This is the complete list of members for testing::AssertionResult, including all inherited members.
AppendMessage(const Message &a_message) | testing::AssertionResult | inlineprivate |
AssertionResult(const AssertionResult &other) | testing::AssertionResult | |
AssertionResult(bool success) | testing::AssertionResult | inlineexplicit |
failure_message() const | testing::AssertionResult | inline |
GTEST_DISALLOW_ASSIGN_(AssertionResult) | testing::AssertionResult | private |
message() const | testing::AssertionResult | inline |
message_ | testing::AssertionResult | private |
operator bool() const | testing::AssertionResult | inline |
operator!() const | testing::AssertionResult | |
operator<<(const T &value) | testing::AssertionResult | inline |
operator<<(::std::ostream &(*basic_manipulator)(::std::ostream &stream)) | testing::AssertionResult | inline |
success_ | testing::AssertionResult | private |