11.520 : A Workshop on Geographic Information Systems  
  11.188 : Urban Planning and Social Science Laboratory

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Fall 2008 SYLLABUS


Prof. Joseph Ferreira, Jr., MIT Room 9-532, jf@mit.edu
    Office hours : Tuesday 2:30 - 4 & Thursday 10:30 - noon
Yi Zhu , Teaching Assistant, zhuyi@mit.edu
    Office hours : TBA


Sue Delaney, Room 9-530, x3-0779, sld@mit.edu
The class staff collectively can be reached via e-mail at 11.520staff@mit.edu.


Monday: Lab prep and Lab exercises 2:00-5:00 PM in Room 37-312
[Lab prep and start of exercise are the key parts. Students can leave for other classes beginning at 3:30 or 4 and finish the exercises later on their own.]

Additional lab time (optional) is to be arranged after the first class (most likely on Friday).

Wednesday: Lecture: 2:00- 3:30 PM in Room 14E-310 (no longer in 1-379)


Undergraduates should enroll in 11.188; this subject will satisfy both the Department and the Institute lab requirement.
Graduate students should enroll in 11.520.

11.520 is a full-semester graduate subject that earns 3-6-3 units of H-level graduate credit.
11.188 is a full-semester undergraduate subject covering the same material as 11.520 that earns
3-6-3 units of undergraduate credit.

NOTE: The subjects 11.520 and 11.188 meet at the same time with nearly identical content.


This class uses lab exercises and a workshop setting to help students develop an in-depth understanding of the planning and public management uses of geographic information systems. The goals are to help students:

  • Acquire technical skills in the use of geographic information system (GIS) software and database management tools through
    • lab exercises and homework using small (but real) local datasets, and
    • project work involving the shared use of larger datasets and the mixing and matching of data from different sources.
  • Acquire qualitative methods skills by:
    • gathering data and documentation
    • analyzing information, and
    • presenting results effectively.
  • Investigate the potential and practicality of GIS technologies in a typical planning setting and evaluate possible applications.
  • Understand basic principles underlying the growth of web mapping, geospatial services, and location-aware computing.

The workshop teaches GIS techniques and basic database management at a level that extends somewhat beyond the thematic mapping and data manipulation skills included in the MCP core classes (viz. 11.204 and 11.220). Instead of focusing on one thematic map of a single variable, students will focus on more open-ended planning questions that invite spatial analysis but will

  • Require judgment and exploration to select relevant data and mapping techniques;
  • Involve mixing and matching new, local data with extracts from official records (such as census data, parcel data and regional employment and population forecasts);
  • Utilize spatial analysis techniques such as buffering, address matching, and overlays;
  • Use other modeling and visualization techniques beyond thematic mapping (e.g., raster analysis) ;
  • Raise questions about the skills, strategy, and organizational support needed to sustain such analytic capability within a variety of local and regional planning settings.


The prerequisites for the course are:

  • A working familiarity with personal computing, spreadsheets, and the MIT Athena & CRN computing environments. 
  • A basic familiarity with elementary data analysis (that most undergrads acquire via general Institute requirements, and most graduate students have already acquired via undergrad methods and analysis classes). Hence, 11.220 (Quantitative Reasoning I) is not a prerequisite.


Students will be expected to complete weekly lab exercises plus three homework sets covering readings and basic GIS skills. Students will also complete one in-class test and a small project of the student's choosing that draws on the skills taught in the class. This project will be presented to the class in an oral presentation and a brief written report. The project should require about the same effort as one of the homework sets. Due dates for these requirements are given in the schedule below. The GIS exercises will use ArcGIS software on WinAthena workstations.


Lab Exercises (collectively)


Three Homework Sets (collectively)


In-Class, Open-Book Test


Small Project


Class Participation


Please include your name and Athena username on all assignments, tests, etc., including those turned in electronically. We need this information to identify your work easily.


Turning in assignments promptly is important both for keeping current with the subject matter, which is cumulative, and to keep all students on a level playing field. Hence, we have adopted a strict policy towards credit for assignments that are turned in late. We will consider requests for extensions due to extenuating circumstances on a case-by-case basis, but please do not count on such requests being granted.

Lab exercises are typically due one week after the corresponding lab. A late lab exercise will be accepted up until one week after the original due date for a loss of one grade (e.g., a "check" becomes a "check-minus"). After that, late assignments will receive no credit and will not be accepted.

Late problem sets will have two points deducted for each day (weekends and holidays count for a single day ) that it is turned in after the due date. Hence, a problem set turned in three days late would lose 6 points. If it would have earned 90 points if turned in on time, it would receive only 84 points under these conditions. Regardless, after two weeks, no problem sets will be accepted if the answers have been posted.

Final project write-ups are due on the last day of classes, Wednesday, December 10. Write-ups turned in after Friday, December 12 will lose 5 points. No project write-ups will be accepted after Monday, December15.


Texts marked with an asterisk (*) will be held on reserve at Rotch Library. The books may be purchased from online retailers such as borders.com, amazon.com, and barnesandnoble.com. They may also be available from brick-and-mortar bookstores such as Quantum Books or various used book sites.

  • Ormsby, et al., Getting to Know ArcGIS Desktop, Second Edition. ISBN: 1-58948-083-X    2004  (Available at http://gis.esri.com/esripress/display/index.cfm?fuseaction=display&websiteID=87&moduleID=0 this edition is for ArcGIS 9.2; the earlier version from 2001 is adequate also, ISBN: 1-879102-89-7)
  • (*) Worboys, Michael F. GIS: A Computing Perspective. London: Taylor & Francis, 1995. Paperback: ISBN 0-7484-0065-6. (Note: Make sure to buy the less expensive paperback rather than the hardcover edition.)
  • (*) Monmonier, Mark. How to Lie with Maps. Second Edition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996. Hardcover: ISBN 0-226-53420-0. Paperback: ISBN 0-226-53421-9. (The 1991 first edition, ISBN 0-226-53415-4, is also fine.)
  • (*) Longley, Goodchild, Maguire and Rhind, Geographic Information Systems and Science, Second Edition, 2005. ISBN: 978-0-470-87000-6 (available at:http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0470870001.html) The earlier edition from 2001 is adequate, ISBN: 0-471-89275-0.
  • (*) Peng and Tsou, Internet GIS: Distributed Geographic Information Services for the Internet and Wireless Networks, John Wiley, New York, 2003, ISBN: 0-471-35923-8. (available at http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0471359238.html)
  • O'Sullivan, David, and David Unwin, Geographic Information Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey (2003) ISBN: 0471211761.
  • Arctur, David and Michael Zeiler, Designing Geodatabases: Case Studies in GIS Data Modeling, ESRI Press, Redlands, CA, 2004, ISBN: 1-58948-021-X,




Wed., Sept. 3

Introduction to the Class and GIS; GIS Principles & methods;
WinAthena Introduction (required for students who did not do CRN computing orientation).



Mon., Sept. 8

Lab 1: ArcGIS Basics (intro to ArcGIS, paper output)


  • Ormsby, et al, Chapter 2: "Introducing ArcGIS Desktop."
  • Ormsby, et al, Chapter 3: "Exploring ArcMap."
  • Monmonier, Chapter 2: "Elements of the Map."


Wed., Sept. 10

GIS Principles & Methods, Coordinate Systems and Projectioans


  • Monmonier, Chapter 3: "Map Generalization: Little White Lies and Lots of Them."
  • Longley, et al, Chapter 4: “Georeferencing.
  • ”Ormsby, et al, Chapter 6: "Classifying Features and Rasters".
  • Ormsby, et al, Chapter 7: "Labeling Features".
  • Worboys, pp. 45-61.
  • Longley, et al, Chapter 3: “Representing Geography”.


Mon., Sept. 15

Lab 2, 3 posted online: Thematic Mapping in ArcMap (symbolization, exploratory vs. explanatory mapping) and Database Operations in ArcGIS (spatial selection, query selection, tabular joins, spatial joins)

Lab Exercise 1 due

Homework Set 1 posted online


  • Ormsby, et al, Chapter 8: "Data Queries."
  • Ormsby, et al, Chapter 9: "Joining and relating tables."
  • Ferreira, J. Jr., 1990. "Database Management Tools for Planning", Journal of the American Planning Association, Winter, pp. 78-84. [on reserve]


Wed., Sept.17

GIS Data Models and Relational Databases

Reading :

  • Worboys, pp. 61-67.
  • Peng & Tsou, pp.230-237

Mon., Sept. 22

Holiday - no lab (continue labs 2 and 3 from previous week)


Wed., Sept. 24

Relational Databases

Lab Exercise 2 due


  • Longley et al, Chapter 9: "Geographic Data Modeling."
  • Longley et al, Chapter 11: "Creating and Maintaining Geospatial Databases."
  • Ormsby et al, Chapter 15: “Creating Features.”
  • Ormsby et al, Chapter 16: “Editing Features and A ttributes.”


Mon., Sept. 29

Lab 4: Database Aggregation, SQL, and Charts

Lab Exercise 3 due


  • Ormsby, et al, Chapter 14: "Building Geodatabases."


Wed., Oct.1

Making Sense of the Census

Homework Set 1 due
Homework Set 2 distributed


  • Monmonier, Chapter 10 (Chapter 9 in the first edition): "Data Maps: Making Nonsense of the Census."


Mon., Oct. 6

Lab 5: Working with 2000 Census Data & MIT Geodata Repository

Lab Exercise 4 due.


Wed., Oct. 8

Spatial Analysis (Vector Analysis).


  • Ormsby, et al, Chapter 11: “Preparing Data for Analysis.”
  • Ormsby, et al, Chapter 12: “Analyzing Spatial Data."

Mon., Oct. 13

NO LAB (Columbus Day Holiday)


Wed., Oct. 15

Spatial Data Models and Spatial Analysis II (Raster)

Homework Set 2 part 1 due (changed!)

Reading : to be distributed


Mon., Oct 20


Lab 6: Vector Spatial Analysis (buffers, polygon overlay, area allocation, using ArcTools)

Lab Exercise 5 due

Reading :

  • Ormsby, et al, Chapter 11: “Preparing Data for Analysis.”
  • Ormsby, et al, Chapter 12: “Analyzing Spatial Data.


Wed., Oct. 22

Advanced Raster Operations, and Model Builder

Reading :  

  • Ormsby, et al, Chapter 17: "Geocoding Address."


Mon., Oct 27

Lab 7: Raster Spatial Analysis (Interpolation, Raster Operations, Spatial Analyst) and Model Builder

Lab Exercise 6 due


Wed., Oct. 29

Intro to Web Services


  • Peng and Tsou, Chapter 1: "GIS, Internet GIS, and Distributed GIServices".
  • Peng and Tsou, Chapter 4: "Technology Evolutions of Web Mapping".


Mon., Nov.3


Lab 8: Introduction to Web Services

Lab Exercise 7 due

Reading : to be distributed


Wed., Nov. 5

GIS Data Creation & Conversion

Homework Set 2 part 2 due

Project Proposal due (Friday, Nov. 7, by 5 PM)


  • Ormsby, et al, Chapter 17: "Geocoding Address."


Mon., Nov. 10

NO LAB (Veteran's Day Holiday ): start project + catch up on labs/homework


  • Ormsby, et al, Chapter 17: "Geocoding Addresses."

Wed., Nov. 12

Intro to network Analysis and Interoperable Web Services

Project Proposal Feedback

Lab Exercise 8 due

Homework Set 3, Part I due by 5 PM on Friday, Nov. 14, via Stellar

Mon., Nov. 17

Test (in class, open book)

Wed., Nov. 19

Project Work

Mon., Nov. 24

Project Work

Homework Set 3, Part II due


  • Notes by Cherie Abbanat, DUSP Writing Specialist, on "Creating Your 11.188/11.520 Presentation and Report"

Wed., Nov. 26

Tips on Project Presentation and Writeup, plus Project Work

Mon., Dec. 1

Project Work + Project Title and Abstract due

Wed., Dec. 3

Project Work

Mon., Dec. 8

Brief Project Presentations

Wed., Dec. 10

Terrain Models, 3D & Course Wrapup

Project Write-up due

Last modified on 3 September 2008 [jf]

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Please send comments about this page to the 11.520/11.188 class staff <11.520staff@mit.edu>.