Dehn invariant zero tetrahedra
A comprehensive list of currently-known tetrahedral families with Dehn invariant zero. This is the result of a UROP conducted with Prof. Bjorn Poonen and Kimi Sun.
Math & AI @ MIT
I'm an MEng student at MIT LIDS, advised by Prof. Marzyeh Ghassemi.
I previously completed my undergrad in 2024 from MIT as well, where I doubled in Math (18) and AI (6-4).
Very broadly speaking, I am passionate about the intersection of theory and computation. My thesis centers on developing robust deep learning models - using theoretical insights to address and mitigate the impact of noisy data, with applications in healthcare diagnostics. I work to establish theoretical guarantees and empirical probing methods for robustness to noisy labels.
I am also interested in applying algorithmic and machine learning tools to uncover patterns in number theory. This includes converting theoretical results to efficient algorithms, and thinking about which architectures capture the correct "symmetry" in mathematical data (e.g., equivariant learning).
I am involved with Algeria's national mathematics olympiads, and I also previously served as problem staff at HMMT.
Here's my CV if you would like to have a look at it. A list of classes can be found here, while a list of projects can be found below.
The following are some resources I've written up over time.
A comprehensive list of currently-known tetrahedral families with Dehn invariant zero. This is the result of a UROP conducted with Prof. Bjorn Poonen and Kimi Sun.
In this group project, we analyzed the memory usage (in bits) needed to maintain an adversarially-resistant bloom filter, where resilience is defined in terms of a security game. We improved known lower bounds to get near-optimal memory usage in sublinear cases.
Notes on the discrete logarithm problem, particularly motivated by the Diffie-Hellman exchange protocol in cryptography. This was written as a final paper for 18.704 - Seminar in Algebra.
Notes on arithmetic functions and Dirichlet convolutions, particularly aimed towards motivating the latter as well as demysifying the Möbius inversion. I wrote this as undergraduate assistant for the Spring 2022 offering of 18.781 (MIT's elementary number theory class), taught by Prof. Ju-Lee Kim. I wrote these because I found that most textbooks' treatments of the subject to be relatively unmotivated and/or confusing. I had struggled for years with fully grasping what Möbius inversion was really about, and so I hoped that this would help students avoid the issue.
Notes from 18.112 on the modern proof of the prime number theorem, along with some elementary consequences of the theorem.
Elementary point-set topology notes in Andrew Lin's LaTeX package.
This is frankly just a prone-to-error summary of important formulae and definitions that I spiced up by including as much analysis as I could.
The following are some practical projects I've done over time, loosely organized by topic, along with a short description. Research projects are listed on my CV.