11.521 |
Database Management and Advanced Geographic Information
11.523 |
of Spatial Database Management
Needed Info:
- Clark Broida's database of Boston Zoning variances (stored in the ZONING table within the 'bzoning' schema of our 'class521' database on the Postgres server. These zoning data are explained further in the 'zoning database' portion of the SQL Notes:
- Assorted Boston maps, including Massachusetts Town boundaries, Boston MSA Census Tract, Boston Neighborhoods, and the East Boston parcel data.
Data Processing Reminder:
- Double check via Geoprocessing / Environments... that your scratch work space is set to C:\TEMP when you start working in ArcMap.
- To improve performance and avoid data corruption due to network latency, copy all shapefiles to a truly local drive, C:\TEMP before opening and adding datasets into ArcMap
Before proceeding with this exercise, get familiar with the zoning variance data and the associated lookup tables. Review the 'zoning variances' and 'SQL examples using zoning variances' portion of the SQL Notes pages that are linked to the main class webpage. Examine the various tables and try some of the SQL query example.
In order to map the zoning variances, we need to determine a parcel ID or some X/Y point location for each zoning variance request. The original data have a street address but no parcel ID. To save time, we've already 'geocoded' the addresses of each request in the zoning variance database in order to get approximate latitude/longitude locations (expressed as decimal degrees). The geocoding results are saved in a table in Postgres called lonlat4. However, the longitude values need to be multiplied by -1 to properly represent longitude values in the Western Hemisphere (which are negative).
We can use the following SQL query to create a table that makes this change:
CREATE TABLE public.jf_lonlat5 AS SELECT casenumber, -1.0 * longitude as longitude, latitude, streetname, quality FROM bzoning.lonlat4;We could have avoided creating a new table by using the following query to create a 'view' that makes this change:CREATE VIEW public.jf_lonlat5 AS
SELECT casenumber, -1.0 * longitude as longitude, latitude,
streetname, quality
FROM bzoning.lonlat4;We prefix the name of the table or view with initials (or Athena username) so multiple users can avoid unique name conflicts. Note that the lonlat4 table is prefixed by its schema name 'bzoning'. Since the view name has no prefix, it will be written into the default schema - which is usually 'public' since the default search path contains the schema 'public'. However, you can set your search path to specify the order of consideration of schemas. SET search_path TO bzoning,public; will look first in 'bzoning' and then in 'public'. Beware that you have read-only permission in 'bzoning' but you can save tables and views in 'public'. You will get a 'cannot save' message if your search_path started with 'bzoning' and you tried to create a new table or view without prefixing the new name with 'public.'
The use of a decimal place and '0' when multiplying by -1.0 forces Postgres to treat the second field as a floating point number when computed 'on the fly' by the view. Beware, however, that some ODBC drivers have problems guessing the right data types when bringing Postgres views into ArcMap tables. In this case, we could either move the table from Postgres into Access and then into ArcMap, or we will export the Postgres table into a plain text CSV file and read that into ArcMAP. Alternatively, we could use QGIS, an open source GIS package that is 64-bit, and connect to Postgres using the same 64-bit driver that Access is using. (We will make some use of QGIS later in the semester.)
2.1) Connect to a Postgres Database from ArcMap
(1) From ArcMap or ArcCatalog, you can construct a database connection that lets you add tables from Postgres. From ArcMap, click on Add Data, and navigate to the Database Connections level. From ArcCatalog, the Database Connections level is also a the top level (along with 'folder connections', 'toolboxes', etc.). Double-click 'Add Database Connection'.
2.2) Import your Postgres table, t_lonlat5, into ArcMap
(2 ) In the pop-up window, select PostgreSQL as the Database Platform, write the virtual machine cronpgsql.mit.edu as the instance, and leave Database Authentication as the Authentication Type.
(3) Type your usename and password, deselect the 'save username and password' and select the Database you want to connect to. In this case, choose zoning.
(4) You will now see a connection called 'Connection to cronpgsql.mit.edu.sde (or a similar name) appear as one of your 'database connections' in the ArcCatalog pane. You can now click on it and open any table (or view) stored in that database to which you have access. Make sure you rename the connection, so that you can identify it in the future. To do so, click on the ArcCatalog symbol on ArcMap, go to Database connections, right click on the database you want to rename and select rename in the drop down menu. We suggest you rename the connection 'CR-username-class521' where you substitute your MIT user ID in place of 'username'.We have already discussed how to create a temporary table you_lonlat5 using phpPgAdmin or PgAdminIII in your Postgres account. If you have not already done this, use a 'create table you_xxxx as select ...' command in Postgres to save your view into a temporary table - and remember to 'drop table you_xxxx' later on.
Alternatively, instead of connecting ArcMap to Postgres directly, you could export a table into plain text (CSV) format and read that text table into ArcMap. We will use the direct connection but, for the record, here is the way to create a CSV file from phpPgADMIN.
1) Run a query using your phpPgAdmin connection to Postgres to obtain all columns and rows of you_lonlat5: You can use the following query.
SELECT * FROM you_lonlat5;2) Export the table in .csv format: After you run the query, scroll all the way down to the bottom of the table and click on download. Select the format to be 'CSV', click again on download, and then export it. Save it to your local working directory (C:\temp) using the same name you_lonlat5.csv
3) Now, import the table into ArcMap: You may want to start ArcMap by running the local copy of the map document file that we used for Lab #2 (eboston05_lab2start.mxd in C:\temp\eboston05). That way, several useful layers will already be available and you will remember to start with map documents and shapefiles on a truly local drive (C:\temp). Click on the Add Data symbol and navigate to the location of you_lonlat5.csv. Then add the file to your ArcMap document.
Similarly, we could move Postgres tables into MS-Access (and then into ArcMap). Just for the record, here are the instructions to import data from Postgres into Access.
1) In an open MS-Access database (that uses the 2000-2003 MS-Access format and has a filename ending in .mdb), click the 'External Data' tab and click on ODBC Database. Select 'Import the source data into a new table...'
2) In the pop-up 'Select Data Source' window, click the 'Machine Data Source' tab. You should see PostgreSQL35W64 as a possible data source name. (If a Postgres choice is not available, then a 64-bit ODBC postgres driver has not yet been installed on your machine. See the instructors if you need help installing such a driver on your personal machine.)
3) Next, a 'postgresql connection' window pops up and you need to specify the database, user, and password for accessing the Postgres instance. In our case, the database will be 'zoning', and the server should already be listed as cronpgsql.mit.edu using port 5432. Type your (athena) username and your personal postgres password and click 'OK'. After a moment, a new 'import objects' window pops up with a list of tables that you may be able to access. Note that the table names are prefixed with the schema name - in our case 'public'. Select your t_lonlat5 table.
4) Be sure your database is saved as an .mdb file (not the newer .acdb format), so that ArcMap will be able to access the tables in this MS-Access database. From ArcMap, click the 'add data' button to navigate your file system and find the MS-Access database, and import your table. Check that numeric fields are properly shown.
To map the zoning variances, you'll need to convert the latitude/longitude values in the you_lonlat5 table into 'points' on your map. Since all the Boston area maps we've been using are in Massachusetts State Plane coordinates (not latitude/longitude), we'll have to worry about map projections. There is more than one strategy for mixing and matching layers with different projections. Which way works best depends upon whether your datasets have their spatial reference system identified, what variations you want to combine, and the spatial reference system with which you want to view the data onscreen. We'll explain one approach here:
Loading an existing shapefile into an empty Data Frame in ArcMap will set the coordinate system of the Data Frame to match that of the shapefile - if the coordinate system of the shapefile is known to ArcMap (i.e., if there is an *.prj file saved on disk with the name of the shapefile in place of '*'). Since we will be working today with shapefiles saved in *different* coordinate systems, it will avoid confusion to set the coordinate system of the Data Frame explicitly at the outset. Then when we create a new shapefile from our lat/lon values for the zoning variances, we can be sure that the lat/lon values are converted into an appropriate and known projected coordinate system - namely, the one used by MassGIS for most Mass data layers (and a slightly different one from what Boston uses!).
(a) Before you add any data layers to an empty Data Frame in ArcMap, right click on the data frame name, and choose properties. In the Coordinate System tab, choose "Predefined / Projected Coordinate Systems / State Plane / Nad 1983(meters) / NAD_1983_StatePlane_Massachusetts_Mainland_FIPS_2001". This step identifies the spatial reference system (Mass State Plane) in which you wish to view the data. Note that there are several NAD 1983 choices. (For example, NAD 1983 HARN stands for 'high accuracy reference network' and is a regional update of NAD 1983 (meters) coordinates using GPS observations). Both NAD 1983 and NAD 1983 HARN should work well but, since most state datasets are based on NAD 1983, we suggest using that one.
(b) Now, use the 'add data' button to navigate your file system to wherever you save the CSV file. Click on t_lonlat5.csv to add this table to your data frame. Note that your Data Frame should already have its coordinate system select - either by the steps above in step (a) or by adding a shapefile with a known projection into the Data Frame.
(c) Right click on the you_lonlat5 table, and choose Display X,Y data. In the pop-up window, select the proper fields for X field and Y field then press OK. This 'Display X-Y Data' window must also indicate the appropriate coordinate system for these X-Y values. At this point, the 'Description' of the coordinate system of input coordinates is likely to be wrong - the system guesses incorrectly that they are the same as what we set for the new Data Frame. Choose 'Edit' and select 'geographic coordinate systems' using the World WGS84 datum. This specification lets ArcMap know that the numbers in your X/Y columns are lat-lon decimal degree values and they must be converted to Mass State Plane coordinates (using the appropriate datum). [Using WGS84 for the datum is consistent with what Google Earth and many online mapping services use as their model of the Earth's surface. It is a slightly different datum from what Mass State Plane coordinates use (NAD 1983) and may lead to occasional messages from ArcMap that you have some coordinate system inconsistencies. Since the earth models are not very different around Boston, you need not worry about these inconsistencies.]
When you click 'okay', you may get a message saying, "The table you specified does not have an Object-ID field so you will not be able to ... " Click okay and just remember that you will need to save the new layer as a shapefile (and add it back in to ArcMap). before you can do any spatial operations (such as 'join by location') with your new mappable zoning variances.
After you click 'okay', ArcMap will generate and display a pinmap (in Mass State Plane coordinates, NAD83 meters) of the X-Y locations stored in the lon-lat columns of t_lonlat5. [If the pinmap is not showing, ArcMap may be mixed up because this XY pinmap is the only layer in the data frame and ArcMap is confused about coordinates. In this case, add in a shapefile such as the ma_towns00 or ebos_parcels05 and both that shapefile and your you_lonlat5 events will be displayed.]
(d) Next, be sure to add the Massachusetts Town Boundary layer to your Data Frame. One place to find this is the ma_towns00 shapefile in the data sub-directory of the class locker: //afs/athena.mit.edu/course/11/11.521/data. Since this shapefile includes a ma_towns00.prj file indicating the spatial reference system (Mass State Plane, Mainland, NAD83 meters), ArcMap won't complain about not knowing the coordinate system and the Town map should display correctly. If the *.prj file were missing, the display would still work since we have already set the Data Frame to be the same as the projected coordinate saved on disk in the ma_towns00 shapefile. Also, add the ebos_parcels05 shapefile that we have used in recent labs. (If you started ArcMap using c:\temp\eboston05\eboston05_lab2start.mxd from lab #2, then the town boundaries and East Boston 2005 parcels will already be loaded into the initial Data Frame and you can copy and paste them into a second Data Frame for lab #4 work.
(e) Although we can now see the zoning variances on our map, we will have trouble using them in various ArcToolbox operations because they have not yet been associated with feature IDs and coordinate systems. Right-click on the 'lonlat5 Events' layer and choose 'data/export-data' to export the events as a shapefile (with a proper feature ID). Before clicking 'ok' notice the coordinate system choice. Select 'the data frame' so that the event locations are saved in Mass State Plane coordinates rather than lat/lon. Also, pay attention to the location where you are saving the shapefile. The default is a generic name (Export_Output) in the default file geodatabase (which is C:\temp\scratch.gdb if your ArcMap settings match those recommended in an earlier lab.) We suggest changing the name to something like, 'lonlat5_sp' to indicate that is has the variance locations converted to Mass state plane coordinates.
If you want to use this shapefile later on, you should explicitly save it either (a) outside the scratch.gdb geodatabase as we have done with other shapefiles, or (b) within the scratch.gdb. In either case, you will need to remember what you have done and, before logging out, copy the entire shapefile (all 6 or 7 parts) to your flash drive or network locker, or copy the entire scratch.gdb. If the scratch.gdb has been sitting in c:\temp and accumulating random datasets for anyone using the machine, that may not be a good option. However, if you start with a fresh scratch.gdb file geodatabase (or a personal one that you saved previously) this choice is a good option. Finally, add your newly saved shapefile back into ArcMap.
Now (finally!) you have a 'pin map' of the projected zoning variances showing up within the town boundaries of Boston where they belong. The data type conversions, coordinate issues, and geocoding (which we did for you!) do complicate pulling data into GIS. However, if you understand the data conversion issues and check each step along the way, there are substantial amounts of mapable data available on the net.
(e) Now let's add a few other map themes to ArcMap to give more meaning to the zoning variance map. Add the msa5_tr90 and planning_districts shapefiles (showing Eastern Mass 1990 census tracts and Boston neighborhood boundaries in Mass State Plane coordinates NAD83. (Beware that msa5_tr90 is in NAD83 [meters] whereas planning_districts is in NAD93 [feet] - which is used by Boston and has a different origin [0,0] from NAD83 [meters]). The data files are located in the class locker //afs/athena.mit.edu/course/11/11.521/data and planning_districts is in the 'Boston' sub-folder. Since the two shapefiles have a *.prj projection file, ArcMap knows how to display them properly in the Data Frame.
(f) Next, let's examine and map various subsets of the zoning variance cases -- for example, all approved variances. We're not quite ready to do this since the t_lonlat5 table has none of the zoning variance characteristics -- we'll have to join it to the ZONING table using 'casenumber'. We could do the match in Postgres and then import the resulting table into ArcGIS, or we could import the zoning table using our connection to Postgres and do the join in ArcMap. However, due to the 32-bit vs 64-bit issue we are experiencing, we will have to export the zoning table from Postgres into a csv file and then import it into ArcMap in the same way we imported t_lonlat5. Alternatively, we could use the MS-Access database (11.521_lab3.mdb) that contains the zoning table and pull the rows we want from that table.
(f) After joining the zoning data to your projected-and-mapped you_lonlat5 data, generate a pin-map showing the location of all variances (that were geo-referenced) which proposed to convert vacant land to housing. Your map should be zoomed in to just fit Boston onscreen and should show city boundaries and census tracts as well as the zoning variance locations.
(g) Now change the symbols used to draw the variances (involving vacant land converted to housing) so that a different symbol is used for those which were APPROVED (code 1 or 2). You will also want to exclude the missing value cases so the two symbols apply only to approved/not-approved variances. (There are several ways to distinguish and symbolize the approved/not-approved variances. For example, you can copy/paste a second zoning pin-map layer and display approved variances in one and not-approved variance in the other with different symbology in each case.)
(h) Next let's examine whether the approval rate of vacant-land-to-housing variances appears to be different across parts of Boston that have high/medium/low housing value -- as measured by the 1990 census data. Selected 1990 Census tract data are stored in a table in the class data locker called msa5tr.dbf in //afs/athena.mit.edu/course/11/11.521/data. Add this table to your ArcGIS project. You will have to join (or link) this data table to the msa5_tr90 theme in order to map the census data. The column names in the msa5tr.dbf table are the official Census Bureau names. The technical documentation for 1990 STF3 census data is available at: http://mit.edu/11.520/data/census90/census90stf3td.pdf and contains the data dictionary for these variables. But we'll save you some time: the H061A001 variable contains the median value of owner-occupied housing units. Join the msa5tr.dbf table to msa5_tr90 and use the H061A001 variable to generate a thematic map of the housing values across the Boston census tracts. The STCNTYTR column contains the STate+CouNTY+TRact code for each census tract and will allow you to join the census tract data table with the census tract shapefile. (For further information about US Census data and mapping, see the lecture notes from the Fall GIS class, 11.520. For example, http://mit.edu/11.520/www10/lectures/lec6_census.html). Now zoom in a bit on a part of town of particular interest to you and fiddle with the map so that the variances (with approved/not-approved symbols) are readable on top of your thematic map.
(i) Finally, let's ask some questions about the zoning variances that fall within high/medium/low value tracts. We might like to ask: How many vacant-to-housing variances are in above-average value tracts (in the 1990 census)? What fraction are approved? From the map, we can see which variances fall within the high/medium/low value tracts. But we can't easily compute the counts and fraction-approved because the zoning variances aren't 'tagged' with the number of the census tract that contains them. Here's an opportunity to use some of the spatial data processing capabilities of our GIS. We can do a spatial join -- in this case a so-called 'point-in-polygon' operation -- to find out which zoning variances (points) are contained within which census tracts (polygons). The spatial join will add the appropriate census tract row from the msa5_tr90 attribute table to the attribute table row for each (mapped) zoning variance. Since we have already joined msa5tr.dbf to msa_tr90, the spatial join allows us to determine the 1990 median housing value for the census tract containing each zoning variance.
We still have a few steps to go to answer the questions. First use ArcGIS's query tools to examine the distribution of housing value across 1990 census tracts and estimate the number of vacant-to-housing variances in above-average housing value (1990) tracts and the fraction of them that were approved. Then calculate the same two numbers for the tracts that have a below-average housing value and compare them with those of the above-average housing value tracts.
In addition to computing these numbers, turn in a printout of a table showing the casenumber, board decision, 1980 nsa number, and 1990 census tract number for all vacant-to-housing variances that are within ROSLINDALE (i.e., NSA subnghbrd 49, 50 and 51).
Instead of overlaying our selected zoning variances on top of our ArcGIS map, we might want to display our selected zoning variances in, say, Google Earth. The ArcGIS Toolbox provides conversion tools that allow you to write out an ArcMap layer or ArcMap document in a format that can be read by Google Earth, Google Maps, and other map viewing applications that adhere to the 'KML' protocol for representing mapable 3D data. (KML stands for Keyhole Markup Language. Keyhole was the company that originally developed what became Google Earth. KML is a variation of a more general geographic markup language (GML) developed by the Open GeoSpatial Consortium and KML has become a de facto standard for many map mashups. KMZ is the compiled version of KML.)
Before we try to save a KMZ file containing our zoning variances, we need to be careful about coordinate systems and in-memory vs. written-to-disk shapefiles. Your KMZ file needs to use lat/lon coordinates, not the Mass State Plane coordinates. Let's try to overlay in Google Earth all the zoning variances that proposed converting vacant land to housing. Just to be sure we have the desired data and coordinates, let us save the results from part (4g) above as a layer file. (Right-click the layer and choose 'save as a layer file') Call this layer file myzoning.lyr. Now open up a new empty Data Frame (via Insert/Data Frame from the ArcMap menus), right-click the data frame and use the properties tab to set the coordinate system to geographic coordinates using the GCS_WGS_1984 datum. (Actually, it would be better to use the GCS north american datum 1983 entry since we know that MassGIS also used the NAD83 datum for its Mass State Plane projection, but WGS84 is a safe bet for any lat/lon data and it is the datum used by Google Earth, so we have used that in labs that visualize results in Google Earth). Now, add the myzoning.lyr layer that you just saved into this data frame.
We are now ready to export the layer in the KMZ format that Google Earth can read for the map mashup. In ArcMap, open the Search pane (by mousing over the 'Search' tab located along the right side of the ArcMap window). Search for 'kml'. Double click on the 'layer to KML' choice, set the layer name to be 'myzoning' and the output to be myzoning.kmz within a writeable directory. Set the 'layer output scale' to be '1' so the layer is always turned on. (This 'layer to KML' tool is one of several data conversion tools that fit within the ArcToolbox hierarchy.) Finally, open Google Earth and click File/Open to navigate to whereever you saved myzoning.kmz and open the file. If you saved the KMZ file to a web-readable directory such as the 'www' sub-directory of your Athena locker, then you could also open myzoning.kmz in Google Earth via 'Add/Network-link' using this URL: http://mit.edu/your-athena-id/www/myzoning.kmz
Finally, save and turn in a screen shot of the Google Earth screen once you have zoomed in to the Boston area and can see the pin-map of your variances.
Try to put this files together in a PDF file. Be sure to put your name and Athena username within each separate file that you turn in. Upload your work to the class Stellar site by the start of class on Tuesday, March 6, 2018.(a) The cutoff 1990 median housing value that you used to distinguish above-average value and below-average value census tracts. (Besides listing the median housing value, add a sentence or two of explanation regarding how you determined your value. The results are not sensitive to the precise value - we just want to divide census tracts into high and low groups with about the same number of tracts in each group.) Also, turn in the two numbers (zoning variance count and fraction approved) from both the high income and low income tracts, plus the Roslindale table from Part (4-i), and
(b) A PDF copy of your ArcMap layout showing your two maps of Boston from Parts (g) and (h) with the location of the vacant-to-housing variances highlighted in various ways, and
(c) A JPG or PNG version of the screen shot showing your Google Earth map mashup of vacant-to-housing zoning variances from Part 5.
For all those variances whose board decision is known, what is the approval rate (code 1 or 2) broken down by your institutional/landuse categories from Lab #3? What fraction are in high income neighborhoods and tracts (as defined earlier) by each institutional/landuse category? What about for the vacant-to-housing subset? Map the locations of the variances in the various categories. Do you see any patterns worth pursuing? Are they closer to major roads, downtown, in more/less dense residential neighborhoods,...? Is it the ownership type or landuse type (e.g., single family, two-family, triple-deckers, or apartments) that account for different approval rates (to the extent that you find differences)?
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Created by Joe Ferreira, modified
2002-2018 by thg, jinhua, jf, josemg