Hydrocarbon Evaluation Team - Mission 2007
Mission 2007
Team Members
Progress Journal

Research - Comparison of the value of hydrocarbons in the 1002 Area of ANWR with other world resources

The definition calls for a 'brief comparison to other world hydrocarbon sources' in order to give a general idea of how ANWR fares with respect to the rest of the world. The following figures are from the OPEC yearly report:

Proven reserves and production
Region Natural Gas (1) Crude Oil (2) Natural Gas (3) Crude Oil (4)
North America 6898 27646 722924 7256.1
Latin America 7507 111173 139750 9125.4
Eastern Europe 57493 79190 760950 9038.7
Western Europe 6955 18268 290640 5933.2
Middle East 71546 698906 243840 18655.4
Africa 13207 93550 138730 6459.5
Asia and Pacific 14118 38434 292070 7176.1

(1) Billion Standard cubic meters
(2) Million barrels
(3) Million Standard cubic meters
(4) 1000 barrels/day

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Team 1 - m2007-1@mit.edu