $default_suffix = ']'; my $default_overflow= '▒'; my $barlimitchar = '∞'; my $limit = 128; # }}} # color schemes {{{ my @greentored = qw(green yellow red); my @redtogreen = reverse @greentored; my @rainbow = qw(red yellow green cyan blue magenta); my @greentored256 = qw(46 82 118 154 190 226 220 214 208 202 196); my @redtogreen256 = reverse @greentored256; my @rainbow256 = qw(196 202 208 214 220 226 190 154 118 82 46 47 48 49 50 51 45 39 33 27 21 57 93 129 165 201 200 199 198 197); my %schemehash = ( '--g2r' => \@greentored, '--r2g' => \@redtogreen, '--good' => \@redtogreen, '--rainbow' => \@rainbow, '--rbw' => \@rainbow, '--g2r256' => \@greentored256, '--r2g256' => \@redtogreen256, '--rainbow256' => \@rainbow256, '--rbw256' => \@rainbow256, ); my $defaultscheme = \@greentored; # }}} # string-handling utilities: trim, parse_slash {{{ sub trim { $_ = shift; s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; return $_; } sub parse_slash { $_ = shift; if (m(/)) { return split '/', $_, 2; } else { return ($_, BarnOwl::getvar('zstatus:max')); } } # }}} # formatting, bar-coloring utilities {{{ sub get_header { my $message = BarnOwl::getvar('zstatus:header'); if ($message eq '') { return ''; } else { return "$message\n"; } } sub colorize { $_ = shift; s/@/@@/g; my $frac = shift; my $scheme = shift; my $index = ceil($frac * @$scheme) - 1; if ($index < 0) { $index = 0; } if ($index > $#$scheme) { $index = $#$scheme; } my $color = $scheme->[$index]; if (!/\}/) { return '@{@color{' . $color . "}$_}"; } elsif (!/>/) { return '@<@color<' . $color . ">$_>"; } elsif (!/\]/) { return '@[@color[' . $color . "]$_]"; } else { # give up return '@(@color(' . $color . ")$_)"; } } sub make_gradient { my $char = shift; my $num = shift; my $maxnum = shift; my $scheme = shift; my $ret = ''; for (1..$num) { $ret .= colorize($char, $_/$maxnum, $scheme); } return $ret; } sub format_bar { my ($label, $num, $maxnum, $scheme, $gradient) = @_; if (!defined($scheme)) { $scheme = $defaultscheme; } my $frac = $maxnum == 0 ? 0.5 : $num / $maxnum; my $dnum = $num; my $bar = "$label " . BarnOwl::getvar('zstatus:prefix'); my $baroverflowchar = BarnOwl::getvar('zstatus:overflow'); if ($baroverflowchar eq '') { $baroverflowchar = $default_overflow; } else { $baroverflowchar = substr($baroverflowchar, 0, 1); } if ($num < 0) { # Weird overflow condition that should not happen if you use this like # a normal person. # But you can't help that. We're all mad here. $frac = 0; if ($num < -length($bar)) { $bar = colorize($barlimitchar . ($baroverflowchar x (length($bar)-1)), $frac, $scheme); } else { # perl is so weird that you can do this substr($bar, length($bar) + $num) = colorize($baroverflowchar x -$num, $frac, $scheme); } $num = 0; } my $suffix = BarnOwl::getvar('zstatus:suffix'); if ($num > $maxnum) { # Weird overflow condition part deux. $frac = 1; my $excess = $num - $maxnum; if ($excess > $limit) { $suffix = colorize($baroverflowchar x $limit . $barlimitchar, $frac, $scheme); } else { substr($suffix, 0, $excess) = colorize($baroverflowchar x $excess, $frac, $scheme); } $num = $maxnum; } # by the time we get here we should have 0 <= $num <= $maxnum my $barchar = BarnOwl::getvar('zstatus:char'); if ($barchar eq '') { $barchar = $default_char; } else { $barchar = substr($barchar, 0, 1); } if ($gradient) { $bar .= make_gradient($barchar, $num, $maxnum, $scheme) . " " x ($maxnum - $num); } else { $bar .= colorize(($barchar x $num) . (" " x ($maxnum - $num)), $frac, $scheme); } $bar .= $suffix; $bar .= colorize(" ($dnum/$maxnum)", $frac, $scheme); $bar .= "\n"; return $bar; } # }}} # utility for passing arguments to zwrite {{{ sub pack_or_default_args { if (@_) { return (BarnOwl::quote(@_), ''); } else { my $args = BarnOwl::quote( '-c', BarnOwl::getvar('zstatus:class'), '-i', BarnOwl::getvar('zstatus:instance') ); return ($args, "(Assuming $args)\n"); } } # }}} # cmd_zstatus and helper {{{ sub cmd_zstatus { my $cmd = shift; my $scheme = $defaultscheme; my $gradient = (BarnOwl::getvar('zstatus:gradient') eq 'on'); if ($schemehash{$_[0]}) { $scheme = $schemehash{$_[0]}; shift; } if ($_[0] eq '--grad' || $_[0] eq '--gradient') { $gradient = 1; shift; } if ($_[0] eq '--no-grad' || $_[0] eq '--no-gradient') { $gradient = ''; shift; } my ($args, $msg) = pack_or_default_args(@_); query_and_write($msg, \@defaultqueries, \@defaultlabels, 0, $scheme, $gradient, $args); } sub query_and_write { my $msg = shift; my $queries = shift; my $labels = shift; my $curindex = shift; my $scheme = shift; my $gradient = shift; if ($curindex < @$queries) { my @pass = @_; my $maxnum = BarnOwl::getvar('zstatus:max'); BarnOwl::start_question("$msg$queries->[$curindex] [0-$maxnum]? ", sub { query_and_write($msg, $queries, $labels, $curindex + 1, $scheme, $gradient, @pass, @_); } ); } else { my $args = shift; my $message = get_header(); foreach (0..$#_) { $message .= format_bar($labels->[$_], parse_slash(trim($_[$_])), $scheme, $gradient); } BarnOwl::zephyr_zwrite($args, $message); } } # }}} # cmd_zbars and helper {{{ sub cmd_zbars { my $cmd = shift; my $scheme = $defaultscheme; my $gradient = (BarnOwl::getvar('zstatus:gradient') eq 'on'); if ($schemehash{$_[0]}) { $scheme = $schemehash{$_[0]}; shift; } if ($_[0] eq '--gg') { $scheme = \@redtogreen; $gradient = 1; shift; } elsif ($schemehash{$_[0]}) { $scheme = $schemehash{$_[0]}; shift; } if ($_[0] eq '--grad' || $_[0] eq '--gradient') { $gradient = 1; shift; } if ($_[0] eq '--no-grad' || $_[0] eq '--no-gradient') { $gradient = ''; shift; } my ($args, $msg) = pack_or_default_args(@_); BarnOwl::start_question("${msg}foo=1;bar=2/3;..? ", sub {got_data($args, @_, $scheme, $gradient)}); } sub got_data { my ($args, $data, $scheme, $gradient) = @_; my $message = get_header(); my @bars = split(/;/,$data); my $padlen = 8; for (@bars) { next unless /=/; my $taglen = length((split('=', $_, 2))[0]); # perl doesn't have built-in max?? :( if ($padlen < $taglen) { $padlen = $taglen; } } for (@bars) { next unless /=/; my ($tag, $val) = split('=', $_, 2); my $tag = trim($tag); my ($num, $maxnum) = parse_slash(trim($val)); $message .= format_bar(sprintf("%${padlen}s",$tag), $num, $maxnum, $scheme, $gradient); } BarnOwl::zephyr_zwrite($args, $message); } # }}} # hooking into BarnOwl {{{ # declaring BarnOwl variables {{{ BarnOwl::new_variable_string('zstatus:class', { default => $ENV{USER}, # ??? copied from Twitter module summary => "Default class that zstatus sends messages to", description => "Default class that zstatus sends messages to" }); BarnOwl::new_variable_string('zstatus:instance', { default => $default_instance, summary => "Default instance that zstatus sends messages to", description => "Default instance that zstatus sends messages to" }); BarnOwl::new_variable_string('zstatus:header', { default => $default_header, summary => "Header for zstatus zephyrs", description => "Header for zstatus zephyrs" }); BarnOwl::new_variable_string('zstatus:char', { default => $default_char, summary => "Character for filling zstatus bars", description => "Character for filling zstatus bars" }); BarnOwl::new_variable_string('zstatus:prefix', { default => $default_prefix, summary => "String at start of zstatus bars", description => "String at start of zstatus bars" }); BarnOwl::new_variable_string('zstatus:suffix', { default => $default_suffix, summary => "String at end of zstatus bars", description => "String at end of zstatus bars" }); BarnOwl::new_variable_string('zstatus:overflow', { default => $default_overflow, summary => "Character for over/underflowing status bars", description => "Character for over/underflowing status bars" }); BarnOwl::new_variable_int('zstatus:max', { default => $default_max, summary => "Default length of bars or denominator of stats", description => "Default length of bars or denominator of stats" }); BarnOwl::new_variable_bool('zstatus:gradient', { default => 'off', summary => "Whether zstatus uses a gradient by default", description => "Whether zstatus uses a gradient by default" }); sub reset_format_variables { BarnOwl::set('zstatus:header', $default_header); BarnOwl::set('zstatus:char', $default_char); BarnOwl::set('zstatus:prefix', $default_prefix); BarnOwl::set('zstatus:suffix', $default_suffix); BarnOwl::set('zstatus:overflow', $default_overflow); BarnOwl::set('zstatus:gradient', 'off'); } sub reset_zephyr_variables { BarnOwl::set('zstatus:class', $ENV{USER}); BarnOwl::set('zstatus:instance', $default_instance); } sub reset_variables { reset_format_variables(); reset_zephyr_variables(); BarnOwl::set('zstatus:max', 10); } # }}} # declaring BarnOwl commands {{{ BarnOwl::new_command(zstatus => \&cmd_zstatus, { summary => "Zephyr a personal status dashboard", usage => "zstatus [--g2r256|...] [--gradient] [zephyr command-line]", description => "Asks you questions about your status, and zephyrs the \n" . "result as a colored set of ASCII statusbars to the specified destination\n\n" . "Use with a zephyr command line, e.g. :zstatus -c nelhage -i status" }); BarnOwl::new_command(zbars => \&cmd_zbars, { summary => "Zephyr an arbitrary personal status dashboard", usage => "zbars [--r2g|--rainbow|--g2r256|...] [--gradient] [zephyr command-line]", }); BarnOwl::new_command('zstatus:reset-format' => \&reset_format_variables, { summary => "Reset zstatus variables related to formatting", description => "Reset zstatus variables related to formatting", usage => "zstatus:reset-format", }); BarnOwl::new_command('zstatus:reset-zephyr' => \&reset_zephyr_variables, { summary => "Reset where zstatus sends zephyrs by default", description => "Reset where zstatus sends zephyrs by default", usage => "zstatus:reset-zephyr", }); BarnOwl::new_command('zstatus:reset' => \&reset_variables, { summary => "Reset all zstatus variables", description => "Reset all zstatus variables", usage => "zstatus:reset", }); # }}} # }}} 1; # vim:set fdm=marker: