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Biological Experimental Timeline

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This experimental timeline was constructed first by prioritizing the long list of experiments necessary to study the biology of the Edmond Vent Site. In the first months, emphasis was given to those experiments seeking to create a detailed understanding of the vent ecosystem. Next, dependencies between experiments were established; many important experiments are dependent on the results of other experiments for their completion (these dependencies are listed in the right-hand column). Using these prioritizations and dependencies, this timeline was constructed, outlining the first six months of biological science on Atlantis II.

Month Zero
Prior to Deployment of Habitat
The Effects of Visible Light, Infrared, and Sound Waves on the Vent Environment Determination of the effects of the three most likely means of direct observation of the vent site on the vent ecosystem.
Construction of Sensor ArrayThe construction of an array of real time sensors sensitive to pH, salinity, temperature, pressure, chemical composition, sound intensity, and light intensity.
Month One
Preliminary Research
Environmental Conditions of the Vent System A detailed survey of the physical conditions at and around the vent site, completed using the sensor array and measurements taken by robotics. Construction of Sensor Array
Observation of the Vent Community Determination of the types and densities of organisms present at the vent through regular visual observation. The Effects of Visible Light, Infrared, and Sound Waves on the Vent Environment
Archaea Survey Determination of the genetic diversity of archaea present at the Edmond Vent.
Month Two
Continuing Research and New Exploration
Bacterial Survey Determination of the species of bacteria living at the vent site.
Bacterial Byproducts Determination of the compounds vent bacteria metabolize. Environmental Conditions of the Vent System
Temperature Effects in Archaea Investigation of the effects of temperature on DNA transcription in Archaea. Archaea Survey
Heavy-Metal Contamination in Archaean Communities Determination of the impact of heavy-metal contamination on the Edmond Vent Archaean community. Archaea Survey
Month Three
Continuing Month Two
Temperature Effects in Hydothermal Bacteria Determination of the effects of temperature on enzyme structure and function in hydrothermal bacteria. Bacterial Survey
Bacterial Byproducts
Bacterial Life Processes Construction of a model of vent bacterial behavior and life processes. Bacterial Survey
Bacterial Byproducts
Month Four
Diving Deeper
Vent Fauna in Vent Formation Investigation of the role of vent fauna in the formation of hydothermal vent structures. Bacterial Byproducts
Bacterial Life Processes
Observation of the Vent Community
Biodegradation Investigation of the applications of vent bacterial metabolism and life processes to human purposes. Bacterial Life Processes
Bacterial Survey
Bacterial Byproducts
Symbiotic Relationships Examination of the symbiotic relationships between vent organisms. Bacterial Life Processes
Bacterial Survey
Bacterial Byproducts
Archaea Survey
Observation of the Vent Community
Energy Flow Investigation of the energy flow through the vent system, including food web determination. Bacterial Life Processes
Bacterial Byproducts
Observation of the Vent Community
Related to:
Symbiotic Relationships
Month Five
Continuing Month Four
The fifth month on Atlantis II will be spent continuing and completing the experiments started during Month Four. This scheduling allows for detailed completion of the experiments started earlier in the project, but also allows for flexibility in dealing with unexpected events. If there is a major geologic event during the first four months of Atlantis II, the experimental schedule will be rearranged to allow for detailed analysis of the event and its effects on the biological community. This open time in the experimental schedule will allow for such rearrangement.
Month Six
Into the Future
Reproduction and Dispersal Investigation of the reproduction and dispersion methods of sedentary vent organisms. Observation of the Vent Community
Environmental Conditions of the Vent System
Subsurface Biosphere Investigation of the possible subsurface biosphere, using core samples collected by Drillette.
During the sixth month on Atlantis II, many of the experiments begun early in the program will be concluded. At this time, the models of the community and environment will be well constructed and understood. Many of the experiments conducted in the first months will yield results that will point to further experimentation that is not obvious now. The sixth month is primarily reserved for these unforeseen investigations that will result from findings made on Atlantis II. From the sixth month, the science of Atlantis II will assume a new path, determined by the discoveries and enigmas of the first six months at the Edmond Vents.