layer hidden off the screen


So, you're too scared to go through our work alone? Want to take a guided tour? You're welcome! I'm Rob and I work as a tour guide for the Atlantis II Publicity Division. It's my job to take scientists like you in tours of the project. We, at Atlantis II, place great emphasis on keeping the public, as well as experts in the field, informed of what we're doing here and of all our research findings. After all, people have the right to know how their tax money is being spent! And, as you probably know, this reseach we're doing is in a new area of science. Remember how when people first landed on the moon, every other child wanted to become a rocket scientist? Well, we think our project will generate the same kind of hype. The world of hydrothermal vents has never been explored before, just like outer space. In fact, people have spent more time exploring outer space than they've spent on exploring the deep regions of Earth's oceans. No, I'm not kidding!

Yeah, we're heading to the dock right now. We'll be there in a few minutes. But tell me, how have you liked Rodrigues Island so far? The people are nice, aren't they? And the landscape... it's like paradise on Earth! Independent state? No, it's a part of the Republic of Mauritius. Mainly supported by tourism... it does have a lot to offer tourists as you can see.

Why did we choose this island? Well, it's the closest place to the vent where we could set up a base. The habitat we designed is supposed to be "independent", but of course it relies on getting food and supplies from the surface. So, every few weeks, a transport ship carries supplies to them. It's the same ship we're going to take right now. How big? The ship's not as big as you imagine. It's just big enough so that it can carry the robotic and mnned vehicles on board if they needed repairs, but otherwise, it's quite a small ship as ship go. You get seasick?! Oh, no! How come you're a marine scientist then? Well, don't start complaining from now. Hey, look! We've reached the dock. There, that's the Indian Ocean! Hurry up or we'll miss the ship...

Ahoy there, Captain! Yes, another visiting scientist. And gets seasick too! What are the crew loading the ship with? More tuna cans! These scientists down there must really love their work. I wouldn't spend months eating canned food even for a million dollars. You see, they've got kitchens in the habitat, but cooking facilities are minimal because of safety requirements... we don't want any fires of course. And when our scientists go up, they can't wait to go down again. I can't believe the enthusiasm of these people. But then, they were very carefully selected... the cream of the crop. How many? I think about 32... but they aren't all down in the habitat together. They alternate. Half of them are in the habitat while the other half are on the island doing research on the samples they gathered from the vent system.

How far? I'm not sure. Hey Captain, how far is the vent from here? 430km. So we should be there in seven hours or so. Your face is turning green! If that's too long for you to handle, go to the cabin over there and spend the trip sleeping, though you'll miss a fantastic sunset in a few minutes. Just don't get seasick!
