Hydrocarbon Evaluation Team - Mission 2007
Mission 2007
Team Members
Progress Journal


Final version of the team's work

First version of the team's work

Plays Summary

Definition of an A:

This is the definition of an A as it was sent to Kip. Each point is linked to a page where our research is being organized.

- Give a brief background on the formation of hydrocarbons

- Describe the geologic history of the 1002 Area of ANWR

- Determine the amount of hydrocarbons that exist in the 1002 Area

1. Find the types of hydrocarbons present
2. Locate the reservoirs and determine the concentration of hydrocarbons in each region. Create a map of the 1002 Area to present this data

- Establish the depth of the reservoirs

- Determine the expected recovery of hydrocarbons using both primary and secondary methods of production

- Analyze the value of the hydrocarbons

1. Revenue estimates
2. Lower end estimate (based on historic oil trends)
3. Higher end estimate (based on current value)
4. Projected future value
5. Cost estimates (in cooperation with Group 8)

- A brief comparison of these values to other world hydrocarbon sources

Compiled Data Table

Here is our first attempt at compiling a table of petroleum estimates from various reports and assessments -- Open table in new window

The most accurate estimates are those from the 1998 USGS Open File Report 98-34. These estimates do not give information about location or play-specific data. Data on location, and the petroleum resources of individual plays in 1002 Area, will be organized soon and distributed to Team e.

Play Overlay Animation

I hope this animation will be useful in showing the locations of the USGS report plays in the 1002 area. It should be a guide for the detailed information given in the report's p110.pdf. I made it just by overlaying the play maps in the assessment overview. Open in new window

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Team 1 - m2007-1@mit.edu