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This example graphs data from a simple text file. It demonstrates the use of the QNPInstance::writeReady() and QNPInstance::write() functions.
To build the example, you must first build the Qt Netscape Plugin Extension library. Then type make in extensions/nsplugin/examples/grapher/ and copy the resulting grapher.so or npgrapher.dll to the Plugins directory of your WWW browser.
The text file it accepts as input has a title line, then a sequence of lines with a number, then a string. The plugin displays a pie chart of the numbers, each segment labelled by the associated string. The user can select a bar chart view of the same data by selecting from the menu that appears when they point at the plugin.
The HTML tag used to embed the graph is:
<EMBED SRC=graph.g1n ALIGN=LEFT WIDTH=49% HEIGHT=300 graphstyle=pie fontfamily=times fontsize=18>
Note that some HTML arguments (which we have capitalized here) are interpreted by the browser, while others are used by the plugin.
With the simplicity and cross-platform nature of Qt-based plugins,
pages like Netcraft's
Server Graphs can be provided much more efficiently for both
the service provider and consumer. Data need not be converted
to an image at the server.
// Include Qt Netscape Plugin classes. #include "qnp.h" // Include other Qt classes. #include <qpainter.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qbuffer.h> #include <qpixmap.h> #include <qmenubar.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qptrlist.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> // Include some C library functions. #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #ifndef M_PI // Some math.h don't include this. #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288 #endif // // GraphModel is a simple abstract class that describes // a table of numeric and text data. // class GraphModel { public: enum ColType { Numeric, Label }; union Datum { double dbl; QString* str; }; virtual QPtrList<Datum>& graphData()=0; virtual ColType colType(int col) const=0; virtual int nCols() const=0; }; // // Graph is a widget subclass that displays a GraphModel. // Since the widget is a QNPWidget, it can be used as a plugin window, // returned by Grapher::newWindow() below. // class Graph : public QNPWidget { Q_OBJECT public: // Constructs a Graph to display a GraphModel // Graph(GraphModel&); ~Graph(); // Two styles are available - Pie and Bar graph // enum Style { Pie, Bar }; static const char* styleName[]; void setStyle(Style); void setStyle(const char*); // Timer event processing rotates the pie graph // void timerEvent(QTimerEvent*); // These functions are provided by QNPWidget - we override // them to hide and show the plugin menubar. // void enterInstance(); void leaveInstance(); // Paint the graph... // void paintEvent(QPaintEvent*); // // ... as either a "Loading" message, a Bar graph, a Pie graph, // or an error message. // void paintWait(QPaintEvent*); void paintBar(QPaintEvent*); void paintPie(QPaintEvent*); void paintError(const char*); signals: // Signals emitted when the Help menus are selected. void aboutPlugin(); void aboutData(); private: GraphModel& model; QMenuBar *menubar; Style style; QPopupMenu* stylemenu; int pieRotationTimer; int pieRotation; QPixmap pm; private slots: void setStyleFromMenu(int id); }; Graph::Graph( GraphModel& mdl ) : model(mdl), style(Bar), pieRotationTimer(0), pieRotation(0) { // Create a menubar for the widget // menubar = new QMenuBar( this ); stylemenu = new QPopupMenu; stylemenu->setCheckable(TRUE); for ( Style s = Pie; styleName[s]; s = Style(s+1)) { stylemenu->insertItem(styleName[s], s+100); } connect(stylemenu, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(setStyleFromMenu(int))); setStyle(Pie); menubar->insertItem("Style", stylemenu); menubar->insertSeparator(); QPopupMenu* help = new QPopupMenu; help->insertItem( "About plugin...", this, SIGNAL(aboutPlugin()) ); help->insertItem( "About data...", this, SIGNAL(aboutData()) ); menubar->insertItem("Help", help); menubar->hide(); } Graph::~Graph() { } void Graph::setStyle(Style s) { if (style != s) { if (pieRotationTimer) killTimer(pieRotationTimer); stylemenu->setItemChecked(100+style, FALSE); style = s; if ( style == Pie ) pieRotationTimer = startTimer( 80 ); else pieRotationTimer = 0; stylemenu->setItemChecked(100+style, TRUE); update(); } } void Graph::timerEvent(QTimerEvent*) { pieRotation = ( pieRotation + 6 ) % 360; repaint(FALSE); } void Graph::setStyle(const char* stext) { for ( Style s = Pie; styleName[s]; s = Style(s+1) ) { if ( qstricmp(stext,styleName[s])==0 ) { setStyle(s); return; } } } void Graph::enterInstance() { menubar->show(); } void Graph::leaveInstance() { menubar->hide(); } void Graph::paintError(const char* e) { QPainter p(this); int w = width(); p.drawText(w/8, 0, w-w/4, height(), AlignCenter|WordBreak, e); } void Graph::paintBar(QPaintEvent* event) { if ( model.colType(0) != GraphModel::Numeric ) { paintError("First column not numeric, cannot draw bar graph\n"); return; } QPtrList<GraphModel::Datum>& data = model.graphData(); double max = 0.0; for (GraphModel::Datum* rowdata = data.first(); rowdata; rowdata = data.next()) { if (rowdata[0].dbl > max) max = rowdata[0].dbl; } const uint w = width(); const uint h = height(); QPainter p(this); p.setClipRect(event->rect()); if ( w > data.count() ) { // More pixels than data int x = 0; int i = 0; QFontMetrics fm=fontMetrics(); int fh = fm.height(); for (GraphModel::Datum* rowdata = data.first(); rowdata; rowdata = data.next()) { QColor c; c.setHsv( (i * 255)/data.count(), 255, 255 );// rainbow effect p.setBrush(c); int bw = (w-w/4-x)/(data.count()-i); int bh = int((h-h/4-1)*rowdata[0].dbl/max); p.drawRect( w/8+x, h-h/8-1-bh, bw, bh ); i++; x+=bw; } } else { // More data than pixels int x = 0; int i = 0; double av = 0.0; int n = 0; for (GraphModel::Datum* rowdata = data.first(); rowdata; rowdata = data.next()) { int bx = i*w/data.count(); if (bx > x) { QColor c; c.setHsv( (x * 255)/w, 255, 255 );// rainbow effect p.setPen(c); int bh = int(h*av/n/max); p.drawLine(x,h-1,x,h-bh); av = 0.0; n = 0; x = bx; } av += rowdata[0].dbl; n++; i++; } } } void Graph::paintPie(QPaintEvent* event) { if ( model.colType(0) != GraphModel::Numeric ) { paintError("First column not numeric, cannot draw pie graph\n"); return; } QPtrList<GraphModel::Datum>& data = model.graphData(); double total = 0.0; GraphModel::Datum* rowdata; for (rowdata = data.first(); rowdata; rowdata = data.next()) { total += rowdata[0].dbl; } // Only use first column for pie chart if ( !total ) return; int apos = (pieRotation-90)*16; const int w = width(); const int h = height(); const int xd = w - w/5; const int yd = h - h/5; pm.resize(width(),height()); pm.fill(backgroundColor()); QPainter p(&pm); p.setFont(font()); p.setClipRect(event->rect()); int i = 0; for (rowdata = data.first(); rowdata; rowdata = data.next()) { QColor c; c.setHsv( ( i * 255)/data.count(), 255, 255 );// rainbow effect p.setBrush( c ); // solid fill with color c int a = int(( rowdata[0].dbl * 360.0 ) / total * 16.0 + 0.5); p.drawPie( w/10, h/10, xd, yd, -apos, -a ); apos += a; i++; } if (model.colType(1) == GraphModel::Label) { double apos = (pieRotation-90)*M_PI/180; for (rowdata = data.first(); rowdata; rowdata = data.next()) { double a = rowdata[0].dbl * 360 / total * M_PI / 180; int x = int(cos(apos+a/2)*w*5/16 + w/2 + 0.5); int y = int(sin(apos+a/2)*h*5/16 + h/2 + 0.5); // ### This causes a crash, so comment out for now /*p.drawText(x-w/8, y-h/8, w/4, h/4, WordBreak|AlignCenter, *rowdata[1].str);*/ apos += a; } } QPainter p2(this); p2.setClipRect(event->rect()); p2.drawPixmap(0,0,pm); } void Graph::paintWait(QPaintEvent*) { QPainter p(this); p.drawText(rect(), AlignCenter, "Loading..."); } void Graph::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event) { if (!model.nCols()) { paintWait(event); } else { switch (style) { case Pie: paintPie(event); break; case Bar: paintBar(event); break; } } } void Graph::setStyleFromMenu(int id) { setStyle(Style(id-100)); } const char* Graph::styleName[] = { "Pie", "Bar", 0 }; // // Grapher is a subclass of QNPInstance, and so it can be returned // by GrapherPlugin::newInstance(). A QNPInstance represents the // plugin, distinctly from the plugin window. // // Grapher is also a GraphModel, because it loads graph data from // the net. When Grapher creates a window in newWindow(), it creates // a Graph widget to display the GraphModel that is the Grapher itself. // class Grapher : public QNPInstance, GraphModel { Q_OBJECT public: // Create a Grapher - all Grapher plugins are created // by one GrapherPlugin object. // Grapher(); ~Grapher(); // We override this QNPInstance function to create our // own subclass of QNPWidget, a Graph widget. // QNPWidget* newWindow(); // We override this QNPInstance function to process the // incoming graph data. // int write(QNPStream* /*str*/, int /*offset*/, int len, void* buffer); private: // Grapher is a GraphModel, so it implements the pure virtual // functions of that class. // QPtrList<Datum>& graphData(); ColType colType(int col) const; int nCols() const; void consumeLine(); QPtrList<Datum> data; QBuffer line; int ncols; ColType *coltype; private slots: // Slots that are connected to the Graph menu items. // void aboutPlugin(); void aboutData(); }; Grapher::Grapher() { data.setAutoDelete(TRUE); ncols = 0; line.open(IO_WriteOnly|IO_Truncate); } Grapher::~Grapher() { } QPtrList<GraphModel::Datum>& Grapher::graphData() { return data; } GraphModel::ColType Grapher::colType(int col) const { return coltype[col]; } int Grapher::nCols() const { return ncols; } QNPWidget* Grapher::newWindow() { // Create a Graph - our subclass of QNPWidget. Graph *graph = new Graph(*this); // Look at the arguments from the EMBED tag. // GRAPHSTYLE chooses pie or bar // FONTFAMILY and FONTSIZE choose the font // const char* style = arg("GRAPHSTYLE"); if ( style ) graph->setStyle(style); const char* fontfamily = arg("FONTFAMILY"); const char* fontsize = arg("FONTSIZE"); int ptsize = fontsize ? atoi(fontsize) : graph->font().pointSize(); if (fontfamily) graph->setFont(QFont(fontfamily, ptsize)); connect(graph, SIGNAL(aboutPlugin()), this, SLOT(aboutPlugin())); connect(graph, SIGNAL(aboutData()), this, SLOT(aboutData())); return graph; } void Grapher::consumeLine() { line.close(); line.open(IO_ReadOnly); QTextStream ts( &line ); if (ncols == 0 ) { ncols=0; QPtrList<ColType> typelist; typelist.setAutoDelete(TRUE); do { QString typestr; ts >> typestr >> ws; ColType* t = 0; if ( typestr == "num" ) { t = new ColType(Numeric); } else if ( typestr == "label" ) { t = new ColType(Label); } if (t) typelist.append(t); } while (!ts.atEnd()); coltype = new ColType[ncols]; for (ColType* t = typelist.first(); t; t = typelist.next()) { coltype[ncols++] = *t; } } else { int col=0; Datum *rowdata = new Datum[ncols]; while ( col < ncols && !ts.atEnd() ) { switch (coltype[col]) { case Numeric: { double value; ts >> value >> ws; rowdata[col].dbl = value; break; } case Label: { QString* value = new QString; ts >> *value >> ws; rowdata[col].str = value; break; } } col++; } data.append(rowdata); } line.close(); line.open(IO_WriteOnly|IO_Truncate); } int Grapher::write(QNPStream* /*str*/, int /*offset*/, int len, void* buffer) { // The browser calls this function when data is available on one // of the streams the plugin has requested. Since we are only // processing one stream - the URL in the SRC argument of the EMBED // tag, we assume the QNPStream is that one. Also, since we do not // override QNPInstance::writeReady(), we must accepts ALL the data // that is sent to this function. // char* txt = (char*)buffer; for (int i=0; i<len; i++) { char ch = txt[i]; switch ( ch ) { case '\n': consumeLine(); break; case '\r': // ignore; break; default: line.putch(ch); } } if ( widget() ) widget()->update(); return len; } void Grapher::aboutPlugin() { getURL( "http://doc.trolltech.com/netscape-plugin.html", "_blank" ); } void Grapher::aboutData() { const char* page = arg("DATAPAGE"); if (page) getURL( page, "_blank" ); else QMessageBox::message("Help", "No help for this data"); } // // GrapherPlugin is the start of everything. It is a QNPlugin subclass, // and it is responsible for describing the plugin to the browser, and // creating instances of the plugin when it appears in web page. // class GrapherPlugin : public QNPlugin { public: GrapherPlugin() { } QNPInstance* newInstance() { // Make a new Grapher, our subclass of QNPInstance. return new Grapher; } const char* getMIMEDescription() const { // Describe the MIME types which this plugin can // process. Just the concocted "application/x-graphable" // type, with the "g1n" filename extension. // return "application/x-graphable:g1n:Graphable ASCII numeric data"; } const char * getPluginNameString() const { // The name of the plugin. This is the title string used in // the "About Plugins" page of the browser. // return "Qt-based Graph Plugin"; } const char * getPluginDescriptionString() const { // A longer description of the plugin. // return "A Qt-based LiveConnected plug-in that graphs numeric data"; } }; // // Finally, we provide the implementation of QNPlugin::create(), to // provide our subclass of QNPlugin. // QNPlugin* QNPlugin::create() { return new GrapherPlugin; } #include "grapher.moc"
See also Netscape Plugin Examples.
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