Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Department of Urban Studies and Planning

Spatial Database Management and Advanced Geographic Information Systems
Advanced Geographic Information System Project

Class Project Documents - Spring 2018

Project Overview

The 11.524 portion of the semester will begin after Spring Break and will involve group projects working in metro Boston with the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) and, in Singapore, with the "Future Urban Mobility" project at the Singapore/MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART). Depending on class interest and size we will divide into two or three groups with at least three persons in each group. In each case, we will undertake spatial analyses of land use, housing, and/or transportation patterns that involve urban planning issues related to sustainability and mobility. In Boston, we will explore ways of facilitating regional planning dialog through the use of State and Local government GIS data layers together including annual mileage estimates for every Mass motor vehicle that are derived from annual safety inspection records.  In Singapore, we will analyze and visualize the simulated behavior of a housing market model under various assumptions regarding changes in accessibility.  The microsimulation models the buying and selling of residential property on a daily basis based on behavioral models of buyer willingness to pay and seller expectations of market price that are sensitive to neighborhood amenities and accessibility as well as property characteristics.  The 11.524 portion of the class will be organized as a workshop and the lab exercises and lecture/lab schedule for that part will be adjusted weekly to match the project work schedule. 

Project Partners

Background Readings

Project Data

Project Presentation

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Created by Joe Ferreira 2005, Last Modified 5 April. 2018 (jf)