DRAFT Run log for 990119

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Major Events:

Characters represented by players at this run: Cailin, Cassandra, Celeste, Ilkandacian, Jean, Norton, Osric.

Fleeing From Gwen to Suhuy's Realm

The mob flees back out of a door in the wall surrounding the shadow. First Celeste, then Cailin, then Jean carrying an unconscious Ilk, then Cassandra and the Dzurlords, along with a bunch of folks from House Cara. They arrive distributed at different points near the center of a planetarium, with no obvious exits. People accumulate in the sphere and look for a way out. The planetarium is two sided, up and down. Walking feels like you're walking on something spongy, but no one is limited to walking in a horizontal plane, and sloping up or down does not feel like walking on a slope.

Cailin asks, "Tell me there's a way out of this." Cassandra and Celeste reply in unison, "There's a way out of this."

Celeste tries to figure out what is wrong with Ilk. No pulse, no heartbeat, no visible damage or internal organs, and a minimal amount of lifeforce. She gives up and trumps Ilk. The only one that she can find is in Primal Amber, sitting under a tree. Ilk asks Celeste to bide for a moment.

Ilk walks over to Suhuy, who is still picking a lock. "I've almost got it!" "I've got a way out." "Okay." Ilk places a hand on Suhuy's shoulder and asks Celeste to pull them through. Celeste discovers herself in trump contact with Suhuy's mind, and pulls them through quickly and drops the contact.

Celeste asks Ilk to find a way out from the sphere. Ilk is confused, given the lack of blocks or barriers, and they discuss the matter briefly. Suhuy joins in. "Why don't I just move everyone?" "If you would." Suhuy moves everyone. Everyone is in a nice dining hall with a parquet floor. There are trundle trays rolling around with food on them. Well, it looks like food to the Chaosians.

Cassandra picks something off one of the trays and starts petting it. She snaps at Cailin when he starts eating. Celeste grabs another and starts petting it, but claims that she is just examining it.

[You've met vegetables higher on the food chain than this one.]

Cailin continues eating. The taste of seemingly identical pieces of food vary, and some pieces are somewhat, but not completely, unlike tea.

The Ilk with a highly ordered stick looks at the unconscious Ilk. Ilk is extremely drained of power, practically empty. Ilk asks Suhuy for a power tap and starts recharging Ilk.

Celeste asks for leave from Suhuy, and then conjures some Amberite food for Cassandra. Jean is still happily chasing food across the floor.

A fairly large buffalo-ish hexapod wanders into the room and meeps. Darhyse bounds onto a table and launches herself at it. Cassandra orders Darhyse to stop. Celeste asks Suhuy who that is. "Food for that one."

Celeste and Suhuy discuss food and the noises that they make. "I like the ones that scream", says Jean as he runs by. The thing he is currently chasing looks like a cross between a large frog and a bagpipe.

Celeste heads away from Suhuy; Cassandra heads towards Suhuy. They pass in the middle, and Celeste tells Cassandra that the cow is for Darhyse. Cassandra tells Darhyse that the thing is her dinner. "Apparently the chase is part of the dinner." "Good; now it has a head start."

Ilk asks Suhuy for a way to contact his shadow before dumping Ilk there and is pointed towards the communications room. Ilk wanders off with Ilk bobbing along behind him, and tells Cassandra and Celeste that he'll be right back.

Celeste and Cassandra ignore the noises coming from the corner where Jean has cornered his dinner. Celeste conjures some high Darkoven food.

Ilk contacts Home. Home is fine. Smaller, but fine. Ilk leaves Ilk a note to check in when he recovers and shoves him through.

Life Mage Gone Wrong

The Celeste in the head of Norton on Grand Tour wanders over to the screaming guy chained to the wall, who proceeds to scream with even more horror. She casts a silence spell on him, is no longer able to hear his screaming, and is pleased. Norton doesn't notice any change.

A Coup in House Helgram is Discussed

Norton, Random, and a bunch of Jeans are handing towards Random's embassy. Norton shifts externally into Ilk to avoid overly confusing people.

Neville trumps Random, and is told that a representative of House Cara is present. Random pulls Neville through. Neville arrives with a member of the etiquette guild, two mages, and another person wearing House colors.

Neville and Ilk discuss the situation in Chaos. Neville claims to represent less than one hundred members of House Helgram that were not involved in the war and who have apparently been abandoned by their elders.

Ilk disclaims responsibility for the chaos storm in the middle of Helgram, blaming it on a misdirected attack on House Cara.

A peaceful resolution to the war is discussed.

The etiquette guild member mentions that is is possible for a branch of a House to officially take over and become the primary branch of that house. It involves a vote at a formal meeting of the council of Houses. The idea is discussed, and determined to be a good one. The etiquette guild member says that he'll have Mandor call the meeting, as he seems to be sufficiently removed from the problems. Neither Ilk nor Neville express any objections to Mandor. The Mandor inside Norton is asked for his commentary on the situation.

Swayville is Dead; Long Live Jean

Zorro has stopped talking, bowed in the direction of House Swayville, and started to walk off. Jean intercepts him. "Aren't you going to fight them?" "They're all dead." "What?" Jean climbs the walls and looks in. The house is filled with dead bodies. Some were strangled, some were knifed through the heart, and some were killed with a sword.

Jean picks up a piece of paper and carries it over to Zorro. "Can I have your autograph?" Zorro signs with a flourish. Jean decides to move into House Swayville, and starts exploring. Some of the brains are even fresh - fresh enough to bud into and fix the damage and get the memories.

In Suhuy's Realm

Dinner in Suhuy's place continues. Darhyse drops a chunk of the heart of her catch in front of Cassandra. Cassandra scritches her behind the ears. Darhyse asks for another playmate, and goes over to where Jean is finishing off a bagpipish-frog. She looks at him expectantly. Jean acquires another frog, winds it up. Jean and Darhyse play with the frog. Cassandra cooks and eats the offering from Darhyse.

Norton Acquires Hendrake

Norton, Ilk, and Jean chat in Random's place. They discuss the takeover of Helgram, the shifter and Logrus virus at House Cara, and Zorro's great skill.

Attempts are made to contact Cathryne to tell her and Jesby about the upcoming Council meeting. Trumping fails, so Jean is asked to relay the message.

Discussion of Jean's conquest of Swayville occurs. Jean has budded into a number of the bodies, and two of him are playing with the staff and ring of office.

Barca-Jean takes Random on a guided tour of Chaos.

Norton and Jean head to House Hendrake. There are no obvious wards present. However, there are two new knockers on the door bearing a likeness of Snarsht. Norton knocks, and the door opens. There is a cat horde visible, heaped up in the entry-way. "Hello? Anyone home?" There is a mew, and a cat comes up and rubs itself against Norton's leg. "Hello, kitty." As far as Norton can tell, it is the same cat that was with him in Amber.

The horde includes the House ring, which Norton pockets after checking with the cat. Most of it is shiny trash, but there are a number of shiny gems with spells racked on them. There is a beautiful sword that must have been dragged here through a huge dint of effort. It's not even sharp - it's just beautiful art. There are keys to the House records here, and keys to the dungeons, as well.

Norton notices that there is a small drop of pearl at the base of the cat's neck. It bears Snarsht's signature, and contains a message. "This was to be a gift to you from House Cara, so I kept it clean for you." Norton is pleased, but comments, "Snarsht lojacked my cat!"

When Jean explores Swayville's shadows, the people there accept him as their leader. Most of the shadows seem to be agrarian, except for a few that were making weapons. The shadows that were doing interesting things have been denuded of people.

"Hey, Mom! Got a second? I'm Swayville now!" "Congratulations! Do you want a party?" "Sure!" "I'm busy until the fifth - we could have it them." "Sure. How about at my place?" "I'll help with the decorating."

Norton goes to explore the archives, and wanders through the dungeons on his way. He chats with people in the dungeons as he walks. Many are Hellmaids gone awry; some are members of House Cara. The members of House Cara are released, and a member of the Bards Guild is sent for to fill them in on the happenings of the last few centuries. Some people from the Dancers Guild are found as well. Jean wants to release them; Ilk insists that they obtain Rainbow's permission first.

Jean can't find Rainbow, so he goes in search of the guild second, Silver Lyra. Her secretary tells Jean that she is very busy at the moment, and asks him to hold off until later. Jean offers his help if it is needed at any point.

A member of the etiquette guild member interrupts Norton's search with an invitation for Ilkandacian to attend the requested council meeting at the next red sky turning. There is another interruption; a member of the Bards Guild arrives and starts filling in the prisoners from House Cara. A Jean wanders over and listens to the bard. The search through the archives continues.


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