Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Department of Urban Studies and Planning

11.520: A Workshop on Geographic Information Systems
11.188: Urban Planning and Social Science Laboratory

Lab Exercise 4: Database Aggregation and Chart Creation in ArcMap

In-Lab Notes - 5 October 2009

Key Ideas in Lab #4:

  1. Handling one-to-many relationships in ArcMap
  2. Constructing meaningful indices:
  3. Charts and business graphics in ArcMap

Key Techniques in Lab #4:

  1. Joining attribute tables in ArcMap
  2. Summarizing ArcMap attribute tables:
  3. Charting the correct table

Debriefing (about prior labs and homework):

  1. Resetting ArcGIS configuration files (when your customzied ArcMap startup settings are screwed up):
  2. Debugging skills: Verify success of each step of many-step procedure:
  3. Customizing layers:
  4. Comments on Labs 1 and 2: Follow this link for comments and sample maps for Labs 1 and 2:

Last modified on 5 October 2009 [jf].

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