import itertools from html import ampersand_encode class WordPart(object): def __init__(self, word, start, end): self._word = word self._start = start self._end = end pre = property(lambda self: self._word[:self._start]) part = property(lambda self: self._word[self._start:self._end]) post = property(lambda self: self._word[self._end:]) def to_html(self): return '%s%s%s' % (self.pre, self.part, def __eq__(self, other): return self.pre == other.pre and self.part == other.part and == def has_same_word(self, other): return self._word == other._word def is_compatible_with(self, other): return self.has_same_word(other) and self._end == other._start def combine(self, other): if not self.is_compatible_with(other): raise ValueError return WordPart(self._word, self._start, other._end) class Sound(str): def __new__(cls, ipa, orig_pos=None, word_part=None, transliteration=None): self = super().__new__(cls, ipa) self._orig_pos = orig_pos self._word_part = word_part self._transliteration = transliteration or '' return self def _get_original_position(self): return self._orig_pos original_position = property(_get_original_position) def to_html(self, include_ipa=True, include_word_part=True, include_transliteration=True): rtn = '
\n' if include_word_part: blank_space = '%s' % self._word_part.pre else: blank_space = '' if include_ipa: rtn += '
\n' % (blank_space, ampersand_encode(self)) if include_transliteration: rtn += '
\n' % (blank_space, self._transliteration) if include_word_part: rtn += '
\n' % self._word_part.to_html() rtn += '
' return rtn def is_compatible_with(self, other): return self._word_part.is_compatible_with(other._word_part) def combine(self, other): if not self.is_compatible_with(other): raise ValueError return Sound(self + other, word_part=self._word_part.combine(other._word_part)) def reduce_list(cls, sound_list): rtn = [] cur = None for sound in sound_list: if cur is None: cur = sound elif cur.is_compatible_with(sound): cur = cur.combine(sound) else: rtn.append(cur) cur = sound if cur is not None: rtn.append(cur) return rtn reduce_list = classmethod(reduce_list) def _make_word_parts(word_chunks): full_word = ''.join(word_chunks).strip('. ') start = 0 for part in word_chunks: end = start + len(part) yield WordPart(full_word, start, end) start = end def make_sound_list(ipa_words_chunk_list, words_chunk_list, transliteration_table={}): return [Sound(ipa_chunk, i, word_part, (transliteration_table[ipa_chunk] if ipa_chunk in transliteration_table else None)) for i, (ipa_chunk, word_part) in enumerate(itertools.chain(*[zip(ipa, eng) for ipa, eng in zip(ipa_words_chunk_list, map(_make_word_parts, words_chunk_list))]))]