Hydrocarbon Evaluation Team - Mission 2007
Mission 2007
Team Members
Progress Journal

Progress Journal

Nov. 2, 2003 - Our entire team met in Barker Library to find the impacts of roads and pipelines. See the research page for findings.

Oct. 29, 2003 -  
Team meeting discussion led to ideas about how to minimize impact when you are dealing with different species. Can you answer the question: Which species is more important? Here are the notes:

Hypothetical Situation:

Effect #1  - effects the Polar bears - Solution --drilling in summer
Effect #2  - effects the Caribou - Solution -- drilling in winter
(choosing one solution will affect the other species)
So try to optimize based on .....????
You cant do it on value of the animal!!!
ie.  10 polar bears vs 100 caribou - How to choose which is more important?

VARIABLES --  Some things which could help us make a decision. (and some questions we need to answer in order to make an evaluation)

- "Keystone species"
o Which are these
o What else do they affect?

- Which species are endangered?

- Time period?
o Recovery period of a species

COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS -- maybe we should try this instead!!!

- not quantity, but quality
- look at big picture/interactions
VARIABLES TO CONSIDER: (we need to know these for each species of concern....is this possible?)
o habitat range of species
o species' place in food chain (predator/prey relationships)
o climate/atmostphere effects species how?
o temperature increase effects species how?
o long-term recovery ability?

Oct.  24, 2003 - Dylan, Rashida and Zehra met at MacGregor House at 7:30. They came up with some points for the Status Presentation according to the structure that Alex had mentioned in wednesday's meeting. It was a very good brainstorm session that should happen more often.

What we have done:
-given ourselves a better understanding of ANWR
-developed a strategy for collecting info and working with other teams
(we are the link, hence coordination with other teams is vital)
-individual team members have done preliminary research in their
respective areas
   ->focusing on impacts (that's where information regarding the
ecosystem comes in)

What we are doing:
- Determining HOW MUCH DAMAGE will/could result from exploration and
production (includes research on ecosystem that will provide info as to
what will the damage occur.)

What we will do:
-try to make concrete connections between REAL data and research and the
possible effects on the ecosystem
-make up scenarios to come up with a better idea of the process, which
will simultaneously provide us with then understading of what we need to
know (i.e making up scenarios to evaluate our procedure).

Other Brainstormed Ideas:
-making a model that accurately predicts the effects on the ecosystem
-work with group E to come up with the best solution for expoloration
and production in order to minimize environmental damage. maximize the
oil output/(cost*impact) ratio.

Oct. 15, 2003 - During team meeting we discussed our team's responsibilities, focusing on how we are going to coordinate the transfer of information between other teams and ourselves. These are the meeting notes:

PART 1:  Responsibility Flow Chart for Mission 2007 Teams
flow chart.jpg    
We discovered that, due to the nature of Team 4’s topic, Exploration/Production Impact Evaluation Strategy, we act as a link between all of these groups.  In order to evaluate the strategies presented to us by other groups most effectively and provide feedback as well, we decided to take a “bottom up” approach to how we will divide up the work.  Instead of trying to figure out what could possibly have adverse effects on the environment, we would instead find out all of the possible elements that could be impacted pertaining to ANWR, such as soil and water quality, and apply our findings to the information that the other Mission 2007 teams would give us.


The next step was to figure out exactly what categories into which we should subdivide ourselves in order to cover all possibly areas that could be impacted environmentally.  Our initial list included the following:

·    Animals dying
·    Soil degradation
·    Permafrost alteration
·    Air pollution
·    Fire
·    Noise pollution
·    Geology
·    Water
·    Plants

In considering these effects, we noticed that many of them overlapped or were affected by something else on the list.  Thus, we devised a second list that discussed these effects better:

1. Atmosphere
a.    Energy
b.    Chemistry
c.    Dynamics
2. Soil
3. Water
All of the above are encompassed by the structure of a system.

1.    Flora
2.    Fauna
a.    Species
i.    behavior
ii.    population
iii.    relationships
3.    Bacteria
4.    Protista
5.    Fungi

After this list was created, we chose an area to primarily focus on for research.  Holly is in charge of geology and soil quality pertaining to ANWR, Rashida, animals, Zehra, the ecosystem, and Dylan and Farah, exploration and production effects.

Oct. 10, 2003 - During Friday class we met with Team E to discuss our relationship and responsibilities.  After we met with Team E, responsible for devising hte best oil exploration and extraction strategies, we came up with the following:

1. We are going to work with team E throughout the semester providing
them with feedback on any policy or method they come up with, in order
to ensure that the final strategy has maximal efficiency and minimal
environmental damage.

2. The first task we are going to work on, after finding guidelines for
environmental damage assessment, is conducting research on the current
situation of ANWR.

3. The second task would be researching the environmental implications
of all the possible exploration, drilling and extraction strategies team
E is taking into consideration and providing them with feedback. These

a. Possible Exploration Techniques:
* Seismic (land and marine, taking into consideration the three sources
for sound vibrations- dynamite, thumpers and air cannons)
* Gravity
* Magnetic
* Electrical Method

b. Possible Drilling Strategies:
* Tophole drilling
* Directional drilling
* Horizontal drilling
* Extended reach drilling
* Slimhole drilling
* Coil tubing

c. Service operations, how to get raw materials and dispose of
by-products, etc..

d. Transportaion, detailed analysis of every possible method.

e. Antennas and other methods of communication, what are the
environmental effects ?

f. The effects of accidental spills and the best way to clean them up.

Oct. 8, 2003  - Created current team web page layout and basic info, along with pictures and links.

Oct. 6, 2003  - Coordinated with Team 5 to lead the entire class on a discussion of Perspectives 3.

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Last updated: Nov, 8 2003 (3:25 am) Email Team 4 - m2007-4@mit.edu