Hydrocarbon Evaluation Team - Mission 2007
Mission 2007
Team Members
Progress Journal

Progress Journal

Nov. 23, 2003 (11:00 pm) - Finally uploaded the page for the value of hydrocarbons. It had been sitting in my computer for a long time now, and I had never posted it. The maps are also up, linked from each of the plays in summary. We are working on the expected recovery of hydrocarbons and on re-organizing the website this week.

Nov. 20, 2003 (10:05 pm) - Included the background on the formation of hydrocarbons and the final version of the summary of the team's work under Research.

Nov. 17, 2003 (1:25 am) - The team has been working on summarizing all our work and finishing up what we were missing during the last week. We also joined team e to write the second version of the exploration and drilling proposal.

Nov. 2, 2003 (12:50 pm) - Added the last play to the summary. They are under Depth of the reservoirs, in Research.

Nov. 1, 2003 (1:30 am) - Included the summary of four more plays under Research.

Oct. 31, 2003 (12:30 pm) - Added the summary of chapter GG from the USGS Assessment to Research, under Geological History.

Oct. 30, 2003 (3:28 am) - Completed the summary of types of hydrocarbons in each play. I included the volume data for Oil, Gas, and NGL (source: RS of USGS Report 98-34) and I completed a relativistic assessment of how important each type of petroleum is compared to the other play's resources. This factor is also included in the summary of hydrocarbon types in research/depth.html. The spreadsheet you can download for Excel research/hydrocarbon_types.xls or in html at Click here This is how I calculated which petroleum type is comparatively dominate for each play from the data in RS.

Oct. 26, 2003 (6:50 pm) - Data added to research/depth.html summarizing a different hydrocarbon assessment from 1985. We need to integrate the play summaries for ease of team e being able to compare them to get the answers they need.

Oct. 25, 2003 (5:30 pm) - Recieved an email from Team e with specific information they need and we are currently working on it. Part of the information was added to Research. It is relevant to several of the topics, but was placed under 'depth of reservoir'. It is still not finished, but we are working on it. During this week we recieved data on the 1999 Assessment from David Houseknech, of the USGS, and got the shapefiles for the 10 plays from Christopher Garrity, and we are working on them.

Oct. 20, 2003 (1:00 am) - Research on the formation of hydrocarbons, the geology of ANWR and the evaluation of possible locations was added to Research. Several links were placed in Sources.

Oct. 19, 2003 (6:40 pm) - Illustration showing the locations of the USGS report's plays in 1002 Area posted under Research.

Oct. 16, 2003 (1:02 am) - The compiled data table and related research was added to Research. Hopefully this will be a useful reference for all the teams to go to.

Oct. 15, 2003 (8:55 pm) - Met with one of our Alumni Mentors, Bob Gurnitz, in class today. As always, he was a great help to get a dose of reality into our work. We now understand how far we've gone a bit better, and we have a clearer picture of what we need to do to make it to the end of the semester. We discussed strategies to consolidate the work of all teams, specially about giving information to Team e. We are meeting with them on Friday to talk about what they need (they were supposed to send an email with that during the weekend...). Modified the Research page to link to different pages under each point of the definition of an A so we can start consolidating all our information there and get a better picture of what we are missing. Put the same points in the Sources page to organize those too.

Oct. 12, 2003 (7:10 pm) - Put the definition of an A in Research, copied from the email sent to Kip, just to make sure we don't lose track of it.

Oct. 10, 2003 (12:35 pm) - We discussed our real goal, and if we had to get involved in topics regarding environmental changes. We went over the definition of an A to set priorities, and decided to leave the background information on the formation of hydrocarbons for the end. On Wednesday, we are going to organize the information we already have under the different bullet points of our topic.

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Team 1 - m2007-1@mit.edu