DRAFT Run log for 990803

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Major Events:

Characters represented by players at this run: Amaranth, Cailin, Cassandra, Celeste, Ilk, Jean, Neville and Osric.

Corwin and Marial are Lost; Two Grey Spheres are Found

Cailin, Ilk, a penta-Jean, and Faythe are watching the remains of Benedict. They notice that the bluecite around Benedict is growing thicker. Cailin examines it for magic, and notices no incoming power. Ilk pokes it with a tendril, and the blue starts crawling up the tendril. Ilk drops the tendril. The aberration turns white and dusts off.

Ilk notices a powerful order-based attack on his person. The attack has the same signature as the attack upon House Cara. Ilk Logrus-pulls out, and conjures a note that drifts to the ground behind him. "I think she knows we're here, guys."

The penta-Jean pushes the Faythe and the table out of the room. Cailin leaves the room and teleports out to just outside the Council chambers.

Ilk (new) arrives next to the council chambers. Ilk (prime), next to Celeste, tendris out and leaves the council chambers.

["Prosthetic Yeti" sounds like a great name for a band]
[Kinda like "Malachai and the color-coded scary little girls"]

Ilk (under attack) discovers that he cannot enter the council chambers.

The other Ilk comes under attack and cannot re-enter the council chamber. Ilks, while dodging through Chaos and shadow, ask Jean to tell Pattern Suhuy and Osric that he is under attack in the same way as his House, and that he would appreciate some help.

Jean prime goes to Pattern Suhuy, who is staring over Osric's shoulder. Jean asks Mr. Suhuy and Osric if they could help Ilk, who is being attacked in the same way as his House.

Jean also asks Osric to stop by Norton's house at one point, because there is white dust eating a hole into his House. Norton flips out and vibrates Celeste, freaking out. Norton, Celeste, Osric, and Jean decide that Jean will take Faythe to his House, and that Corwin should be updated.

Celeste scratches at the door through which Corwin and Marial disappeared. The door falls open. There is a note. 'H', 'E', and part of an 'L'. Celeste demands that ...[?]

A boba-Jean calls out, "Excuse me! The King and the Warlord have possibly been abducted!"

Rainbow gets up, enters the room, looks around, exits, takes a chair, re-enters the other room, and pushes something into the main room with the chair.

Two little round grey spheres roll into the room.

Celeste panics, and chats with her grandmother mentally. Clarissa does not seem optimistic about the situation.

Ilk talks to Jean as he goes. Ilk asks Jean where his backup has gotten to, is told about recent events, and says that he's going statue hunting. He asks Jean to tell Shiryu, and suggests that Osric take the blucite to the Fringe.

Jean relays to Osric, and Osric talks to Andron about gating out. Celeste decides to come with.

Rainbow is not touching the spheres, and is not letting anyone else touch them, either. Jean tells Rainbow that Ilk said that Clarissa should know about the spheres. Rainbow starts herding the spheres towards Clarissa.

Jean talks to Shiryu. He mentions that two Ilks are under attack. Shiryu questions the existence of two Ilks without anyone noticing, and Jean says that he noticed. Shiryu asks for the location of the king. Jean points at the grey spheres. Shiryu points to Clarissa, says, "You. Take those and come with me." Shiryu looks at Celeste, and looks away. Clarissa is walking towards the spheres. as if not under her control.

Osric Frees Norton From the Blucite

Osric creates a gate to one of his Fringe gates. The gate opens immediately. Osric shields Celeste and Norton and takes them through. There is a subsonic whine that is just like the drill bit of a dentist that is coming from Norton's interface with the Fringe metal.

Osric gets a good grip on Norton with his power and blasts him with the Fringe defenses. The blast doesn't hurt the blucide, but he finds it much easier and less painful to carve through it here. Osric calls up a few terminals and sets them up to carve through the blucite automatically. Celeste mentions that they might want to bring Benedict here, and then recommends acquiring a Jean. Osric objects to the Jean.

Osric notices something white with big teeth hopping towards them. He blasts it with the Fringe defenses. Celeste is curious.

"What's that?"

"A Mellor"

Osric checks out the area on the other side of the gate. It's an entire corridor filled with Mellor. He comes back through. There are a few clinging to and gnawing on him. "What's a Mellor?" Osric explains that they are nasty. Norton drools over the potential for raw materials.

Osric checks on the Fringe defenses on that corridor. They've been turned off. Osric checks in with the control center. It's off-line. "Celeste? Take care of Norton for a bit." "How?" "Make sure that nobody steals him. No, wait - this can wait for a bit." Osric tries to summon a vehicle to have one waiting for him. It fails - someone has been tampering with his computers.

It starts blinking. "Access override. Access station 646 noticing unauthorized access. Access being forced open. Access override..."

Osric starts conjuring a vehicle.

"Celeste? Can you survive in the Abyss at all?" "I don't know." "Can Norton survive in the Abyss?" "That would be really really bad - I'd have to be insane to do that." "No, he can't."

Osric tells Celeste that fire can roast the Mellor. "Do you have to leave now?" "Yes."

There are a bunch of human-looking people in this area that are shooting at him. He tries to fry them with the Fringe defenses, but they're turned off. There is some guy next to a pylon with a purple crystal overriding his commands. Osric creates a terminal and hacks the purple crystal guy out, killing all of the attackers but the hacker in the process. Osric tries to fix the computer, and fails.

[The group attacking the control station is Cassandra's player's and Norton's player's old Fringe-worthy group]

Osric checks on the status. A number of Those Gates were turned off. He walls the contaminated area back up again. The infected area has grown, but is now contained. The hacker wakes up, and Osric interrogates him then snaps his neck. He starts reforming. Osric watches and waits, then decides to take the hacker with him. The hacker claims that his name is Johnny Mnemonic.

Osric returns with the guy and asks Celeste to mind-ream him. Celeste sleeps him the mind-reams him. He has a very strong mind-block that was erected eight or ten years ago. Written on that mind block is his history prior to that point, and the history gets more believable after the block. There is a familiar signature on the wall, but Celeste isn't certain whose it is. The wall is blue.

The first blast cuts through the blucite. Norton cries out in pain in Celeste's head. Norton tries to ooze through the hole, and it is very ordered. Osric goes through the last bit by hand, and it doesn't hurt, but Norton can't quite squeeze through. Another few holes blast through, and Osric chisels off a chunk of blue. Norton's entire face is free. He tries to shift out. It hurts, but he manages to pour out. He checks, and didn't leave anything behind.

Osric tosses out a small chunk of blucite off the Fringe. It negates power. They decide to toss the large chunk out into the Abyss.

Those in the Council chamber see a chunk of Norton-shaped blucite, sans Norton, fall through the magical gate into the council chambers.

Osric prepares to fetch Benedict from the Council chambers when a Mellor hops through the gate. Osric checks, and notices that the gate was re-opened by the same signature before. Celeste looks in Johnny's head - there are several watchdogs in the Fringe system opening things.

Norton looks at the Mellor, and notices an insanity-bearing shifter-virus in it.

Celeste writes "You shall never lie to Osric" in Johnny Mnemonics's brain at Osric's request. Norton looks at Johnny - he's Chaosian, but not that old.

Celeste notices that Johnny's mind is going off on one thread and his body is on another. Norton suspects that he might have been a mathematician, and tries to make friends with him. Johnny is indignant.

Johnny finishes working. Osric checks, and everything seems to be back to the way he left them.

Johnny says that there is a security hole in Osric's system - he noticed someone working along similar lines to his tack - that's where he got the idea. But Johnny spiked "Roll". Johnny shows Osric where Roll is - he's on the Fringe, but not on any of Osric's maps - way out in neutral territory.

Norton and Osric chat about the virus in the Mellor. Osric gives Norton a memory crystal; it fails to work until Norton goes alive again.

A large guy covered in furs with a double-bladed axe runs through an open gate screaming and pelts back out through the next gate over.

Norton offers to become Osric for a while to explore the Fringe. Osric is annoyed at that idea, so Norton decides to just become Johnny. Johnny twitches.

Johnny - "Could we find a hole to drop him into?"
Norton - "My master wouldn't like that."
Johnny - "You've got a master? I feel so much better."
Osric - "Do you like cats?"

They return to the council chambers. Clarissa, Rainbow, and Shiryu are not anywhere in sight.

Several Jeans, Faythe, and the Benedict table arrive in the council chambers.

Shiryu Unmakes Clarissa

Johnny - "You look normal. I'm Johnny. Nice to meet you."
Amaranth, coldly - "I'm so interested."
Johnny - "Frostbite!"

Amaranth sends a horror off to find Mandor, in a nice way.

Jean tries to ask Shiryu if they should look for Mandor or not. He receives a mental response along the lines of, "Not now, I'm busy."

Norton uses the ring to eject the room containing the dust from his House into shadow. The sky is blue shading to black. Jean saucers out, remaining in the room. It's heading towards that greenish-blue moon.

The herringbones have decided that the room was a bad idea and have flown off the wall out into space.

Celeste hears an extreme moment of extreme pain and angst over the god channel, and then it stops. It sounds like her grandmother. Verra looks confused, looks around, and looks at Celeste. They each shrug.

Shiryu in Jean's head says, "Would you pass a message to Celeste?"


"The redheads have to pick a new matriarch."

Jean passes the message to Celeste.

Celeste asks Jean is Shiryu's still busy, Jean says he thinks so. Celeste says, "I think that he's done being busy if that is the message."

Jean says that he's going to wait for Shiryu to say, "I'm not busy".

Norton prevents the information about Clarissa from making it to the green door.

Celeste looks for the bar and is given a drink by a member of the Etiquette Guild.

"Fast ship." "You've never heard of the Savior of Chaos?"

Brand is Released from the Torturers' Guild

Norton - "Didn't you say that Ilk was in trouble?"
Jean - "Yes."
Norton - "Has anyone gone to help him?"
Jean - "No."

Jean is certain that he has seen something that looks like Gentleman Suhuy's power trying to help Ilk, but both are moving too quickly for him to be sure.

The penta-Jean wheels in the Benedict table.

Osric looks at the growing blue. It would take him at least five hours to chisel out the largest parts.

Jean invites in both Cailins. He is horrified at his status, and tries to find Flora, but none are in evidence. She left at about the same time as Rainbow.

Norton decides to collect pieces of people that are Fringe-worthy and figure out how it works.

Osric trundles Benedict off through the gate onto the Fringe.

A discussion occurs regarding saving Ilkandacian. Osric suggests bringing Ilk onto the Fringe. Timing issues are discussed. Jean calls the idea out to Ilk; Ilk is doubtful vocally in reply.

[Ilk is taking short-cuts from Amber to Chaos]
[Ilk is making the Amber to Chaos run in less than ten parsecs.]
[I thought that it was twelve parsecs]
[He's faster than that]
[Fast ship. You've never heard of the Savior of Chaos?]
[Should I have?]

Osric - "Ask Ilk if he can hold out for five or more hours."
Jean - "That doesn't make any sense - it's not attacking me."
Osric - "Never mind, Jean."

Norton points out Johnny to the representative of the mathematicians. The representative walks over to Johnny and starts playing with grapes. Johnny starts backing up and cries, "Norton sent you, didn't he?"

Celeste looks at Norton's fire. It's a piece of his soul that he's burning. She is horrified.

The non-primal Ilk goes through the rift in the skies over Amber. The attack stops on that one, and he starts looking for a way out.

Celeste trumps Ilk. She gets Vlad, who shuts off his perceptions to avoid being recognized as someone other than Ilk. They ask for ways to help him, then ask for ways to help the endangered him.

Ilk - "You could ask for help from the Serpent."
Norton - "I'm not on a first name basis with the serpent."

The Ilk in the other reality finds a Jean. He materializes there. "Hi, Jean." "Hi, Ilk." They chat - this Jean didn't know that he was in another reality, and the trump fish joins them. Ilk asks Jean to call out, "Do the same thing". Jean does so, and they are shortly joined by Ilk prime. A sarsaparilla glass joins them. Ilk checks it out - it has a familiar variable Pattern. Ilk and Jean greet Gentleman Suhuy.

Ilk prime and a sarsaparilla glass climb into the trump fish, which then appears in the council chambers. Ilk and Gentleman Suhuy climb out.

[You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought]

Celeste leaves in a barca-Jean for the Torturers' Guild. She is greeted at the door by Lord Talos, who says that he has just finished preparing Brand's release - Brand felt the dissolution of his mother and anticipated this need.

Brand leaves under his own power and greets Celeste enthusiastically. Norton and Corwin in Celeste's head make sarcastic comments.

[The Norton in Brand's head has a means of contacting Lord Talos if he goes over the edge. The Norton in Brand's head also gives the mechanism for Celeste]

Lord Talos asks them to not discuss anything here - they're trying to keep a low profile.

Brand, Celeste, and the barca-Jeans return to the council chambers. Jean gives Brand and Celeste permission to enter. They do so.

Amaranth's critter returns to her and says that it cannot find Mandor in the length or the breadth of the land.

Brand examines the bluecite. At one point he draws something on the blucite with a grease pen, concentrates on it, and seems puzzled that the drawing didn't sink in.

People chat with Brand. Rebma's Pattern and possibly influence over it is mentioned.

Jean tries to get into Tir, but hits barriers.

Neville tries to hitch a ride to Tir, but doesn't think that he could fit into the fish. Neville has one of his mages gate him there, and starts climbing up the stairs.

The discussion continues about power sources, the wisdom of Gwen destroying her own power sources, and the worshipers slaying each other in the Golden Circle. Verra is invited over to help with speculations regarding god power, and confirms the group's suspicions.

Jean notices that almost all of the people in the Golden Circle are dead, but that people all across shadow near statues are killing each other.

Verra suggests making the worshipers worship her instead, but that is deemed as too slow and rejected. Ilk suggests dumping all of her worshipers into an uncontaminated shadow, but that would also take too long. Ilk suggests Norton making modified fish, but Norton is sane and doesn't think that those fish are possible.

Neville Walks Several Patterns and Discovers Traps in Rebma

Neville has reached the top of the stairs. Jean is lost, and sends more Jeans. When each Jean reaches Tir, he cannot see any other Jeans. Neville reaches "the center" and does "that thing". It is somewhat hard, as if there was more resistance than usual, as if someone was trying to stop him. He continues anyway. Neville noticed many portents of doom, disaster, and white statues. Jean notices portents of doom, disaster, white statues, Benedicts killing Benedicts, the entire council chambers dead, pieces of Amaranth lying scattered about... Jean asks the council chamber at large if anyone knows about Tir.

When Neville finishes, he goes just to the right of the Primal and takes a look around. The only difference here is a climbing bush over there on the side, except for a large hand-print slammed into the rock in the center of the door to Dworkin's lab.

Neville walks that Pattern and gets significant resistance. When he is done with that one, he goes to just to the left of the start of Rebma's Pattern, and gets three crossbow bolts directly through him. The crossbows are visible and reloading. Neville would have to go over the space between the lines to reach the crossbows. Neville uses his escape route and acquires some healing at his House. The entire area looked booby-trapped. A few turnings have passed in Chaos.


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