


According to our time-plan, the first two weeks were a period of collecting background information about the rainforest. We divided the work in the following way: one person worked in history of the rainforest; two people worked in biotic aspects and one person in abiotic aspects; the remaining three people researched about major threats. The result of this is what we called our characterization. It contains a wide variety of topics related to the Amazon that might not have a clear relationship between each other, but they set the ground for our project and future research. After this, we divided again our group in two sub-groups: one part dedicated their efforts to finding ways of monitoring flora; the other part was supposed to devise a plan to preserve the Amazon flora. As a result of our monitoring research we came up with the following project: We will use two monitoring techniques: litterfall measurements and measurements of levels of polyamines in epiphytes. We will also use biomass measurements as index number that will indicate the health of a given area. In the middle of the process of coming up with a solution, we were reorganized in different groups. As a consequence, we don’t have a definite preservation project as a flora group, because the solutions were addressed according specific problems such as logging, agriculture, mining, etc. in different groups. However, we collected some valuable information about previous preservation projects and different techniques of reforestation as well as logging.


Time plan