import tools.wrapper as w import argparse class CallState: def __init__(self, machine, addr): self.ra = machine.getRegister(1) self.sp = machine.getRegister(2) self.saved_registers = [machine.getRegister(i) for i in [8, 9, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27]] self.pc = machine.getPC self.addr = addr # address of the called function or the return address def check_cc(call_state, return_state): """Given the state of registers when a function was called and when the function is returned from, validate the RISC-V calling convention and return a list of lines to print to report errors.""" error_lines = [] if call_state.sp != return_state.sp: if call_state.sp < return_state.sp: error_lines.append("WARNING: The stack pointer increased (moved downwards) during a call to 0x{:x}".format(call_state.addr)) else: error_lines.append("WARNING: The stack pointer decreased (moved upwards) during a call to 0x{:x}".format(call_state.addr)) error_lines.append(" Check that you correctly decreased and restored the sp register.") if return_state.ra != call_state.pc + 4: error_lines.append("WARNING: The code is returning to an address (0x{:x}) different from the address of the instruction after it was called (0x{:x})".format(return_state.ra, call_state.pc + 4)) error_lines.append(" Check that you are correctly storing and restoring the ra register.") if call_state.saved_registers != return_state.saved_registers: changes = [(i, v1, v2) for i, (v1, v2) in enumerate(zip(call_state.saved_registers, return_state.saved_registers)) if v1 != v2] changed_registers = ", ".join("s{}".format(i) for i, _1, _2 in changes) if len(changes) == 1: error_lines.append("WARNING: The value of saved register {} was not preserved during a call to 0x{:x}".format(changed_registers, call_state.addr)) else: error_lines.append("WARNING: The values of saved registers {} were not preserved during a call to 0x{:x}".format(changed_registers, call_state.addr)) for i, v1, v2 in changes: error_lines.append(" s{}: {} -> {}".format(i, v1, v2)) error_lines.append(" Check that you are correctly storing and restoring saved registers.") return error_lines # function to monkey patch with import tools.Riscv as Riscv def execute_wrapper(orig_execute): call_states = [] total_error_lines = [0] # hack for mutability def execute(self): error_lines = [] if self.opcode == Riscv.opcode_STORE: addr = self.getRegister(self.rs1) + self.simm12 if addr < 0x100: # just a heuristic guess error_lines.append("WARNING: The code is storing to the low address 0x{:x}".format(addr)) error_lines.append(" The address contains code instead of data, which you should not be modifying.") elif call_states and addr <= 0x10000 and addr >= call_states[-1].sp: error_lines.append("WARNING: The code is storing to the stack address 0x{:x},".format(addr)) error_lines.append(" which is above where the stack pointer was when the most recent function was called.") error_lines.append(" You may be modifying space allocated by a different function on the stack.") elif self.opcode == Riscv.opcode_JAL: newPC = self.getPC + self.jimm20 if self.rd == 1: call_states.append(CallState(self, newPC)) elif self.opcode == Riscv.opcode_JALR: newPC = self.getRegister(self.rs1) + self.oimm12 if self.rs1 == 1 and self.oimm12 == 0: # return if call_states: error_lines.extend(check_cc(call_states.pop(), CallState(self, newPC))) else: error_lines.append("WARNING: The code is returning more times than functions have been called.") if total_error_lines[0] < 50: for line in error_lines: print("[PC = 0x{:04x}] {}".format(self.getPC, line)) total_error_lines[0] += len(error_lines) if total_error_lines[0] >= 50: print("Too many errors, debugging output truncated") orig_execute(self) return execute Riscv.RVMachine.execute = execute_wrapper(Riscv.RVMachine.execute) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run the program on a simulated RISC-V machine.') parser.add_argument("program_name", nargs="?", type=str, default="", help='Program name. There should exist a corresponding .vmh file.') parser.add_argument("test_number", nargs="?", type=int, default=0, help='Test number, from 1 to 5.') parser.add_argument("--auto", action="store_true", help='AUTOGRADER use only') args = parser.parse_args() w.setAuto( w.loadHex(args.program_name + ".vmh") w.loadArg(args.test_number) print(w.showStats())