Research for Week of October 9th, 2002: (as of October 9th, 2002)

  1. Brazilian Media (Information courtesy of Brazilian Embassy in London):
  2. American Media:
  3. Possible Interest Group Alliances:
  4. Marketing Strategies:
    • Books: (I will get from the Dewey Library and look through to get basic background and a general overview.)
      • The future of marketing: practical strategies for marketers in the post-internet age (Molenaar, Cor.)
      • Social marketing: improving the quality of life (Kotler, Philip)
      • Profitable e-marketing: success strategies that pay off (Bredenberg, Al)
    • Articles: (from Vera)
  5. Useful Links:
  6. Useful facts:
  7. Maps
  8. Images

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