Chapter 6: The Internal Sub-Editor

Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
  And burbled as it came!

There are many ways to decompose the implementation of a text editor into smaller pieces. This book analyzes one particular decomposition: that into a sub-editor to manage the text being edited, redisplay, and the user-oriented commands. (There are no other pieces: when these have been assembled, the editor is complete.) This particular decomposition was chosen for two reasons. First, it is a natural one with relatively simple interfaces between the parts. Second, it has been chosen for many different implementations: it is thus known to be a decomposition that works well. This chapter covers the internal sub-editor. The following chapters describe the other parts.

The purpose of the internal sub-editor is to hide all of the details of how the text is stored from the redisplay and the user-oriented commands. This chapter will begin by presenting some basic concepts and definitions. It will then list internal data needs and describe a procedural interface. Finally, it will present a number of ways to implement the actual sub-editor and discuss the trade-offs between them.

Basic Concepts and Definitions

A buffer is the basic unit of text being edited. It can be any size, from zero characters to the largest item that can be manipulated on the computer system. This limit on size is usually set by such factors as address space, amount of real and/or virtual memory, and mass storage capacity. A buffer can exist by itself, or it can be associated with at most one file. When associated with a file, the buffer is a copy of the contents of the file at a specific time. A file, on the other hand, can be associated with any number of buffers, each one being a copy of that file's contents at the same or at different times.

A write operation replaces the contents of a file with the contents of a buffer. Thus, the two have identical contents for at least one moment. A read operation replaces the buffer with the contents of a file. Again, the two have identical contents for at least one moment. An insert operation adds the contents of the file to the buffer: the two will not have identical contents unless the buffer was empty just before the insertion.

The buffer interface presented here follows the "one-dimensional array of characters" model as described in Chapter 5. As will be seen, however, the implementation need not follow that model. When stored as text in the buffer, line breaks will be represented by a single character, called newline.

At any one time there is one and only one special position within the buffer. This position is called the point. All operations that change the contents of the buffer occur at this position. There are also operations whose sole purpose is to move the point. The point can exist only between two characters: it is never on a character. On those displays that can only position a cursor on a character, the convention is to place the point at the left edge of the cursor.

The start of the buffer (which corresponds to the first location in the file) is considered before or backward from the point. The end of the buffer is considered to be after or forward from the point.

From time to time, it is useful to be able to remember positions within a buffer. A mark is an object that can remember a position. There can be any number of marks within a buffer, and more than one mark can remember the same position. As with the point, a mark is always located between two characters.

When there is exactly one mark, the range of characters between the point and the mark is called the region. It does not matter which order the point and mark are in.

Here are two examples of how marks are used:

There are two types of marks. They differ only in how they behave in the case that an insertion is made at the location of the mark. Normal marks move with the insertion. Thus, the newly inserted character will be just before the mark. Fixed marks remain in place: the newly inserted character will be just after the mark. An example of the difference is in the case where a command is to identify the characters that are inserted. The command merely needs to create both a fixed and a normal mark at the same place. After the insertion, the two marks will bracket the new characters.

A mode is a set of alterations to the user-oriented command set. For example, "C mode" might alter the definitions of the word-, sentence-, and paragraph-oriented commands to apply to tokens, language statements, and block structure. Modes are described in more detail in Chapter 8.

Finally, the term character denotes the basic unit of change within a buffer. While characters can be any size, they are most often eight bits long. In such a case, the term byte may be used interchangeably with character.

Internal Data Structures

This section discusses the sub-editor's data structures. All of the sub-editor's state information is defined in this chapter. Thus, if your implementation retains this information across invocations, you can offer the user the ability to resume editing where he or she left off, thus reducing the amount of work required to edit a file.

The other place where state information is kept is in the screen manager which is described in the following chapter. The screen manager is that part of the software which knows what was displayed on the user's screen. If that knowledge is not retained across invocations, the information displayed on the user's screen may change when the user exits and re-enters the editor. If that knowledge is retained, the information can be recreated exactly.

All of the specifics of the data structures listed here are examples only. You will undoubtedly wish to change some or all of them.

The world contains all of the buffers in use by the editor. It is a circular list of buffer descriptors and a variable that indicates which is the current buffer. In C syntax:

	struct {
		struct buffer *buffer_chain;
		struct buffer *current_buffer;
		} world;

Each buffer descriptor has this internal information:

	struct buffer {
		struct buffer *next_chain_entry;
		char buffer_name[BUFFERNAMEMAX];

		location point;
		int cur_line;
		int num_chars;
		int num_lines;

		struct mark *mark_list;

		struct storage *contents;

		char file_name[FILENAMEMAX];
		time file_time;
		FLAG is_modified;

		struct mode *mode_list;

Next_chain_entry is the mechanism used for implementing the circular list of buffers. The list is circular because there is no preferred (or "origin") buffer and it should be possible to get to any buffer with equal ease.

Buffer_name is a character string that allows the user to be able to refer to the buffer.

Point is the current location where editing operations are taking place. It is defined in terms of a private data type, since different implementations will use different representations. As it turns out, there is never a need for any code outside of the sub-editor to ever be aware of the representation of this data type.

Cur_line is optional. If implemented, it provides a high-speed way to track the current line number.

Num_chars is optional. If implemented, it provides a high-speed way to track the total number of characters in the buffer (its length).

Num_lines is optional. If implemented, it provides a high-speed way to track the total number of lines in the buffer.

Mark_list is the list of marks defined for this buffer. The mark structure is defined later.

Contents indicates the actual buffer contents. As with the location data type, its specifics will vary with the implementation.

File_name is the name of the file associated with the buffer, or the empty string if there is no associated file.

File_time is the last time at which the contents of the file and buffer were identical (i.e., the time of the last read or write). On multi-process systems, this value can be used to determine whether the contents of the file have been changed by another process, and thus whether the copy being edited is in synchronization with the actual file.

Is_modified indicates whether the buffer has been modified since it was last written out or read in.

Mode_list is the list of modes in effect for the buffer. The mode structure is defined next.

	struct mark {
		struct mark *next_mark;
		mark_name name;
		location where_it_is;
		FLAG is_fixed;

This structure is a linked list and is repeated for every mark. The chain is not circular. It probably is a good idea to keep the list sorted in the order that the marks appear in the buffer.

Next_mark is a pointer to the next mark in the chain. A NULL pointer indicates the end of the chain.

Name is the name of the mark. This name is returned by the mark creation routine and provides a way for the user to refer to specific marks. If your implementation permits, you can just return a pointer to the mark structure instead of making up names.

Where_it_is is the mark's location.

Is_fixed indicates whether the mark is a fixed mark.

	struct mode {
		struct mode *next_mode;
		char *mode_name;
		status (*add_proc)();

This structure is a linked list and is repeated for every mode that is in effect for the current buffer. The chain is not circular. While modes should be defined in such a way that it does not matter what order they are invoked in, it is probably not possible to meet this requirement in actual practice. Thus, this list must be kept sorted in invocation order. Modes are discussed in more detail in Chapter 8.

Next_mode is a pointer to the next mode in the chain. A NULL pointer indicates the end of the chain.

Mode_name, if non-NULL, is the name added to the list of names of modes in effect. This list is ordinarily displayed somewhere on the screen. Note that there should be a mechanism for defining modes that do not have displayed names.

Add_proc is a pointer to a procedure to execute whenever the command set for this buffer needs to be created or re-created. The procedure should make all required modifications to the global command tables and return a success/fail status.

Procedure Interface Definitions

This section defines the interface provided by the sub-editor. The procedures will be described in terms of their logical function only, leaving out specific implementation details. An example of such a detail is a method of determining whether the operation succeeded. (The undefined type "status" will be used to indicate places where status information is especially desirable.) All data types mentioned (e.g., string) are intended to be generic, and no specific implementations are assumed.

One question that is important to your implementation but not addressed in this definition is whether the caller or callee allocates the data structures. This chapter will assume that the callee allocates all data.

The names are selected for their mnemonic value. Actual implementations may be forced to change them to conform to local limits. In addition, you may wish to add a unique prefix (such as "Buf" or "SE") to them all to prevent name conflicts.

	status World_Init(void);
	status World_Fini(void);
	status World_Save(char *file_name);
	status World_Load(char *file_name);

World_Init is the basic set-up-housekeeping call. It is called once, upon editor invocation. It should perform all required one-time initialization operations. No other sub-editor procedure except for World_Fini can be legally called unless World_Init returns a successful status. After this call, one empty buffer exists (perhaps called "scratch" or something similar).

World_Fini terminates all sub-editor state information. Once called, World_Init must be called again before other sub-editor calls can be legally made.

World_Save saves all editor state information in the specified file.

World_Load loads all editor state information from the specified file. These two routines implement state-saving across editor invocations. The possibility of retaining multiple saved environments is interesting but, while it has been implemented, is not a feature that receives much use. It is perhaps too difficult for users to keep track of multiple editing environments or users may prefer to be able to switch among tasks without having to perform a save and load.

If you are creating a "stripped down" editor, the World_Save and World_Load routines would not do anything. They can be put in as stubs if there is a reasonable possibility that the editor will be embellished later.

	status Buffer_Create(char *buffer_name);
	status Buffer_Clear(char *buffer_name);
	status Buffer_Delete(char *buffer_name);
	status Buffer_Set_Current(char *buffer_name)
	char *Buffer_Set_Next(void);
	status Buffer_Set_Name(char *buffer_name);
	char *Buffer_Get_Name(void);

These routines all manipulate buffer objects. Their definitions assume that character string names are used to specify buffer objects. As with marks, pointers to buffer structures can also be used if your implementation permits.

As with many other questions, it is an implementation choice as to whether the sub-editor retains a "current buffer" or whether a buffer is explicitly provided to all remaining sub-editor calls. This definition chooses the former; as buffer changes are performed only (comparatively) rarely, and hence it is probably helpful to the sub-editor to be able to cache the information relating to the current buffer.

Note that most of these calls are not useful for single buffer implementations as might be found in very resource-limited environments (e.g., a toaster). Such implementations should only include the calls if there is a reasonable chance of expanding to a multiple buffer editor in the future.

Buffer_Create takes a name and creates an empty buffer with that name. Note that no two buffers may have the same name.

Buffer_Clear removes all characters and marks from the specified buffer.

Buffer_Delete deletes the specified buffer. If the specified buffer is the current one, the next buffer in the chain becomes the current one. If no buffers are left, the initial "scratch" buffer is automatically re-created.

Buffer_Set_Current sets the current buffer to the one specified.

Buffer_Set_Next sets the current buffer to the next one in the chain, and it returns the name of the new buffer. This mechanism allows for iterating through all buffers looking for one which meets an arbitrary test.

Buffer_Set_Name changes the name of the current buffer to that specified.

Buffer_Get_Name returns the name of the current buffer.

	status Point_Set(location loc);
	status Point_Move(int count);
	location Point_Get(void);
	int Point_Get_Line(void);
	location Buffer_Start(void);
	location Buffer_End(void);

Point_Set sets the point to the specified location.

Point_Move moves the point forward (if count is positive) or backward (if negative) by abs(count) characters.

Point_Get returns the current location.

Point_Get_Line returns the number of the line that the point is on. Note that while characters are numbered starting from zero, lines are numbered starting from one.

Buffer_Start returns the location of the start of the buffer.

Buffer_End returns the location of the end of the buffer.

	int Compare_Locations(location loc1, location loc2);
	int Location_To_Count(location loc);
	location Count_To_Location(int count);

These are miscellaneous utility routines.

Compare_Location returns 1 if location loc1 is after loc2, 0 if they are the same location, or -1 if loc1 is before loc2.

Location_To_Count accepts a location and returns the number of characters between the location and the beginning of the buffer. The point's percentage position can be computed by:

	((float)Location_To_Count(Point_Get()) * 100.) / ((float)Get_Num_Chars())

Count_To_Location accepts a non-negative count and converts it to the corresponding location. You can set the point to a position specified by an absolute character count by:

	status Mark_Create(mark_name *name, FLAG is_fixed);
	void Mark_Delete(mark_name name);
	status Mark_To_Point(mark_name name);
	status Point_To_Mark(mark_name name);
	location Mark_Get(mark_name name);
	status Mark_Set(mark_name name, location loc);
	FLAG Is_Point_At_Mark(mark_name name);
	FLAG Is_Point_Before_Mark(mark_name name);
	FLAG Is_Point_After_Mark(mark_name name);
	status Swap_Point_And_Mark(mark_name name);

These routines manage marks. They allow for creating both normal and fixed marks, deleting marks, and otherwise manipulating them. Except when creating them, there is no difference in usage with these routines between normal marks and fixed marks (although their behavior will differ).

Mark_Create creates a new mark of the specified type and returns its name. The new mark is positioned at the point.

Mark_Delete deletes the specified mark.

Mark_To_Point sets the location of the specified mark to the point.

Point_To_Mark sets the point to the location of the specified mark.

Mark_Get returns the location for the mark. This is not actually used all that much, as the location value can change whenever any sub-editor call is made.

Mark_Set moves the specified mark to the specified location.

Is_Point_At_Mark returns True if the point is at the specified mark.

Is_Point_Before_Mark returns True if the point is before the specified mark.

Is_Point_After_Mark returns True if the point is after the specified mark.

Swap_Point_And_Mark swaps the locations of the point and the specified mark.

With these definitions, the basic way of doing something over a region would be like this:

	status Do_Something_Over_Region(mark_name name)
		FLAG was_before = Is_Point_Before_Mark(name);
		mark_name saved;
		status stat = OK;

			/* ensure that the point is before the mark */
		if (!was_before) Swap_Point_And_Mark(name);

			/* remember where we started */
		if (Mark_Create(&saved) != OK) {
			if (!was_before) Swap_Point_And_Mark(name);

			/* loop until you get to the mark */
		for ( ; !Is_Point_At_Mark(name); Point_Move(1)) {
			if (<do something> != OK) {
				stat = NOT_OK;

			/* all done, put the point back */
			/* put the point and mark back where they started */
		if (!was_before) Swap_Point_And_Mark(name);

The way that this procedure records the initial positions of the point and mark (a flag and a saved mark) is a little confusing. Unfortunately, it is less confusing than the alternative of creating two saved marks.

	char Get_Char(void);
	void Get_String(char *string, int count);
	int Get_Num_Chars(void);
	int Get_Num_Lines(void);

These routines return buffer-related information.

Get_Char returns the character after the point. Its results are undefined if the point is at the end of the buffer.

Get_String returns up to count characters starting from the point. It will return fewer than count characters if the end of the buffer is encountered.

Get_Num_Chars returns the number of characters in the buffer (i.e., the length of the buffer).

Get_Num_Lines returns the number of lines in the buffer. It is undefined whether or not one counts an incomplete last line.

	void Get_File_Name(char *file_name, int size);
	status Set_File_Name(char *file_name);
	status Buffer_Write(void);
	status Buffer_Read(void);
	status Buffer_Insert(char *file_name);
	FLAG Is_File_Changed(void);
	void Set_Modified(FLAG is_modified);
	FLAG Get_Modified(void);

These routines provide file-related operations.

Get_File_Name returns the file name that is currently associated with the current buffer. Size is the size of the buffer allocated for the returned file name.

Set_File_Name sets the file name for the current buffer.

Buffer_Write writes the buffer to the currently named file, making any required conversions between the internal and external representations. The modified flag is cleared and the file time is updated to the current time.

Buffer_Read clears the buffer and reads the currently named file into the buffer, making any required conversions between the external and internal representations. The modified flag is cleared and the file time is updated to the current time.

Buffer_Insert inserts the contents of the specified file into the buffer at the point, making any required conversions between the external and internal representations. The modified flag is set if the file was not empty.

Is_File_Changed returns True if the file has been changed since it was last read or written.

Set_Modified sets the state of the modified flag to the supplied value. It is most often used manually to clear the modification flag in the case where the user is sure that any changes should be discarded. This flag is set by any insertion, deletion, or other change to the buffer.

Get_Modified returns the modification flag.

	status Mode_Append(char *mode_name, status (*add_proc)(), FLAG is_front);
	status Mode_Delete(char *mode_name);
	status Mode_Invoke(void);

These routines manage the multiple mode capability.

Mode_Append appends a mode with the supplied name and add procedure to the mode list. If is_front is True, the new mode is added to the front of the mode list. Otherwise, it is added at the end.

Mode_Delete removes the named mode from the mode list.

Mode_Invoke invokes the "add" procedures on the mode list to create a command set.

	void Insert_Char(char c);
	void Insert_String(char *string);
	void Replace_Char(char c);
	void Replace_String(char *string);
	status Delete(int count);
	status Delete_Region(mark_name name);
	status Copy_Region(char *buffer_name, mark_name name);

These routines manipulate the buffer. All of them set the modification flag.

Insert_Char inserts one character at the point. The point is placed after the inserted character.

Insert_String inserts a string of characters at the point. The point is placed after the string.

Replace_Char replaces one character with another. This routine is logically equivalent to:


but is potentially more efficient. If the point is at the end of the buffer, the routine simply does an insert.

Replace_String replaces a string as if Replace_Char is called on each of its characters.

Delete removes the specified number of characters from the buffer. The specified number of characters are removed after the point if count is positive or before the point if count negative. If the specified count extends beyond the start or end of the buffer, the excess is ignored.

Delete_Region removes all characters between the point and the mark.

Copy_Region copies all characters between the point and the mark to the specified buffer, inserting them at the point. The basic Emacs Wipe Region command is actually implemented as:

	Copy_Region(kill_buffer, mark);

This example also shows that even though an implementation presents only a single buffer to the user, a multiple buffer implementation may actually be required.

	status Search_Forward(char *string);
	status Search_Backward(char *string);
	FLAG Is_A_Match(char *string);
	status Find_First_In_Forward(char *string);
	status Find_First_In_Backward(char *string);
	status Find_First_Not_In_Forward(char *string);
	status Find_First_Not_In_Backward(char *string);

These routines handle searching and matching strings. While it is possible to implement these routines in terms of routines that have already been defined, because of their repetitive nature, it helps performance if they are built into the sub-editor. (Actually, the same can be said of several of the other routines that have been defined such as Insert_String.)

Search_Forward searches forward for the first occurance of string after the point and, if found, leaves the point at the end of the found string. Successive searches will thus locate successive instances of the string. If not found, the point is not moved. Types of searches are discussed in Chapter 9.

Search_Backward works like Search_Forward, except that the search proceeds backward and the point is placed at the start of the found string (i.e., the end closest to the start of the buffer).

Is_A_Match returns True if the string matches the contents of the buffer starting at the point. In other words, it returns True if Search_Forward would move the point strlen(string) characters forward.

Find_First_In_Forward searches the buffer starting from the point for the first occurence of any character in the supplied string. Thus, Find_First_In_Forward("0123456789") would leave the point before the first digit found after the point. Unlike the Search_* routines, this routine leaves the point at the end of the buffer if no characters in the string are found. A typical use of the Find_* routines is this sequence, which skips over the first number after the point:


Find_First_In_Backward works in the obvious way.

Find_First_Not_In_Forward searches for the first occurence of any character not in the supplied string. Thus,

Find_First_Not_In_Forward("0123456789") would leave the point before the first non-digit found after the point. Unlike the Search_* routines, this routine leaves the point at the end of the buffer if no characters in the string are found.

Find_First_Not_In_Backward works in the obvious way.

Here are some examples of using the Find_* routines:

To move to the start of the next line:


To move to the start of the next word:

	int Get_Column(void);
	void Set_Column(int column, FLAG round);

Get_Column returns the zero-origin column that the point is in, after taking into account tab stops, variable-width characters, and other special cases, but not taking into account the screen width. (After all, the width of the display that the user happens to be using should not affect the actions of an editing command.)

Set_Column moves the point to the desired column, stopping at the end of a line if the line is not long enough. If the specified column cannot be reached exactly (due to tab stops or other special cases), it uses the round flag. If the flag is set, the point is "rounded" to the nearest available column position. If the flag is clear, the point is moved to the next highest available column position.

Characteristics of Implementation Methods

This section describes how implementation methods may be characterized, and then describes three of those methods in detail. All of those methods are assumed to store the buffers in the equivalent of main memory. Depending upon the physical characteristics of the computer, "main memory" can be actual memory, in virtual memory, or readily mappable into virtual memory. A later section describes methods for dealing with files that do not fit into main memory.

The implementation methods discussed here use two-level "divide and conquer" strategies. The first level divides the buffer into pieces. The size ranges for each piece are:

The pieces can be kept in an array, a linked list, or some other structure. The second level describes how the pieces are managed:

Each of these second-level techniques will be described in detail.

No Management

In this technique, the piece is allocated exactly enough memory to hold it. The length of the piece is the only "overhead" information. A deletion is done by allocating a new piece of the desired (smaller) size, then copying the non-deleted portions from the old piece to the new one. An insertion is done by allocating a new piece of the desired (larger) size, then copying the old piece to the new one, inserting the new characters on the way. In code:

	struct piece {
		int length;
		char data[1];	/* length characters */

		/* delete LEN characters starting from START */
	struct piece *Delete_From_Piece(struct piece *pptr, int start, int len)
		struct piece *newptr;
		int newlen = pptr->length - len;

			/* allocate new piece */
		newptr = (struct piece *)malloc(sizeof(struct piece) +
			newlen - 1);
		if (newptr == NULL) return(NULL);

			/* copy non-deleted parts */
		memmove(&newptr->data[0], &pptr->data[0], start);

			&pptr->data[start + len],
			pptr->length - (start + len));

		newptr->length = newlen;


		/* insert LEN characters starting at START */
	struct piece *Insert_Into_Piece(struct piece *pptr, int start,
			int len, char *chrs)
		struct piece *newptr;
		int newlen = pptr->length + len;

			/* allocate new piece */
		newptr = (struct piece *)malloc(sizeof(struct piece) +
			newlen - 1);
		if (newptr == NULL) return(NULL);

			/* copy existing parts */
		memmove(&newptr->data[0], &pptr->data[0], start);
		memmove(&newptr->data[start + len], &pptr->data[start],
			pptr->length - start);
		newptr->length = newlen;

			/* copy new part */
		memmove(&newptr->data[start], chrs, len);


Extra Space at the End

In this technique, the piece is allocated enough memory to contain it, and possibly additional memory as well. The length of the piece and the amount of the piece currently in use are kept as overhead information. A deletion never requires a re-allocation. An insertion will require a re-allocation only when the free space is used up. As the bulk of insertions are one character at a time (i.e., as the user types), insertions will only require a re-allocation at relatively infrequent intervals. In code:

	struct piece {
		int length;
		int used;
		char data[1];	/* length characters */

		/* delete LEN characters starting from START */
	struct piece *Delete_From_Piece(struct piece *pptr, int start, int len)
		memmove(&pptr->data[start], &pptr->data[start + len],
			pptr->used - (start + len));
		pptr->used -= len;

		/* insert LEN characters starting at START */
	struct piece *Insert_Into_Piece(struct piece *pptr, int start,
			int len, char *chrs)
		struct piece *newptr;
		int newlen;
		int amt = min(pptr->length - pptr->used, len);

			/* do as much as will fit */
		memmove(&pptr->data[start + amt], &pptr->data[start],
			pptr->used - (start + amt));
		memmove(&pptr->data[start], chrs, amt);
		pptr->used += amt;
		len -= amt;
		if (len <= 0) return(pptr);	/* done */

		start += amt
		chrs += amt;
		newlen = Round_Up_To_Block_Size(pptr->length + len);

			/* allocate new piece */
		newptr = (struct piece *)malloc(sizeof(struct piece) +
			newlen - 1);
		if (newptr == NULL) return(NULL);

			/* construct new contents */
		memmove(&newptr->data[0], pptr->data[0], start);
		memmove(&newptr->data[start], chrs, len);
		memmove(&newptr->data[start + len],
			pptr->length - start);

		newptr->length = newlen;
		newptr->used = pptr->used + len;


When this version of the delete routine is compared to the "no management" version, it is simpler and will run faster. The insert routine is more complex, but most of the complexity will be executed only rarely. The path most often followed is again simpler and faster than before.

This technique has an additional benefit. In the "no management" version, memory is allocated in character-size units ranging from one character to the entire piece. In the "extra space" technique, memory is allocated in (typically) sixteen byte chunks. Typical allocation units will range from eight bytes to the piece-size limit (if any), in steps of sixteen bytes. (Actually, you probably never want to allocate a piece that is not a multiple of sixteen bytes). In any event, the dynamic range of the size of allocated units will be much smaller than in the "no management" technique. Thus, memory management will consume less overhead, and less memory will be lost to allocation fragmentation.

Buffer Gap

The buffer gap technique system stores the text as two contiguous sequences of characters with a (possibly null) gap between them. Changes are made to the buffer by first moving the gap to the location to be changed and then inserting or deleting characters by changing pointers. It thus uses memory efficiently, as the gap can be kept small and so a very high percentage of memory can be devoted to actually storing text. The overhead information includes the length of the piece, the location of the start of the gap, and the location of the end of the gap.

Here is an example buffer which contains the word "Minneapolis".

0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8                       9  10  11
| M | i | n | n | e | a | p | o |   |   |   |   |   | l | i | s |
0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16
 30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45
                P              GS                  GE

In this example, the buffer is 11 characters long and it contains no spaces. The blanks between the "o" and the "l" show where the gap is and do not indicate that the memory has spaces stored in it. The point is between the "n" and the "e" at location 4 and is labeled with a "P" in the bottom line (legal values for the point are the numbers from zero to the length of the buffer, 11 in this case). There are also three different sets of numbers (coordinate systems) for referring to the contents of the buffer.

First is the user coordinate system. It is displayed above the buffer. The values for it run from 0 to the length of the buffer (11). As you will note, the gap is "invisible" in this system. The coordinates label the positions between the characters and not the characters themselves. Thought of in this way, the arithmetic is easy. Thought of as labeling the characters, the arithmetic becomes fraught with special cases and ripe for fencepost errors.

Second is the gap coordinate system. It is displayed immediately under the line. The values for it run from 0 to the amount of storage that is available and it, too, labels the positions between the characters. The internal arithmetic of the buffer manager is done in this coordinate system. The start of the gap (labeled "GS" in the bottom line) is at position 8 and the end of the gap (labeled "GE") is at position 13.

Conversion from the user coordinate system to the gap coordinate system is quite easy. If a location (in the user coordinate system) is before the start of the gap, the values are the same. If a location is after the start of the gap (not the end of the gap!), its corresponding location in the gap coordinate system is (GapEnd - GapStart) + the location in the user coordinate system. It is a good idea to isolate this calculation either in a macro or a subroutine in order to enhance readability. Most routines (e.g., the search routines) will then use the user coordinate system even though those routines are essentially internal.

The third coordinate system is the storage coordinate system. It is the bottom row of numbers in the diagram. It is the means whereby the underlying memory locations are referenced. It is labeled from X to X + the amount of memory that is available. The origin (the value of X) was chosen here to be 30 to help distinguish between the various coordinate systems. Its absolute value makes no difference. Note that it labels the memory locations themselves and so caution must be taken to avoid fencepost errors.

This technique has a very low overhead for examining the buffer. The user coordinate location is first converted to the gap coordinate system. The memory location is then looked up and its contents returned. Essentially, one comparison and a few additions are required. The purpose of the conversion is to make the gap invisible. Note that the contents of the buffer are not moved.

However, there is further overhead associated with inserting or deleting, since the gap may have to be moved so that it is at the point. There are three cases:

After the gap has been moved to the point, insertions or deletions are performed by moving the GapStart pointer (or the GapEnd pointer -- it makes no difference). A deletion is a decrementing of the GapStart pointer. An insertion is an incrementing of the GapStart pointer followed by placing the inserted character in the memory location that was just incremented over.

Note that after the first insertion or deletion the gap is already in the correct place. Thus, the insertions or deletions that follow can take place without moving the gap . Further, the point can be moved away and back again with no motion of the gap taking place. Thus, the gap is only moved when an insertion or deletion is about to take place and the last modification was at a different location.

This scheme has a penalty associated with it. The gap does not move very often, but potentially very large amounts of text may have to be shuffled. If a modification is made at the end of a buffer and then one is made at the beginning, the entire contents of the buffer must be moved. (Note, on the other hand, that if a modification is made at the end of a buffer, the beginning is examined, and another modification is made at the end, then no motion takes place.) The key question that must be asked when considering this scheme is, when a modification is about to be made, how far has the point moved since the last modification?

How far can the point be moved before the shuffling delay becomes noticeable? Assume that an interval of 1/10 second is noticeable and that the editor is running on a dedicated system. Assume 250 nanosecond, 16-bit wide memory. Assume also that ten memory cycles are required for every two bytes moved (load, store, and eight overhead cycles for instructions). Then, 80,000 bytes can be moved with a just noticeable delay.

Because of the locality principle and because most files that are edited are less than 80,000 bytes in size, it seems reasonable to conclude that the average distance moved will be less than 80,000 bytes and so the shuffling delay will not be noticeable. Note that the size of the gap does not affect how long the shuffling will take and so the gap should be as large as possible.

Multiple Gaps and Why They Don't Work

Assume that we were still uncomfortable with the shuffling delay and a possible fix was put forth. This fix would have, say, ten different gaps spread throughout the buffer. What would the effects be? The idea behind this discussion is to help one understand the buffer gap system by seeing how it changes to the scheme fail.

First, the conversion from the user to the gap coordinate system would be more complex and take longer. Thus, some ground would be lost. However, this is a small loss on every memory reference in order to smooth out some large bumps, so it might still be a reasonable thing to do.

Second, the average amount of shuffling will go down, but not by anywhere near a factor of ten. Because of the locality principle, most shuffling occurs over short distances and so cutting out the "long shots" will not have a large effect.

Third, unless the writer is very careful, the gaps will tend to lump together into a smaller number of "larger" gaps. In other words, two or more gaps will meet with the GapEnd pointer for one gap the same as the GapStart pointer for the next gap. There is just as much overhead in referencing them, but the average amount of shuffling will increase (or, more precisely, not be decreased).

On the whole, the extra complexity does not seem to return proportional benefits and so this scheme is not used.

The Hidden Second Gap

On some computers, for example the two-dimensional memory system used by Multics, a second gap at the end of the buffer is provided with almost no extra overhead. The key to this gain is that the buffer is not stored in a fixed-size place. Rather, the size of the memory (or address space, to be more precise) that is holding the buffer can also increase.

The extra overhead is a check to see whether a modification is taking place at the end of the buffer. If so, the modification can be made directly with no motion of the gap.

The second gap has a greater effect than one might think because a disproportionately high percentage of modifications take place at the end of the buffer. This distortion is due to the fact that most documents, programs, etc., are written from beginning to end and so the new text is inserted (or changed) at the end of the buffer.

The increased overhead due to the second gap method is low because the check for the end of the buffer is already there (in the system hardware). There is no problem of the gaps coalescing because one of them is pegged into place. The gains are not all that great, but neither are the costs and so it should be used where supported by the operating system.

Implementation Method Overview

We started by not internally managing the pieces at all. We then added some slack space at the end of each piece. We moved to the buffer gap technique, which allowed that slack space (now called a gap) to move within the piece. Finally, we reviewed an optimization of the buffer gap technique that in some cases added the slack space at the end again.

This table presents a summary of the implementation methods. A "-" means that the combination makes no sense. An "=" means that the combination tends to be very inefficient to implement. A "*" indicates those combinations that are plausible.

	size of separately	no			extra space
	managed piece		management	at the end	buffer gap

	character		*		-		-

	16-64 chars		*		*		*

	line			=		*[2]		*

	1/2-4K chars		=		=		*[3]

	buffer			=		=		*[1]

Combination [1] is the standard buffer gap management method. Combination [2] is the "linked line" management method. Combination [3] is the "paged buffer gap" management method. The following sections will describe each of these methods. Later sections will compare and contrast them.

Buffer Gap

This method was first used by TECO. This method treats the entire buffer as a single object. The buffer gap technique is used to handle insertions and deletions. It is simple and straightforward, easy to implement and easy to debug. As the text is contiguous, the buffer can be transferred to or from a file with just one or two system calls. It also translates easily to the modern world of workstations with large virtual address spaces.

Linked Line

This method came into common use for Emacs-type editors when they began to be implemented on top of Lisp environments. In this method, the buffer is stored as a doubly linked list of lines. The following information might be stored for each line:

	struct line {
		struct line *next;
		struct line *previous;
		struct piece *theline;
		int version;			/* optional */
		struct marks *mark_lists;	/* optional */

The next and previous fields implement the doubly-linked list. They point to the following and preceding lines, respectively.

The line field is managed using one of the management techniques described in the earlier characteristics of implementations section. Typically, the "leave space at the end" technique is used.

The version field is optional. If implemented, it is for use by the redisplay code and will be discussed in Chapter 7.

The mark_lists fies is optional. If implemented, it records which marks are located on this line.

A buffer location in this method is typically represented as a (line pointer, offset) pair. It follows from this representation that marks are always associated with a line (think about it). Marks can thus be efficiently implemented by a per-line mark list. By doing so, less time is required to update the marks after insertions or deletions because only those that are on the affected line can possibly be changed.

The operation of this method is straightforward. New lines, when created, are simply spliced into the list at the appropriate place. Note that no characters are stored to indicate line breaks. If the new line is inserted into the middle of an existing line, some movement of the text on the end of the old line to the newly allocated line is all that is required.

The line itself is typically stored by the "extra space at end" technique. However the buffer gap technique could also be used. Regardless of the technique used, it is important to ensure that no limits are placed on the length of a line.

If your implementation includes automatic word wrap, do not split lines on "soft" newlines, because the overhead of shuffling the line allocations while the user types will be large. Instead, use a buffer gap technique within a line and only split lines on hard newlines (i.e., paragraphs).

Paged Buffer Gap

In this method, the buffer is divided into "pages" of one to two Kilobytes each while the file is read in. Each page is then managed with the buffer gap technique. The pages are organized into an array or linked list. This method has two points in its favor:

These points are very important in resource-limited environments. For example, this method was used in the Mince text editor that initially ran on CP/M systems with 48 Kilobytes of memory and small floppy disks. That editor implemented a complete paged, virtual memory environment for its buffers. (The implementation included all of the then-current optimizations found in virtual memory operating systems.) The size of the buffer was limited only to the amount of available disk space.

Since main memory was so limited (in some systems, only three or four pages could be kept in memory at once), the excess pages were swapped to disk. A descendant of the Mince editor called The FinalWord used the disk storage to even greater advantage: the control information was written to disk as well, thus allowing the complete editing state to be saved between invocations as well as being recoverable in the event of a system crash.

Other Methods

The other methods involve tracking small chunks of characters or even individual characters. While they are in principle do-able, their small object size serves to increase the amount of memory and CPU overhead, unfortunately without offering any compensating advantages. Thus, they remain largely unused.

Method Comparisons

This section compares the three main methods in a variety of ways.


These comparisons are on a per-buffer basis. They also assume eight-bit characters. Our sample buffer will consist of 150, 60-character lines.

A buffer gap implementation requires a fixed-size header (say, eight bytes) plus one byte per character of text. Total size is 9,008 bytes.

A linked line implementation requires a fixed-size header (say, eight bytes), plus a fixed-size header per line (say, twelve bytes) plus one byte per character of text, plus on the average eight bytes of fragmentation per line. Total size is 8 + 150 * 12 + 9,000 - 150 (don't store newline characters) + 8 * 150 = 11,858 bytes.

A paged buffer gap implementation requires a fixed-size header (say, eight bytes), plus a fixed-size header per page (say, twelve bytes), plus the pages (say, two Kilobytes each). Total size is 8 + 12 * 5 + 2,048 * 5 = 10,308 bytes.

The linked line method pays a large storage price because of its relatively high per-line overhead. In this example, the per-line overhead was about 33 percent.

The paged buffer gap method pays a large price in this example because of the mismatch between the page size and the buffer. If memory is tight, a smaller page size can be selected. However, the extra overhead is paid only once per buffer, since it occurs only at the end.

Crash Recovery

These comparisons assume that a recovery program is examining the core image of an edit session that was interrupted.

In the buffer gap method, crash recovery is relatively easy and fail safe. In general, the start and end of the buffer can be found if a marker is left around the buffer (say, a string of sixteen strange (value 255) bytes) and the buffer is everything between them. The gap can be recovered and manually deleted by the user or, if it too is filled with a special marker, can be automatically deleted.

In the linked line method, crash recovery is harder. Recovery is greatly aided by erasing freed memory. Basically, you perform the recovery by picking a block at random and examining it. If it can be parsed into a line header (i.e., the pointer values, etc., are reasonable), continue (a careful selection of header formats will help). Otherwise, pick a different block. You can then follow the next and previous pointers and parse them. If this works three or four times in a row, you can be confident that you have a handle on the contents. If a header doesn't parse, it is because it is either a part of a line (either pick again at random or go back one chunk and try again) or a header that was being modified (in which case you are blocked from continuing down that end of the chain). In the latter case, go in the other direction as far as possible. You now have one half of the buffer. Repeat the random guess, but don't pick from memory that you have already identified as part of the buffer. You should get the other half of the buffer. Leave it to the user to put the two halves together again. If the freed blocks are not erased, the chance of finding a valid-looking header that points to erroneous data is very high.

In the paged buffer gap method, crash recovery is easier than with linked line, but harder than with buffer gap. As with buffer gap, marker bytes can help you locate the buffer pages, and the gap can be recovered either manually or automatically. The pages are strung together just like lines were: it is just that there are fewer pages to work with.

Efficiency of Editing

These comparisons examine the typical types of effort required to insert a character or line.

		insert			insert			maximum
		character		line			motion

buffer gap	move gap		same as insert		buffer
		pointer update		character

linked line	move/scroll line	allocate header	line
		pointer update		splice into line

paged buffer gap  if full, split page	same as insert		page
		move gap		character
		pointer update

As might be expected, the buffer gap scheme is the most efficient, although you will occasionally encounter a comparatively long pause. The linked line scheme adds lots of overhead to the simple operations and cuts out the occasional comparatively long pauses. But you will often be hit badly if, for example, you insert in the middle of a 4,000-character line. The paged buffer gap method removes the pauses at the price of a moderate increase in complexity.

Efficiency of Buffer/File I/O

This section compares the way that the methods handle buffer/file I/O.

The buffer gap method is extremely efficient. Reading a file into a buffer consists of these operations:

On some systems, even this can actually be improved. For example, on many systems you can just map the file into the address space of your process. No actual data motion takes place until you modify one of the pages. At that time, the page is copied and the modifications are written to the new copy (this is sometimes called "copy-on-write"). Writing the file out can take two calls (one to cover the text in front of the gap and the other to cover the text after the gap).

The linked line method has a very obvious but poor algorithm to read the file in. This code fragment illustrates the algorithm:

	if (fd = fopen(FILE, "r")) == NULL) {
	while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fd) != NULL) {
		if (!Allocate_Line(strlen(buf)) {

This algorithm has a system call (in the fgets) and allocation for every line in the buffer. An improved algorithm would read the whole file into memory (or at least read in large chunks), then allocate lines out of that memory. This improvement at least reduces switching between the system and program contexts. (A sufficiently good fgets implementation would effectively do this. Unfortunately, the libraries that come with many C compilers are not sufficiently good...)

The paged buffer gap method could be just as efficient at reading as the buffer gap method. It would operate by reading the entire file in as a block, then dividing that block up without moving any data. The first insert on each page will cause a page split, though. Writing would have a worst case number of system calls equal to twice the number of pages in use.

Efficiency of Searching

This section compares the way that the three methods handle searching.

If your implementation is such that the search time dominates the setup time, all three methods are equivalent. In the case where the setup time dominates the search time, the methods do perform differently, and that is the case that will be examined.

This comparison assumes that the search routines are "built in" to the buffer management code for performance reasons. While they could call Get_Char for every character, doing so would probably not be very efficient. Given equivalent implementations of the actual search code, the main difference among the methods is the number of times that the inner search loop is called. In other words, it is the number of distinct pieces that must be searched.

The buffer gap method calls the inner loop twice: once for the text in front of the gap and once for the text after the gap. While an implementation could move the gap so that the search routine only needs to be called once, doing so goes against the reason for having the gap in the first place. Keep in mind that searching happens a lot. For example, two searches are done whenever the "forward word" command is given. The whole point of the buffer gap method is to avoid moving the gap until it is necessary. An even worse way to go astray is to move the gap as you search. This replaces one large, efficient gap move with many smaller ones. We have already observed that even fairly large gap moves are not very noticeable, so "optimizing" them out is not a wise move. In conclusion, invoking the search loop twice is quite efficient.

The linked line method invokes the inner search loop once for every line in the buffer. In our earlier example, this means that it would be invoked 150 times. What's worse, the linked line method does not store newline characters. Rather, they are implied by the line structure. Hence, whenever a newline character is in the search string, that character must be handled in a special manner. While some optimizations can (and should) be made (for example, searching for "x<newline>" means that you only have to look at the last character of each line), the code complexity required to make these optimizations adds its own performance penalty.

The paged buffer gap method lies somewhere between the other two. In the earlier example, the search routine would have to be invoked ten times. This is not enough to incur a significant performance penalty, but it is one more reason not to use this method if buffer gap will work.

Multiple Buffers

This section compares the way that the methods handle multiple buffers.

The buffer gap method offers no choice: the buffers must follow one another in memory (where else could they be?). This arrangement becomes bad when the total size of all buffers becomes large enough that an objectionable pause occurs when switching buffers. The arrangement can be improved by leaving extra "gaps" between buffers.

The linked line method has two choices. First, all lines can be allocated out of a common pool. Thus, over time, the buffers tend to "intertwine" (i.e., the lines of one buffer are mixed in with the lines from other buffers in physical memory). This choice tends to maximize the density of text and thus makes the most efficient use of memory. (See also the discussion in the next section about paged environments.) The other choice is to allocate memory among buffers, then allocate all lines for a buffer from within each buffer's allocation. There must, of course, be some way to change the buffer allocations.

The paged buffer gap method has the same two choices as linked line.

Paged Virtual Memory

This section compares the way that the methods perform in paged, virtual memory environments. It concentrates on the effects that occur when main memory is full and paging is going on ("tight memory").

Some operations, such as searching the entire buffer, require that the buffer be accessed sequentially. In situations where the entire buffer does not fit into memory, no management method can avoid some page swapping. That type of situation is not analyzed here.

The buffer gap method generally works well in this environment. Its highly compact format allows for accessing large portions of the buffer with only a few pages in memory. Its sequential organization also implies that it has a very good locality of reference and so the nearby pages are heavily referenced and likely to be around.

Its major problem is, as usual, the worst case situation of a large gap movement. In tight memory situations, moving the whole buffer implies that all of the buffer's pages must be swapped in and -- most likely -- swapped out again. Overall, the buffer gap method does as well as can be expected. The nearby portions of the buffer will tend to be in memory because of locality of reference, but distant portions may in general have to be paged in.

The linked line method has many disadvantages and no real advantages in tight memory situations. First, if an intertwining multiple buffer scheme is used, over time the effective page size is reduced by a factor that tends to increase over time to equal the number of buffers. This reduction is due to the random nature of the buffer memory allocations, the fact that many lines tend to fit into one virtual memory page, and the consequence that over time a virtual memory page tends to hold lines from as many buffers as possible. However, when a given buffer is in use, the storage used by the other buffers is consuming memory.

Even separating the buffer memory does not resolve this problem. When buffers get large, different parts of the same buffer may act in the same fashion as the separate buffers to decrease the effective page size. In extreme cases, a desired "target" line may be in memory, but in the process of following the linked list, the target line may be swapped out!

Notwithstanding the above, this method does not pack data as tightly as the others. An earlier example showed that the overhead for the linked line method is about 33 percent. Thus, the page size is effectively reduced by 25 percent.

When all factors are combined, a typical linked line system is probably reducing its effective page size by about 50 percent. The result is that, for example, if a computer has one Megabyte of memory in 512, two Kilobyte pages, the linked line method would effectively treat this as 512 Kilobytes of memory (512, one Kilobyte pages).

The paged buffer gap method is essentially the buffer gap method, modified to improve performance in tight memory situations. It removes the lengthy gap moves and consequently lowers the probability of thrashing. When designing such a system, the buffer page size should be set the same or as a multiple of the virtual memory page size. Thus, in even the tightest memory situations an insert or delete of one character will only affect at most two pages of buffer memory.


Use the buffer gap method if at all possible.

Only use the linked line method if you are implementing in an environment that likes to manipulate lists of small objects; for example, Lisp environments.

Only use the paged buffer gap method if resources are tight.

Editing Extremely Large Files

This section examines techniques for editing extremely large files. The first type of extremely large file is those files that are so large that reasonable assumptions based on current workstation and mainframe architectures are no longer valid. Given the current generation of computing hardware, this starts happening around 512 Megabytes (ten years ago, I had set this number at 64 Megabytes). At that size, even simple operations such as a string search can take several minutes to run on a fast processor with the whole file in memory.

Although there are one or two interesting hacks you can do to stay alive, life is simply not bearable when trying to edit such a large unstructured file. The alternative which large data base implementors have known about for years, is to structure the file. This alternative is palatable because an unstructured editor can still be used to edit the pieces of a structured file. The other reason why this limitation is not bothersome is that there aren't all that many such files to edit. (For example, the largest file on a computer system that I often use is only about 33 Megabytes.) The vast majority of files are much smaller. Gigantic files call for special tools.

The other type of "extremely large" file is encountered on resource-limited systems. In these cases, files that would otherwise be handled easily can now cause the system to bog down. For example, in the first generation of microprocessor systems, an extremely large file might have been 100 Kilobytes. There are several ways of dealing with such files.

One way is to divide the file into chunks, each of which fits into memory. You read in the first chunk, edit it, write it out, read in the second chunk, and continue until you are done. While arbitrary editing can be done within a chunk, in general you cannot back up to a previous chunk without finishing the file and starting over. This method was used by the original TECO editor.

Another way is to use a three-file system. As the user moves down in the file, the "from" file is read and a "to" file is written. When the user wants to back up, the "to" file is read and a "holding" file is written (the chunks will appear in reverse order in this file). When the user moves forward again, the "hold" file is read (backwards) until exhausted, then the "from" file is read from again.

The best method to use if main memory is tight is paged buffer gap. If disk storage is also tight, serial chunking is best.

Difference Files

There is another type of buffer management that has been used to good advantage in several cases. It is called the difference file method. It works best when recording relatively few changes, and those changes are small when compared to the size of the buffer. In this method, the buffer is not kept in memory at all. Instead, only a list of differences between the buffer and the "original" file is kept. When information is being retrieved from the buffer, it is read from the file as needed and the differences applied.

This method has much promise. For example, in many cases, a file will be read into a buffer, looked at by the user, and the buffer deleted. In this example, the difference file method essentially acts as a file viewer. This is particularly encouraging when you realize that the larger a file is, the less likely it is to be dramatically changed.

On the other hand, this method does not scale well. For example, I have been editing this chapter continuously for several hours. As it turns out, the current version bears little resemblance to the original. The best description of the changes is "throw out everything and insert X," where "X" is the entire chapter. I would expect most "reasonable" descriptions of this chapter to wind up being several times as large as the chapter itself. Hence, you now have to address the question of how to edit the description of the differences. Let's see, we can use buffer gap, linked line, or paged buffer gap...

In addition, this method does not work well in tight memory situations. As I write this chapter, it occupies about 60 Kilobyes of the roughly 100 Kilobytes of free RAM disk space on my lap-top computer. I simply don't have the room to store what amounts to both the "old" and "new" versions at once.

But, one might argue, you don't have to store the "old" version as it appears on disk. Well, that's true, but the disk is sitting on the table by my side, not in the floppy drive. So how can it be read?

In conclusion, this method works well when one is essentially viewing files. However, it breaks down badly as changes to the file accumulate. It can easily end up taking several times as much memory to track all the changes as to simply store the modified version. Finally, the changes can easily become so large that either a "real" buffer management method must be implemented to simply track the changes or "snapshot" files must be created so that changes can be tracked from a new base. Hence, why bother with the extra overhead?

Questions to Probe Your Understanding

Rectangular regions include only those characters between the point and mark that are also in columns between those of the point and the mark. Define a set of interface procedures to handle rectangular regions. (Easy)

Come up with a situation where it would be a good idea to implement the buffer as a linked list of characters. (Medium)

The first buffer gap editor was TECO, which was also among the first text editors ever written. It was written in the early 1960s. Explain why many people spent the next fifteen years reinventing hard-to-use, limited-functionality line editors. (Medium, but if you succeed I would like to hear your explanation)

Devise a buffer management scheme better than buffer gap. (Hard, but if you succeed, you can probably get a Ph.D. thesis out of it)

Copyright 1999 by Craig A. Finseth.

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