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Atlantis II Power Requirements and Safety Section

Training Requirements:

In Mission 2005, it is a necessity that the 24 members of the crew be capable of taking care of themselves in the event of an emergency. In this light, we have determined that the following are the minimum qualifications that the crew must encompass:
All the crew must attain and pass a training course that gives a basic knowledge of:
  • The main aspects of the habitat
  • First-aid procedures
  • Medic first aid
  • Basic knowledge about pressure and medical problems related to it
  • Swim test: all the crewmembers must be good swimmers
  • Habitat emergency procedures
  • Basics of radio/VHF use
In addition,
  • All the crewmembers must be in good physical and psychological conditions
  • All the crewmembers must pass a health/psychological test
  • All the crewmembers must be no more than 65 years old

For additional information, please contact :

©2001 Altantis II Project

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