Chapter 2: User Interface Hardware

Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
  The frumious Bandersnatch!"

User interface hardware is the collection of devices you use when interacting with the computer. The currently available user interface hardware usually consists of a display screen for output and a keyboard and perhaps a mouse or other graphical input device for input. This chapter will first discuss the output side: the screen. It will then discuss the input side: the keyboard. Finally, it will discuss the communications paths that tie the two parts together.

Display Types

In the old days (i.e., the early 1980s), almost all displays were part of character-based terminals. Differences in capabilities among the terminals were often crucial. These differences play an important part in the types of redisplay schemes that are workable (redisplay is discussed in Chapter 7). Thus, it is worth reviewing the old display types.

TTY and Glass TTY

A TTY is the canonical printing terminal. Printing terminals have the property that what is once written can never be unwritten. A glass TTY is the same as a TTY except that it uses a screen instead of paper. It has no random cursor positioning, no way of backing up, and no way of changing what was displayed. They are quieter than printing terminals, though.

When a text editor is used on one of these displays, it usually maintains a very small window (e.g., one line) and either echos only newly typed text or else constantly redisplays (i.e., reprints) that small window. Once a user is familiar with a display editor, however, it is possible -- in a crunch -- to edit from a terminal of this type, but this is not generally a pleasant way to work.

Although one would hope that this type of display was gone for good, it does crop up from time to time in poorly implemented window schemes. Some window schemes offer window interfaces that resemble printing terminals -- all too well.

You may encounter one other type of "write only" scheme: a Unix-style output stream. As an editor writer, you may want to check for this and either:

You may want to alter your output if you feel that the user wants to create some sort of "audit trail" type file. On the other hand, you would not want to alter your output if the user is attempting to diagnose problems by recording the data that is sent to the display.

Basic Displays

A basic display has, as a bare minimum, some sort of cursor positioning. It will generally also have "clear to end of line" operation (put blanks on the screen from the current cursor position to the end of the line that the cursor is on) and "clear to end of screen" (ditto, but to the end of the screen) functions. These functions can be simulated, if necessary, by sending spaces and newlines. A typical basic terminal is (was) the DEC VT52.

Such displays are quite usable at higher speeds (for example, over a 9600 bps connection) but usability deteriorates rapidly as the speed decreases. It requires patience to use basic displays over a 1200 bps connection, and a dedication bordering on insanity to use them at 300 bps.

Advanced Displays

Advanced displays have all of the features of the basic displays, along with editing features such as "insert" and "delete line and/or character." These features can significantly reduce the amount of data sent to the display for common operations. A typical advanced (circa 1980) terminal is the DEC VT100. Most terminals currently manufactured are at least as powerful as this one.

There is a subtle difference among some of the advanced terminals. An "insert line" operation adds one or more blank lines at the cursor: the lines that "drop off" the bottom of the screen are lost. A "delete line" operation deletes one or more lines at the cursor: blank lines are inserted at the bottom. A "scroll window" operation (move lines x through y up/down n lines) affects only the specified lines: the other ones remain stationary.

The "scroll window" operation is more pleasing than the others to see when there is some stationary text being displayed at the bottom of the screen. With "insert/delete line," the appropriate number of lines must be deleted and then inserted; the text at the bottom thus moves within the display's memory. Such jumps are often visible to the user. With "scroll window," the whole thing is performed as one operation and the lines at the bottom do not jump.

"Memory Mapped" Displays

This designation covers a wide range of displays. Their common characteristic is that display memory can be read or written at near-bus speeds. The display is usually built into the computer that is running the text editor. Many personal computers and workstations follow this design. But be warned: some computers have very fast display hardware, but the software that is used to interact with the display is very slow. It is probably better for a redisplay scheme to consider such displays to be "advanced" or even "basic." Examples of such displays are the ROM BIOS calls on the IBM PC and Sun workstations. In both cases, third-party drivers operate many times faster than the manufacturer-supplied ones.

The use of such fast displays has several implications for the redisplay process. First, many of the advanced features are typically not available. However, it may be possible to emulate the missing features quickly enough that the lack of advanced features is almost always not significant. Second, it may be possible to use the display memory as the only copy of the data on the screen. (This optimization is discussed in Chapter 7.) Third, if reading from the screen does not cause flicker but writing does, the screen can be read and the incremental redisplay process will run and compare the buffer against it, changing it only when necessary. Finally, if you can write to the screen without flicker, the redisplay process merely boils down to copying the buffer onto the screen, as copying is generally faster than comparing.

Graphics Displays

Most personal computer and workstation displays are actually bitmap-oriented graphics displays. Software is used to make them appear to display characters. With a graphics display -- and the appropriate software -- a program can not only display text, but display text using proportional spacing (where different letters take up different amounts of space), take advantage of different sizes, styles, and display fonts, and even incorporate graphical elements.


This section presents a review of salient keyboard features. Although most of us won't ever get the chance to design a keyboard, we all purchase keyboards, and more importantly we design programs with existing keyboards in mind.

The keyboard is the main way of telling the computer what to do. In some cases, it is the only way of doing so. Many thousands of characters will be entered in the course of a normal working session. Someone who types for a living (such as a typist, writer, or computer programmer) can easily type ten million characters each year.

The keyboard should thus be tailored for the ease of typing characters. While this statement might seem trite, there are a large number of keyboards on the market (i.e., most) which are pretty poor for entering characters. Below is a discussion of the various keyboard features and why they are or are not desirable.

N-KEY ROLL-OVER is a highly desirable feature. Having it means that you don't have to let go of one key before striking the next. The codes for the keys that you did strike will be sent out only once and in the proper order. (The n means that this roll-over operation will occur even though every key on the keyboard has been pressed before the first one is released.) The basic premise behind n-key roll-over is that you will not hit the same key twice in a row. Instead, you will hit a different key first and the reach for that key will naturally pull your finger off the initial one. N-key roll-over loosens the timing requirements regarding exactly when your finger has to come off the first key. Thus, typing errors are reduced. Note that n-key roll-over is of no help in typing double letters. Note also that shift keys are handled specially and are not subject to roll-over.

Some keyboards implement "2-key roll-over/n-key lockout." This means that only the first two keys of a continuous sequence will be sent and the rest ignored (until all keys are released). This "feature" is actually a way of turning the statement "we don't offer n-key roll-over" into a positive-sounding statement "we offer 2-key ..."

AUTO-REPEAT means that if a key is pressed and held down, the code for that key is sent repeatedly. It is a very desirable feature. It can cause problems (say, if you put something down on the keyboard), but such problems are worth living with. Older terminals sometimes followed typewriter design in that only certain keys would repeat (such as space, 'x', and dash). Repeating just these few keys is not useful. Other terminals repeat the printing characters but not the control characters. This is also not useful. As we will see later, it is the control characters that we are most likely to want to repeat.

There are three parameters associated with auto-repeat: the initial delay to the first repeat, the rate at which a key will repeat, and the acceleration of the repeat. Ideally, the user should be able to set these parameters. If they cannot be set, the values selected by the manufacturer become an additional consideration.

"TYPEABILITY" (I trust that the English language has not sunk to the point where this is considered to be a valid word) is the single most critical feature. It is simply the ability to type the useful characters without moving your fingers from the standard touch-typing position (the "asdf" and "jkl;" keys). As more and more people who use (computer) keyboards are touch typists and can thus type reasonably fast, they should not be slowed down by having to move their hands out of the basic position. It can take one or two seconds to locate and type an out-of-the-way key. The row above the digits is out of the way, as are numeric key pads and cursor control keys. One second is from three to ten characters of time (at 30 - 100 words per minute). Thus, it takes less time in general to type a four- or five-character command from the basic keyboard than to type one "special" key.

Because of the desire for typeability, it is worth at least considering doing away with such keys as Shift Lock or Caps Lock. They are rarely, if ever, used, and the keyboard space that they occupy is in high demand. (Yes, I realize that my anti-uppercase bias is showing here.)

Keyboard manufacturers have done other things that reduce typeability. Two examples are illustrative. First, the timing on the shift keys can be blown. The result of doing so is that when "Foo" is desired, "FOo," "fOo," and "foo" are as likely to result. The other example is having a small "sweet spot" on each key. Missing this "sweet spot" will cause both the desired and the adjoining key to fire or not. Thus, striking "i" could cause either "io" or nothing to be sent.

PACKAGING or physical keyboard design is also very important. Sharp edges near the keyboard or too tightly packed keys can cause errors and fatigue. Can the keyboard be positioned so as to be comfortable? Is there a palm ledge (this may be either good or bad)? Does the keyboard meet "ergonometric" standards? (In my experience, "ergonomic" standards equate to "hard to use.")

Special Function Keys

Keyboard manufacturers seem to have decided that a plethora of special keys is more useful than adding shift keys. Thus, you can get keyboards with Insert Line or "cursor up" or -- gasp -- PF1 (if not LF1, F1, and RF1). These keys, when pressed, will either do the function that they name, do something totally random, or send a (usually pre-defined and unchangeable) sequence of characters to the program.

With the advent of windowing systems, manufacturers have realized that the keyboard/display combination simply does not have the information required to properly perform the function locally. They have also decided that random operations don't sell devices well. This is actually a change from the terminals made a few years ago.

That leaves us with character sequences. Ideally, the sequences would be programmable. Thus, the editor could save the current set of programmed sequences (if any), load a set that would not interfere with any editing commands, then restore the user's settings upon exit. However, this is the real world and it is often the case that the sequences are not programmable.

Given this, the keys may or may not be useful. For example, the "cursor up" key might send Escape 'E'. You may wish this particular sequence to perform a "move to end of sentence" operation (I do). Thus, pressing the "cursor up" key will move you to the end of the sentence!

Okay, you say, I won't use Escape 'E' to move to the end of the sentence. You then look up all of the sequences that may be sent by function keys and design your command set around them. All is well and good until you try to use a different keyboard. Your new keyboard will in general use different sequences than the old one. The sequences may even conflict: for example, the "cursor down" key on the new terminal might send Escape 'E'.

We got into this situation for two reasons: a major one and a minor one. The minor one is easy to deal with. All that we have to do is tell the editor which keyboard we are using and have the editor perform any required adjustments. On UNIX systems, for example, the required information can be found in the /etc/termcap or terminfo facilities.

The major reason why we are in this situation is that the program cannot tell when we are pressing a function key and when we are typing the same sequence of characters explicitly. After all, there are only 128 or 256 possible characters, and they must be shared by regular keys and function keys.

Some systems that support directly attached terminals use timing information to make this determination. If a string of characters comes in with no delays between them, they assume (usually correctly) that it is a single function-key press. This timing approach does not work if the terminal (or other computer) is coming in via a network.

The problem could best be solved by standardizing the character sequences sent by function keys so as to (1) have a single, obscure prefix (say, Escape, control-_) and (2) have a consistent syntax so that all devices can easily determine when the sequence is over. Command set designers would just have to live with the hole in the command set, but that would be a small price to pay.

Aside from the problems of compatibility with whatever software is being run, the placement of the function keys is also a problem. As was mentioned before, keys that are off to one side take a long time to hit. Thus, typing is slowed down considerably. The keys are best used for infrequently used functions or functions where the extra time is not a significant factor (e.g., Help).

There is yet one more problem. Additional keys are not free and so the number of them that you'll want to pay for is limited. However, it is desirable to have the ability to specify a large number of functions (i.e., have a large number of codes that can be specified by the user). The number of function keys required grows linearly with the number of codes.

Extra Shift Keys

The other way to increase the number of codes available to the user is to provide extra shift keys. Shift keys are keys that modify the actions of the other keys. Shift and Control are the two most common examples of such keys. The IBM PC has an Alt key, the Apple Macintosh has its "cloverleaf" key, and some terminals have a Meta key option.

As an example, a Meta key would set the top (value 128 decimal) bit of the character that is typed. Thus, while typing shift-A would send the code for uppercase A (65 decimal), meta-shift-A (often abbreviated as simply meta-A or ~A) would send the code 128 + 65 or 193 decimal. A user can thus specify 256 codes instead of the usual 128 from a full ASCII keyboard.

The number of possible codes grows exponentially with the number of extra shift keys. Thus, 512, 1024, and even 2048 code keyboards (with 2, 3, or 4 extra shift keys) are conceivable. You will have to use system-dependent techniques to take advantage of this extra information.

Finding room on the basic keyboard for these extra shift keys is not easy. That is one reason why the removal of the Shift Lock key was suggested earlier. These keys must be on the basic keyboard in order to preserve touch-typeability.

Key Placement

A computer is not a typewriter. There are things that you do with a computer that simply do not apply to typewriters. Hence, a computer keyboard should have more keys than a typewriter, and yet these keys must be conveniently placed.

Several computer manufacturers have achieved good keyboard designs. Unfortunately, most of them have retired their good designs in favor of poor ones. (See the next section for examples.) Here are some of my criteria for good key placement:

These are the positions that have come to be accepted as standard for computer keyboards. However, some manufacturers have gotten scared that their computers might actually resemble computers. Thus, necessary keys such as Escape and Control get moved out to the far reaches of the keyboard, and "<" and ">" characters get moved from their convenient, traditional positions above "," and "." to who knows where.

Dvorak keyboards are an underground fad. Their proponents swear by them and claim significant performance improvements (i.e., you can type faster on them). As the story goes, the standard QWERTY layout was designed to slow typing on the early typewriters in order to keep the mechanism from jamming. And, since jamming is no longer a consideration, one can (and Dvorak did) design a layout that is "better." Regardless of the truth of the story (and I believe it to be true), all keyboard layouts can take advantage of the improvements in technology. For example, modern keyboards are actually a grid of switches. These switches are scanned electronically. Their travel, feel, and other characteristics can be adjusted as desired. They have been adjusted so that both key travel and effort are much reduced from old, manual typewriters. Hence, hand and finger motions are reduced overall and the benefits to be gained from switching layouts are thereby reduced.

Considering that there are hundreds of millions of existing keyboards that use the QWERTY layout, and that there are billions of people trained to use it, it becomes clear that only an enormous gain in productivity (e.g., greater than 100%) would be able to justify a switch to another layout. And while there are a number of isolated success stories, not even the proponents of Dvorak layouts offer any controlled studies that show the requisite gains (Norman 1990). Hence, these keyboards are not being adopted on a large scale.

Example Keyboards

This section will briefly review a number of widely available keyboards. The keyboards reviewed are the ones actually named: the review does not transfer to "clones." The comments are, of course, my personal opinions.

DEC VT100 terminal: The keyboard layout is excellent. The feel is klunky. The control keys don't repeat.

DEC VT200 terminal: The keyboard layout is poor (badly placed Escape key and "<" and ">" keys). The feel is pretty good.

IBM PC 83-key keyboard: This is the one sold with the original IBM PC. Its layout is almost excellent (the "\"/"|" key placement is a little weird). It makes a clacking sound which I happen to like although many people do not. The feel is excellent. If only they didn't try to "improve" it with...

IBM PC 101-key keyboard: This is the only one that you can get from IBM now, and it is enough in itself to keep me from buying a new IBM PC. The Escape and control keys are very poorly placed. The feel is excellent.

Apple Macintosh original "slab" keyboard: The layout isn't too bad you consider that Apple intended this machine to be its own universe, and not try to incorporate outside software. On the whole, however, it suffers from not having quite enough keys (especially Escape), so that terminal emulator programs are awkward to use. The feel is fair.

Apple Macintosh "Standard" keyboard: Perfect layout, enough keys, great feel.

Apple Macintosh "Enhanced" keyboard: This keyboard is for people who like the IBM PC 101-key keyboard. Enough said.

Sun Microsystems SPARCstation keyboard: Excellent layout, poor feel, too many function keys.

Graphical Input

Another way of interacting with a computer is by means of a graphical input device. The advantage of a graphical input device is that it can reduce the number of commands needed. Such a device is used for pointing at sections of the screen. It is possible to specify items (i.e., "operate on that") without having to specify the numerical address of the location or a command string to move there.

When a graphical input device is used, the screen is treated as one menu with the device pointing to one entry. A cursor is used to provide feedback to the user about which menu "item" is currently selected. There are usually one or more flags that can be specified conveniently from the device. These flags provide control information and are analogous to shift keys.

The basic way to use these devices is to track the position implied by the graphical input device with the cursor. When a signal is given, the action implied by the current position is performed. The screen is logically broken up into two or more sections. One section has the text that is being edited. Moving the cursor here provides a convenient way to move the point around; typing a character could cause it to be inserted wherever the cursor is. Other portions of the screen can specify menus of possible actions to select from. Graphical input is thus a very sophisticated way of specifying a position as an argument to a function.

The following sections discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a variety of graphical input devices. Bear in mind that the comments are generalizations: there are exceptions to each of the advantages and disadvantages mentioned.

Touch Sensitive Display

A Touch Sensitive Display (TSD) is just what it sounds like. The screen is covered with a special transparent material (or a grid of LEDs and receptors or other devices) that you touch with your finger: the absolute (x,y) coordinates of where you touched are then reported. The only available flag is the "touch/no touch" flag. (Actually, experimental pressure-sensitive displays exist that report all three positions and three pressure axes.) The well-engineered touch-sensitive displays are quite pleasant to use for low-usage applications. For high-usage purposes such as text editing, it is tiresome to keep raising your hand to the screen, and your finger tends to cover the most interesting part of the display (i.e., the part that you are about to edit).


A tablet is a special surface that reports the position of the input device as an (x,y) coordinate. The input device can be a "puck" (a small box) or a special pen. At least one flag ("touch/no touch") is always available: some pucks have four, sixteen or even more extra flags. Tablets are very handy for converting paper documents such as maps into computer form. They are less useful for text editing, as they tend to be large and therefore require a long reach and a lot of uncluttered desk space.


A mouse is a small box on wheels (or, in some cases, on felt pads over a special pad). As you move it around on the floor, desk, books, a leg, or most anything else, it reports the relative movement of the mouse (i.e., "I was just moved n units up and m units left"). It can have several flags (buttons), although the correct number is one, as having extra buttons means that program designers will try to put extra functions on them. And, while the functions themselves are not a problem (I do advocate extra shift keys, after all), the presence of these functions usually implies a poor program design. Fortunately, if the mouse has extra buttons, the software can easily correct this "defect" just by making them all do the same thing.


A trackball is an upside-down ("dead") mouse. Instead of moving the wheels by moving the box, you spin the slightly larger wheel directly.


A joystick is a small stick mounted on a couple of potentiometers. They typically can report either absolute position, first derivative (relative movement) or second derivative (acceleration). As the stick is moved only over a small distance, it is difficult to construct one with good resolution and that avoids "stickiness" and "jumpiness." It is generally not as nice to use as a mouse or trackball. Flags are simulated by regular keyboard keys.

A Different Mouse

Finally, an imaginary but useful device should be considered. That device is a foot-operated mouse (perhaps called a "rat?"). Using your feet rather than your hand to operate the mouse solves one of the most nagging problems of any of these devices, which is that your hands must leave the keyboard with the usual, aforementioned results. Of course, this device makes it harder to edit with your feet up on your desk...

Other Devices

New types of input devices appear all the time. Thus, no listing of such devices can ever remain complete. An example of a recent such device is "pen" input. The points to remember are that each device should be judged on its own strengths and weaknesses and that the devices should be judged on how they help your users: not whether the devices are "neat" or "new."


These devices all assume a reasonably high bandwidth connection to the computer (say, 2400 bps or faster). If you have a slow-speed connection, the cursor tracking must be performed in the local display device, which must somehow be programmed with the knowledge of when to report events and what to do with the cursor (sometimes the cursor changes shape as it crosses from one part of the screen to another). In this way, it is possible to supply the necessary immediate feedback. A slow-speed connection would be quite satisfactory for communicating the significant events, but probably not satisfactory for the screen refresh that would follow, say, the selection of a menu.

Communications Path Issues

This section covers a number of miscellaneous issues concerning the communications path between the computer and the display/keyboard device.

Speed and Character Format

It almost goes without saying that the faster the communications path, the better. Consider it said.

It also almost goes without saying that a full-duplex communications path is necessary. Fortunately, we are long past the days when users were forced to wait until the computer let them type. Except on automated teller machines.

If the communications are over an asynchronous serial path, character format is an issue. The considerations are:

Operating system designers make the quite valid and reasonable assumption that they should be doing some processing of the input characters. Fortunately, they usually also offer the ability to turn such processing off. A text editor should follow these steps:

On entry to the editor:

On exit:

In this way, the text editor has complete control over what happens with the input characters. This places an extra burden on you as the writer of the editor, as you must replace the operating system handlers with versions of your own that mimic the existing functions. On the other hand, your versions will probably differ from the operating system versions in a number of crucial ways. For example, if the operating system lets you suspend your process (for example, under a Unix that supports job control), you need to restore the terminal and input processing parameters before you turn control back to the operating system. When resumed, you need to return the settings back to those used by the editor (noting any changes such as a new window size) and probably refresh the display. If you hadn't replaced the normal handlers, the user would find yours to be a very unfriendly program to use.

Flow Control

The faster the communications path, the less time the display has to process each character. As the speed of the communications path is increased, a point will be reached when the display can no longer keep up in real time. This is the point at which flow control is required. There are three methods currently in use to implement flow control.

The first is in-band control. Two characters are reserved for flow control purposes, typically the control-S and the control-Q characters. The first is used to mean "hold on, I can't keep up and my buffer is almost full." The second means "okay, I've caught up and you can proceed." This method works for the most part, but has the annoying property of using up two valuable control characters. Using any control characters causes problems for some programs. For example, there exist some communications protocols that use all 256 characters and allow no characters to be reserved.

The second method is out-of-band control. This method uses a variety of mechanisms, none of which interfere with sending data. Examples of such methods are hardware "handshake" lines and network protocol mechansims. This method is clearly superior to in-band.

The final method is flow control avoidance. This method takes advantage of the facts that displays take different amounts of time to process different characters and that some characters (called padding characters) take very little time to process. The program send the data as a mix of useful characters and padding characters. The specific mix is computed so that the average time required to process each character is less than the time taken to send a character over the communications path and that the terminal's input buffer does not overflow.

For example, let's say that we have these (fairly typical) figures:

If we were just sending full lines of text to the display, we would send 81 characters in 81 msec. These 81 characters would take 80 * .6 msec + 17 msec = 65 msec to process. Hence, no padding would be required.

On the other hand, if we were just sending single-character lines of text to the display, we would send 2 characters in 2 msec. These 2 characters would take 1 * .6 msec + 17 msec = 17.6 msec to process. Padding would be required as the 17.6 msec processing time is greater than the 2 msec transmission time. As it turns out, 18 padding characters will be sufficient (1 * .6 msec + 17 msec + 18 * .1 msec = 19.4 msec, which is less than the 20 msec of transmission time). It is not difficult to calculate the correct number of padding characters required, given the character mix and the communications path speed.

This third method is the preferred method for text editors, as it works on any communications path (i.e., even those with no out-of-band flow control) and it allows full use of all input characters. If used over a network, it has the disadvantage of creating a modest additional amount of network traffic.

The ideal method would be for the editor to determine whether out-of-band flow control is used along the entire communications path. If such control is in use, no padding characters need to be sent. Unfortunately, it is usually not possible to reliably determine the type of flow control in use.

Echo Negotiation

Echo negotiation was devised for the Multics computer system. It is a protocol for use by computer networks which can cut down on response time by reducing communications overhead. It is potentially useful in an environment where the user's terminal is at one node and the computer which is running the text editor is at another. In such an environment, it can take a long time to send a character back and forth, and yet it takes little more time to send many characters.

Echo negotiation requires that it be easy to describe exactly what is to be done with each character to a communications processor/terminal combination and that the combination be capable of doing enough of the editing to make it worthwhile.

Typically, echo negotiation can only be used when the editing point ("cursor") is at the end of a line. The text editor sends a list of approved characters to the terminal or other nearby processor. As long as the user types only those characters and does not reach the end of a screen line (thus necessitating a wrap), the terminal can safely echo the input characters to the display and hold onto the input text. When any non-approved character is typed (or the line fills up), the terminal reports all of the held input characters and the reason why the input was sent on (i.e., non-approved character or line wrap) to the text editor. The editor then processes the input data and the cycle repeats.

The Xylogics Annex terminal server incorporates an advanced version of echo negotiation called the LEAP Protocol. It incorporates all of the above design.

Both standard echo negotiation and the LEAP protocol suffer from the same problem. This problem is severe enough to call into question the desirability of using them at all: Echo negotiation is only potentially useful when the terminal is separate from the computer that is running the text editor and when the computer is overloaded. The principle behind echo negotiation is that waking up the text editor process for each character is inefficient. In extreme cases, the wake-up may take so long that input echoing is significantly delayed. The fix that echo negotiation offers is to perform the updates in batches, thus waking up the text editor process fewer times and thereby reducing overhead.

The problem with the fix is inherent in its own success. With no echo negotiation, input is echoed slowly but evenly (user typing is in general much slower than process-switching times) and the text-editing process tends to stay in memory. With echo negotiation, input is echoed quickly until the non-approved character is typed, then a (comparatively) long pause is encountered while the text-editing process must be woken up and possibly even swapped in (we are talking about a situation where resources are tight, after all). Even though the average per-character processing time might be lower, the variance in per-character times is much larger with echo negotiation. It is usually the case that the variance is so high that the system as a whole becomes unpleasant if not impossible to use. In one extreme test that I performed, I found the variance of times to be so great that editing was all but impossible: until you stopped typing for many seconds, you could never tell whether the computer had processed all of your input and hence couldn't safely continue typing (editing commands -- not new text to be inserted). In conclusion, echo negotiation is not a good feature to include.

Fancy Modems

High-speed modems (9600 bps and higher) are starting to become quite common. The main problem with them is that the advertising for them is focused around file-transfer protocols and dumping large quantities of text through them. The manufacturers add a variety of compression techniques to improve their modems' throughput in these areas.

However, text editing is interactive. Low response time is more important than high throughput. This is where the compression schemes implemented by the modems can cause problems. The simple solution is to turn off all such compression. Do not forget to turn off control-S / control-Q flow control while you're at it.

Questions to Probe Your Understanding

Devise at least three different ways of encoding cursor positioning coordinates. Which is the most extensible? (Easy)

Why can character-oriented displays handle blinking text more easily than graphics displays? Does it matter? (Easy)

If you could change one physical attribute of the display (e.g., size, phosphor) that you use most, what would it be? (Easy)

Give an example of an application that can make effective use of function keys. (Easy)

Devise an efficient, extensible encoding scheme for function keys. (Easy)

Some keyboards (such as that used by the IBM PC and compatible computers) assign a priority to shift keys and only pay attention to the highest priority key pressed. For example, pressing both Control and Shift gives the same code as does just pressing Control. Is this better or worse than giving a different code to the combination key presses? Why? (Easy)

How does the amount of buffering affect the need for padding? Does it matter where in the system additional buffering is placed? (Medium)

A fourth way to handle flow control used to be common practice but is no longer. It is called "ETX / ACK" after the codes for the characters that were used to implement it. In this method, the sender sends a block of text followed by an ETX character. It then waited for the receiver to return an ACK character. Why has this scheme dropped from favor? How does it interact with terminals on computer networks? (Medium)

Copyright 1999 by Craig A. Finseth.

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