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The forms given in this vocabulary conform generally with the spelling conventions of Modern Welsh. Some variations should be noted:
  1. Long vowels in monosyllables are circumflexed. In Modern Welsh the circumflex is used only to distinguish between words which look the same.
  2. Monosyllablic nouns which now would end in -n are given in the old spelling with double -nn (e.g. penn, llann, for modern pen, llan).
  3. An acute accent is used to show a stress that does not fall on the penultimate syllable (e.g. pahám).
  4. [For words with the diphthong WY, consult Appendix D to distinguish the rising and falling diphthongs.]
a (1a)and
a (1b)with
a (1c)as (with equative)
a (2a)who, which, that
a (2b)preverbal particle(Chapter 7)
a (3)O! (vocative particle)
a (4)interrogative particle
a (5)goes (@ af)
ac= a (1) before vowels
achaws, achoscause, reason#L occasio
adeilad (pl. -eu)building
adwaen, adnabodknow, recognise(Chapter 10, GMW 148)
âf, mynedgo(Chapter 12, GMW 132)
aforytomorrow, next daybore morning
am (amdan-)about, around, on
amgenother, different
anfonaf, anfonsend
angeudeathGk ananke, L nec-
angloddisgrace, satireclod fame, Gk kleos, L inclutus
annwyd (f.)naturean + nwyd (L natus)
anrydeddrank, honour
ansawddstatus, conditionan + IE sta 'stand'
ansyberwydboorishness#L superbus 'proud'
anwybod@ gwnn
ar (arn-)on
arallotherL alius, Gk allos, allelos
archaf, erchiask, begIE prk, L preco
   cyfarchaf wellgreet
arddurnornament, show#L adorno
arfeuarms, weapons#L arma
arglwyddlordar + w-l (L volo, E will)
   arglwyddes (f.)lady
   arglwyddiaeth (f.)lordship
atebaf, ateb@ heb
atfydd@ wyf
attaliaf, attalrestrain, preventat + dal hold, cf. cynnal
attygaf, attwyn@ dygaf
bêth@ peth
beunydd@ dydd
beunoeth@ nos
blaenfront, spur, promontory
blwyddyn (f.)year
bogelboss of a shieldF boucle, E buckle
boneddigaeddnoble, graciousbôn root, stock
breicharmL bracchium
breninkingcf. tribe "Brigantes"
   brenhines (f.)queen
bwrdd (pl. borddeu)tableE board
bwriaf, bwrwthrow
bwyd@ bywiaf
byd@ bywiaf
bynnag-ever, -soever
bywiaf, bywlive, aliveIE gwhei, L vivo, Gk bios
   bwydfoodL victus, E victuals
   bydlife, worldL vita
cablaf, cablublame, revile? L calumn-
   cadarnháf, cadarnháustrengthen
cadwaf, cadwkeep
câf/caffaf, cael/caffaelget, obtain, hold
camwrong, crookedE cam, game, Gk kampe
canaf, canusing, soundL cano
   datganafdisclose, announce
canís, canídsince . . . not
canlynaf, canlynfollowcan + glynu stick (E glue)
cann/canthundredL centum
cantref@ cann
canyssince, for
caraf, caruloveL carus
   cerennyddfriendship, goodwill
carwdeerL cervus
ceisaf, ceisawseek, look for
cerdd (pl. cerddeu)art, music, poetryGk kerdos
cerddaf, cerddedwalk, run, go afoot
cerennydd@ caraf
(pl. cwn)dogL canis, Gk kun-, corgi dwarf dog
   ei gilyddone another(reciprocal pronoun)
claerwyn@ gwyn
cleddyf (pl. cleddyfeu)swordL gladius, E (Scots) claymore
clust (pl. clusteu)earIE klew, Gk klutos
clywaf, clywed/clybodhearL inclutus
côch (pl. cochion)red#L coccum, E cochineal
coedforest, woodcf. -cetum in Gallic placenames
corffbody#L corpus
cornhornL cornu
cychwynnaf, cychwynrise up, startcyn + chwyn (L scand-)
cydymdeithcompanion,cyd + ym + teith journey
    (pl. cydymdeithon) fellow traveller
   cydymdeithascompany, allegiance
cyfanneddabode, dwellingcyd + an + sed (L sed- 'sit')
cyfarchaf@ archaf
cyfarwyddsign, tokencyf + ar + wydd (L vid-)
cyfeddach (f.)revelry, carousingcyf + ed (L ed- 'eat')
cyfeirplace, spot, direction
cyferbyn@ penn
cyfodaf, cyfodirise
cyfoethwealth, esp. realm, kingdomcyf + okt (Gk kta, E get)
cyfrancencounter, storycyf + rhanc meeting
cyfrywof such a kindcyf + rhyw kind
cyffesconfession#L confessio
cymeintso much, so greatcym + ma- (L magnus)
cymeraf, cym(e)rydtakecym + bher (L fero, E bear)
cymmellaf, cymmellcompel, force#L compello
cynhaliaf, cynnaluphold, support
cynn (1)equally, as(forming equatives)
cynn (2) / cyntearly, before
cynn (3)although
   cynnydalthough not
cynnadlmeeting, tryst
cynnal@ cynhaliaf
cynt@ cynn (2)
cyrchaf, cyrchuapproach, go to
cysgaf, cysgusleep?#L quiesco
cystalas good as, likecynn + sta 'equal standing'
cyweirproper, prepared
cywirtrue, loyalwir true (L verus)
cwn@ ci
(yn) chwaethachnot to mention
daear (f.)world, earthGk Demeter, Poseidaon
datganaf@ canaf
dechreuaf, dechreubegin
delwshape, form, imageGk delo- 'show'
deu (f. dwy)two
   wylldeubothwy + oll + deu
deuaf, dyfodcome
dewreddbravery, toughnessL durus, E enduring
diarchenaf, diarchenuchange shoes, undress
diffleisloyal, unswervingdi + #L flex-
diffygaf, diffygiawfail, disappear#L deficio
digawnaf, digonibe able, sufficient
dihunaf, dihunaw@ hun
dilladclothes, bedclothes
dimanything, something
dioer!God knows!duw-a-wyr
diolwchthanksgolwch praise
diryfeddnatural, unsurprisingrhyfedd wonder
disymlnoble, courteoussyml simple, L simil-
diwallample, plenteousgwall fault, L vacu-
dosbarth@ parth
drosover, across, on behalf of
drychappearance, lookGk derk, drak, E dragon
   edrychaf, edrychlook, watchad + drych
duwgodL divus
dwy@ deu
dyblygfold#L duplic-
dydddayL dies
dygaf, dwynlead, bring, takeL duco
   attygaftake away, withdraw
dygyforgathering, musterdy + cyf + or, L orior 'rise'
dylyaf, dylyowe, be obliged, have a rightL debeo, Gk dei, E debt
   dylyed = dlyedright, obligation
dyn (pl. dynion) (c)man, human being
dyrnawdblowdwrn fist
dywedaf, dywedudsay, speakL verb-, Gk wepos, 'word'
edifarsorryIE ad + (s)mer, G Schmerz, L maereo
efhe, him, it
eilsecondL alios, Gk allos
eiroed, erioed@ oed
eiseulack, need#L exiguus
eisteddaf, eisteddsiteks-di-sed, E eisteddfod
eithafextreme, highest, lowest (superlative of eks)
eithrexcept#L extra
ellyngaf, ellwngunleash, let go
enw, enweunameGk -onym, L nomen
erbyn@ penn
erchlasdapple-greyerch (Gk perknos) + glas
erchwynedge, side (of a bed)ar + chwyn (L scand-)
erchwyspack of houndser + gwys trained (E wise)
erioed@ oed
eur, aurgold#L aurum
   eurlestrigold vessels+ llestri
   eurwisgcloth of gold+ gwisg
falas, like*hafal, L simul, Gk hama
ffurf (f.)form, shape#L forma
gadaf, gaduallow, let, leave
gafaelhold, graspcf. caffael
gallaf, gallube ableL callidus
galwaf, galwcall, summonGk kaleo, L clamo, E hail
geir (pl. geirieu)word
glûdsmooth, continual
gorddyfnaf, gorddyfnu become accustomed
gorffennaf@ penn
gormes (f.)oppressiongor + med- 'measure'
gorugdid (@ gwnaf)
gorweddaf, gorweddlie down
gosodaf, gosodstrike
gwaredaf, gwaredrescue, free, save, removegwa + rhed run (L rota 'wheel'), cf. L succurro
   gwareddawgsaviour, ally, submissive
gwâs (pl. gweison)fellow, servantvassal
gwastadlevel, continuousgwa + sta- 'low-lying'
gweddform, appearance
gwelaf, gweledseeL vultus 'face'
   ymweledsee, visit
gwelybedgw + IE legh 'lie'
gwêllbetterE well, Gk beltion
gwerescynconquer, overcomegwar + chwyn (L scand-)
gwerthworth, value
gwisgclothesL vestis
   gwiscaf, gwisgawclothe
gwlâd, (pl. gwledydd)landSlav vlast
   gwledychureign, govern
gwnn, gwybodknowIE gno- (Chapter 10, GMW 147)
gwnâf, gwneuthurdo, make(Chapter 11, GMW 130)
gwr, (pl. gwyr)manL vir
   gwrda"goodman", sir, retainer
   gwreig (pl. gwragedd)woman
   ungwrunique (man)
   claerwynshining white
gyrraf, gyrrudrive
   ymyrruengage in
hanbwyllaf,considerpwyll prudence
hannerhalfIE smteros
hanwyf@ wyf
harddfair, beautiful('lofty') L arduus
hawddeasyL suavis, Gk swad-
hawlaf, holiclaim
hêb (1)saysL in(se)quam
   atebaf, atebanswer
hêb (2)without, alongside
hebawg (pl. hebogeu)falcon#OE heafoc 'hawk'
hebryngaf, hebrwngbring, escort
hefydalsoIE sem-
heliaf, helahunt
helgi@ ci
heno@ nos
herwyddregardingwydd, L video, Gk wid-
hishe, her
holl@ oll
holltaf, holltisplit
hûn (1)sleepGk hupnos, L *suepnos
   dihunaf, dihunawwake
   hundy (hundyeu)bedroom+ ty house, L tectum
hun (2), hunanself
hwnn, honn, hynnthis(GMW 82)
hwnnw, honno, hynnythat(GMW 82)
hyd (1)length
hyd (2)until
hygar@ car
hynt (f.)pathL sentis
i (1) to
(2) I, me
iawnwell, fairGk ia- 'heal'
iarllsteward, earlNorse jarl
ieyes, true!
ieuanc (pl. ieueinc)young (man)L iuvenis
lladdaf, llâddkillL clades
llannerchclearingllann yard, enclosure, L planus
llathraf, llathrushine, be smooth
llaw (pl. dwylaw)hand, side
llawrfloor, groundpla-
llê (pl. lleoedd)placeIE legh 'lie'
llêf (pl. llefeu)voice, soundSkt lopati 'chatters'
   unllefthe same sound
llithiaf, llithiawfeed
lliw (pl. lliwieu)colourL lividus
llwydleibrownish grey
llwyddanusprosperous, profitableL lucrum
llwyngroveL lucus
llymalook (here), voici!yma
llynalook (there), voilayna
llys (f., pl. llysoedd)court
llywennydd@ llawen
macwyf (pl. macwyfeid)page, squire? mab son + L comes 'companion'
maesfield, plain
managaf, menegitell, relate
march (pl. meirch)horse, chargerE mare, marshall
mawrbig, greatL magnus
meddiantpower, possessionmed- 'enjoy'
meddyliaf, meddyliawthinkL meditor
meflblame, shame
milgi@ ci
milwraeth (f.)valourL miles 'soldier'
moes (f.)customL mos
môras(proclitic form, mawr)
mwymoreL maius, Gk meizon
mynnaf, mynnuwish, desireGc Minne
mynwglneckL monile 'neckband'
   i fynyddup
mywnin, inside
nêbanyone, someone
neillone (of two)-alio-
neithwyr@ nos
nesháf, nesháuapproach, draw nearnês nearer
neuadd/yneuadd (f., pl. -eu)hall
newyddnewL novus, Gk newos
nifer/ynifer (pl. -oedd)host, retinue#L numerus
nô, nôgthan
nôs (f.)nightL noct-, Gk nukt-
   beunoethevery night
   neithwyrlast night+ser, L serus 'late'
   trannoethnext daytra across
o (1) (ohon-)of, from
o (2), od, osif
oddyma@ yma
oedtime, date, trystL aetas, Gk aiwon
   eiroed, erioedever
ofnfearGk phobos, phobia
oi!exclamation of surprise or pain
ôltrack, traces
ôll, hôllall, wholeGk holo-
pawhat?IE kw-, L qu-
paladyrspear, shaft
palibrocade#F palis, paile
pannwhenIE kw-
parablspeech, utteranceparable, F parole
paraf, pericause, arrangeL para-
parthpart, direction#L part-
   dosbarthadministration, distribution
pawb, pôball, every, eachL quisque
pedrein (f.)quarter, haunchL quatr-
pêllfarIE kw- Gk tele-
pennheadIE kweptn-, L caput, Gc Haupt, placenames Pen-, Pembroke, Kinross
   erbynopposite, against
   gorffennaf, gorffenend
perfeddmiddle#L permedius
pêth (pl. petheu)thingcf. L quid
pôb@ pawb
prîfchief#L primus
profedigaethtesting, temptation#L proba-
prydface, appearance
prynaf, prynubuy, redeemGk pria-, porno-
pwywho?IE kw-
rhâgbefore, against, for fear of
rhîthlikeness, guise
rhoddaf, rhoddigive, place, putpro-da-
rhusiaf, rhusiawhinder
rhwng (rhyng-, rho-)between
rhyd (f.)fordGk rhe- 'flow', E diarrhea
rhyfelaf, rhyfeluwarpro-mel- 'move forward'
ryperfective particleL pro
sêfnamely (continuative particle)ys ef
seithsevenL septem
serchawlloving, amorousserch love, Gk sterg-
swyddawgofficerswydd office, #L sedes
talaf, talupayGk telos, Gc Zahl, E toll
talma while, a space
tarianshieldE targe, target
tawaf, tewibe silentL taceo
tebygaf, tebygusuppose, think
teilyngdawddignityteilwng worthy
terfynedigfinal, fatal#L terminus
teuluhousehold, familyty house + lu host (Gk laos, G Leute)
teyrnroyalcf. tribe "Tigernini"
tîr (pl. tiroedd)land, earthL terra
tlwsprecious, sweet; jewel?L dulcis
torraf, torribreakL torqueo 'twist'
trannoeth@ nos
treiglweithonce upon a timetreigl turn (E trolley) + gweith time
treulaf, treulawspend, use
trigiantstay, residence
trydyddthirdL tertius, Gk tritos
ufyddhumble, obedient#L oboedi-
ûnoneL unus
unben@ penn
ungwr@ gwr
unllef@ llef
unlliw@ lliw
wyf, bôdbe(Chapter 10, GMW 136)
   atfyddit is possible, perhaps
   hanwyfcome from, originate
   ymgyfarfodmeet one another(triple prefix!)
wylldeu@ deu
ymbiliaf, ymbilimplore
ymchwelaf,turnIE kwel 'turn', wheel
(i) ymdeithawayteith journey
ymddialaf, ymddialavenge oneself
ymddiddanaf,converse, amuse oneselfdi + don sorrow (L dolor)
ymgael@ cael
ymgollilose oneselfcolli lose
ymgyfarfod@ wyf
ymladdaf@ lladdaf
ymofynaf, ymofyninquiregofyn ask (go + myn-)
ymolchaf, ymolchiwash oneselfgolchi wash
ymorddiwesaf, ymorddiwes overtake
ymwarandawaf, ymwarandawlistengwar + an + taw silence (L taceo)
ymweled@ gweled
ymyrru@ gyrru
yn (1) in
(2) indirect relative(Chapter 8)
yneuadd@ neuadd
ynifer@ nifer
ynyuntil, so that
ystafell/stafell (f., pl. ystefyll)room, hall#L stabellum, E stable
ystlysside, edgeL *stlatus>latus, E later-

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All text copyright © 1996 by Gareth Morgan. Online layout copyright © 2001 by Daniel Morgan.