


Here is the table of the avorementioned equations and methods



Total aboveground biomass

The mean TAGB for the 20 forest sites was 341 Mg ha-1 and ranged from 287 to 534 Mg ha-1 (Table 1). Mean TAGB of open forest (n=8) was 313 Mg ha-1 and ranged from 288 to 346 Mg ha-1. For dense forests (n=7),
TAGB ranged from 298 to 534 Mg ha-1, with a mean of 377 Mg ha-1. TAGB differed between open and dense forests at the P=0.11 level of probability. For ecotone forests (n=4), TAGB ranged from 298 to 422 Mg ha-1
and averaged 350 Mg ha-1.

Trees 10 cm dbh composed a mean of 78% of the TAGB for all plots combined. Biomass of trees 10 cm dbh differed between open and dense forests at the P=0.13 level of probability, averaging 238±8 and
307±33 Mg ha-1 for the two forest types, respectively. Mean biomass for all trees <50 cm dbh was similar in all three forest types



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