Background for talk at security and languages workshop Dec SRC, Palo Alto, October 30-31, 1997. ***************************************************************** 1. Gaining security by restricting the user's programming language was explored in the 1970's and found wanting because a. The TCB is too large. b. The security policy model is unclear In more detail: In the 1960's and early 1970's several people suggested that limiting the user to a single, carefully controlled, interpreted or compiled language was a way of achieving security. Later in the 1970's, this idea was discarded, as the concept of a Trusted Computing Base became clear, because it it was realized that the TCB needed for a controlled language was so large that one had little hope of assuring its correctness and integrity. Ex. Paul L. Peck. Survey of Applicable Safeguards for insuring the integrity of information in the data processing environment. Mitre Technical Report MTP 356, June 1971, page 11: "Restricting Users to Programming in Higher-Level Languages. Programs written in higher-leel languages are either executed in the interpreter mode or translated and assembled by a compiler, then executed, consequently additional security is provided since the user is isolated from the system by the source program translator." Ex. Anderson, J. P. Computer Security Technology Planning Study, ESD-TR-73-51, vol. II, ESD/AFSC, Hanscom AFB, Bedford, Mass., October 1972, pages 36-37: "A higher order language-only system is one in which the user of the system can program only in one or more approved languages that are translated ... by an approved compiler, and which are executed in an approved environment. We establish the following requirements for a secure higher order language (only) system. a. There is a rigorous separation of code from data... b. All references to data are code locations are accidentally or otherwise obtained c. all transfer of control are validated...only to recognized labels. d. all i/o transfers are validated..." The orange book. Glossary: Trusted Computing Base (TCB) - The totality of protection mechanisms within a computer system -- including hardware, firmware, and software -- the combination of which is responsible for enforcing a security policy. 6.4 ... the TCB must be of sufficiently simple organization and complexity to be subjected to analysis and tests, the completeness of which can be assured." Anderson, J. P. Computer Security Technology Planning Study, ESD-TR-73-51, vol. I, ESD/AFSC, Hanscom AFB, Bedford, Mass., October 1972 (NTIS AD-758 206), pages 9-10: "c. The reference validation mechanism must be small enough to be subject to analysis and tests, the completeness of which can be assured." Ibid., page 22: "GCOS's sheer size (300,000 instructions) prevents analysis and testing." Let's look at the Java sandbox--exactly what do we need to trust? (N. B. The following analysis is based entirely on James Gosling and Henry McGilton, The Java Language Environment: A White Paper, Sun Microsystems, Inc., October, 1995, so it may be incomplete or incorrect.) - bytecode verifier: it must correctly verify the byte code - bytecode loader: it must correctly load and link things - bytecode interpreter: it must correctly implement the restrictions - java io package: no security-related bugs - java. garbage collector, memory allocator, and thread package: no security-related bugs - java window package: no security-related bugs - supply lines: do we have an authentic copy of the verifier, interpreter, loader, and java runtime - safe language design: The particular choice of language functions must actually be safe. - IEEE 754/854 (floating point) specification: does it introduce any concerns? - Bytecodes: Is it possible to comprehensively verify things written in this language? - Separate Name Spaces for each network source: Must be able to securely identify distinct sources. - Separate Name Space for sources from local file system: Must trust all locally-stored sources to be friendly. (Is there any way for a Java applet to download a distant file into the local file system? How about by invoking a mail receiver?) - Class name search: first local, then referencing name space. Must verify all possible results of searches through unknown name spaces. - "network access to only hosts from which code was imported" Must securely identify source host (depends on DNS) and securely reconnect (depends on DNS (originally), IP layer, and integrity of network) - "network access [] outside the firewall [only] if code came from outside." Must securely distinguish between inside and outside code. Must securely distinguish between targets inside and outside the firewall. We have here two basic problems: lack of an understandable security model and a too-large trusted computer base. The TCB (trusted computer base--the stuff that must work right for the security perimeter to be properly defended) is too large and complex to ever be correctly implemented or to pass any credible assurance test. For such a large TCB, the rate of introduction of new bugs will probably always exceed the rate of removal of old ones. The TCB is so large that it is hard to figure out just how large it is. For example, until someone (the guys at Princeton?) pointed it out last spring, DNS was accidentally included in the TCB. (And Sun even tried to defend that inclusion, for a short time.) Back in the 1970's the size of the TCB was one reason identified by security specialists for not going in the direction of what would today be called an interpretive sandbox. I can't find anything that has changed. The list of Java implementation problems that have been uncovered suggests that the 1970's assessment was a good one. Question: What has changed to make the 1997 assessment different? ************************************************************************* 2. The psychology surrounding sandbox design guarantees that it will never work in practice. The holes reported in Java security aren't fundamental flaws, but they are there because Java's security model is fundamentally flawed. The problem is in part psychological and in part political. The best way to build a completely safe sandbox is to allow the applet no access to any resources and functions of your computer. Unfortunately, the applet then won't be able to do anything interesting. In Science 273,5275 (2 August 1996) on page 592 there is a quote by Marianne Mueller of JavaSoft: "There is a tension between being secure and doing interesting things." So you try to drill a limited set of holes in the sandbox and let the applet do a few things with the network and local resources such as the file system. Now, which holes are safe to drill? Noone has worked out a believable model for what functions can be safely provided. Some functions are probably safe, some are obviously unsafe. For most functions, the question isn't answerable. Noone knows of any systematic way to look at a proposed set of interactions with the environment and say, "this set of interactions can be made safe" or, "this set of interactions can't be made safe". There may be some sets where that determination is possible, but for many interesting sets and our present understanding, the answer is almost certainly, "can't tell." Giving the applet the ability to draw on the display, but only inside a window that is bordered in red and titled "Don't believe anything you read here!" may be safe. Giving the applet the ability to reformat the hard disk is probably not safe. Now, make a (conceptual) list of all the functions that anyone might propose allowing the applet to do, and try to categorize them as "safe" or "unsafe". You can identify a small number as probably safe, and several more as probably unsafe. But you are certain to be left with a whole bunch of functions for which you can't say with any confidence whether it is safe or not. Even with all the understanding of security that has developed over the last thirty years, there will always be this residual set of "not sure about this one". The residual set may be large, and more important, it is guaranteed to include a number of "interesting" functions that would be very useful to have available. Watching the hype surrounding Java, I don't have any reason to believe that its designers are likely to insist on staying on the conservative side of that boundary. To see why, put yourself in the shoes of a designer of a Java-style system: You must choose the function set you are going to make available. Naturally you take everything that you are confident is in the safe set. And you will exclude everything in the known-unsafe set. But what about the stuff in the unknown set? Since more interesting applications will require a longer list of interactions, there will be pressures to move in the direction of more interactions, and cross the boundary between "this is safe" and "can't tell". There is sure to be some very useful function in the "can't tell" set, and there is also sure to be someone with a persuasive argument along the following lines: function Z is safe because 1) he believes he has designed a way of doing it in safety, 2) it is very useful, and 3) noone has demonstrated that it isn't safe. Because it is useful, marketing will insist that function Z be made available. If you try to limit yourself to the guaranteed safe set, your detractors will declare your language worthless and go on to create a competitor that is more "interesting" than yours. Since most prospective customers aren't sufficiently security-aware to understand what is safe and what isn't, they will adopt the language that can do more, and write off the negative comments from the security experts as coming from a bunch of paranoids. The temptation to include functions from the unknown set is thus overwhelming. And the next thing you know, the guys at Princeton have demonstrated that function Z, in combination with functions Y and X (both of which were argued to be safe in isolation) is hazardous to everyone's health. You can see the dynamics of this phenomenon going on today with Java. The language designers included some functions from the "can't tell" set, and they are now madly patching to try to secure them. Here is where experience can help: Over the last 30 years a lot of effort has been wasted trying to secure systems that weren't originally designed to be secure. This is actually a problem in design and marketing psychology, but in the security area, that is fundamental. The psychological pressure on the creators of Java to declare that some of the unanswerable things are safe is so great that we can expect an endless list of problems like the ones already found. Unfortunately, establishing whether or not an implementation is right is a little like debugging perpetual motion machines. As fast as someone at Princeton finds a bug, the people at Sun patch around it and declare it safe again. Let's return to the size of the TCB. Even if someone did hand me a magic procedure that could analyze a particular set of interactions with the environment and declare that it can in principle be made safe, It seems likely to me that the mechanism to sandbox must increase rapidly in complexity as the list of environment interactions grows. Thus the above-mentioned pressures to add interactions to the list, even if someone can establish in principle that they don't cross the safety boundary, have the effect of making implementation certification much harder. This strikes me as another scary element in the Java game plan. Final caveat: It may well be that sandboxes could play a role in helping people who are concerned about reducing that last increment of risk, because sandboxes can be fairly good at corralling non-malicious destructive behavior. My concern with that approach is that sandboxes may also create a crutch of dependence: people may come to rely on them to also prevent malicious behavior, which I believe is an unrealistic expectation. --------------------------- re: code signing as an alternative --------------------------- Code signing has two flaws, too, so it doesn't solve the problem either. But it is going to be part of the scene and maybe someday someone will come up with a combination of sandboxes and code signing that actually provides some measure of safety. > ...For these programs >the only way is signing, which can give you as good assurance as you >get from a box at Egghead. I think there is another subtlety that distinguishes signed applets from shrink-wrapped boxes from Egghead. Occasionally I click on a link and my browser reports that the thing I am trying to grab is of a type I'm not prepared to handle. When that happens, I stop to ponder about whether or not I want to take on the acquisition, installation, maintenance, and risks of yet another Netscape helper. In making the decision I may refer to a review of the program in MacWeek and my experience with the organization that wrote it, or I may ask someone down the hall about their experience with it. The current Java downloading model, even if implemented with signed applets, seems to encourage cutting me out of that decision process. ************************************************************************ 3. Where is the easily defensible boundary? In RISKS forum digest 17:93, distributed Sunday, March 24, 1996, the group at Princeton reports another Java security problem. This one allows an applet to execute arbitrary machine language code on the client. Ominously, they are declining to reveal details, pending fixes from NetScape and Sun. Meanwhile, the recommendation is to disable Java, even if you have the latest 2.01 browser, which allegedly fixes all previously reported security problems. It seems to me that one of the basic things going wrong here has to do with where one chooses a line to do battle. One does better to choose lines that are easily defended. The client/server model, because it places the client and server at arms length and restricts their interaction to messages (which can be audited,) provides an opportunity for an easy-to-understand and easy-to-defend security boundary: Everything inside your computer is trusted, everything outside is untrusted. With this view it is necessary to check carefully anything that comes in across the boundary, but once checked it isn't necessary to maintain security firewalls inside the machine. It is still a good idea to maintain fault isolation firewalls within a computer, but those firewalls aren't required to be foolproof under malicious attack. This perspective simplifies private workstation design and operation, as compared with a time-sharing system. The time-sharing system must maintain leakproof security boundaries between multiple users running arbitrary programs inside a single computer. Implementers of systems like the Macintosh (and perhaps Windows) have taken advantage of the reduced requirement for leakproof internal security to simplify their designs. Downloading of code in these systems is usually done with FTP-like protocols, which give the user an opportunity to think about where the code is coming from and perhaps run a virus-checker before executing it. These measures don't guarantee the absence of malicious programs, but they do discourage attackers from trying this route. And users of private workstations that run UNIX, even though the operating system offers better security firewalls, are usually much more relaxed in their operation and management of the security features, because they are instead depending on the network boundary as the real security boundary. As an example, the Athena system does not attempt to maintain privacy of the root password for its public workstations. Instead, internal boundaries are assumed to be breachable and are maintained primarily for fault isolation. But it does have a very strong authentication system for checking on the source of packets coming in over the network, the first step in defending that boundary. The perspective also can simplify server design. Although servers that act as trusted intermediaries must maintain firewalls to keep their customers separated, many such servers do just one thing: run a single, management-provided program. That program can trust itself not to be malicious. A server such as a supercomputer that runs arbitrary, user-provided code doesn't get to take advantage of this simplification. All the opportunity for simplification also goes out the window if your workstation accepts arbitrary packets and automatically runs them as programs, as with Java. The situation is too close for comfort to that of the supercomputer. The change moves the security firewall boundary to somewhere inside your computer; design, implementation, operation, and management must all adjust to a higher standard that is not well understood by casual users. Java moves the boundary from the network attachment back inside the computer, thus reintroducing the ground rules of a time-sharing system. Code that I have neither inspected nor approved can be downloaded and executed by my workstation without notice every time I follow a link. The automatic verification scheme that comes with Java is intended to ameliorate the problem by providing a first-round inspection, but with the perspective outlined here, it is apparent that automatic inspection is just the first step, and it isn't yet clear that even that step can be made foolproof. Not permitting downloading is a simple way of assuring that you don't cross that boundary. But once you accept the principle of downloading applets, you then have to trust the Java designers not only to choose the set of interactions conservatively, but also not to be tempted to add interactions that cross the boundary in future releases of the language and browser. This strikes me as scary. ************************************************************************ Javasoft/Sun Flaw #25: The Vacuum Bug Security Flaw in JDK 1.1 June 23, 1997 princeton's security page on Java microsoft's view. netscape's view.