QUANTUM FLUIDS: General: Froehlich et al. 95/08; Interactions in Quantum Fluids by Thierry Giamarchi [2009/07] A Primer on Quantum Fluids by Carlo F. Barenghi and Nicholas G. Parker [2016/05] 132 pp. Types: CHARGE DENSITY WAVES; FERMI; INSTANTON; LUTTINGER; NODAL LIQUIDS; QUANTUM HALL; SPIN LIQUIDS; SUPERFLUIDS; Type: GASSES: Spin-Orbit Coupled Quantum Gases by Hui Zhai [2011/10] The importance of being integrable: out of the paper, into the lab by Murray T. Batchelor [2013/08] Quantum gases in optical lattices by Peter Barmettler and Corinna Kollath [2013/12] Type: NON-FERMI: Varma et al. 2001/03; Type: ONE DIMENSIONAL: BOSONIZATION: Gogolin et al. 99/09; Type: TWO DIMENSIONAL: Processes: PHASE TRANSITIONS: Schakel 98/11; Aspects: COHERENCE: Coherence and Correlations in Atom Lasers by P. D Drummond et al. [2007/10] Aspects: TURBULENCE: Quantum Turbulence in Quantum Gases by Lucas Madeira et al. [2019/03] Processes: BOSONIZATION: IN ONE DIMENSION: Gogolin et al. 99/09; Processes: PHASE TRANSITIONS: Schakel 98/11; Re: SHOT NOISE: Shot noise in mesoscopic systems: From single particles to quantum liquids by K. Kobayashi and M. Hashisaka [2021/10] THE NET ADVANCE OF PHYSICS