Hydrocarbon Evaluation Team - Mission 2007
Mission 2007
Team Members
Progress Journal


A. Books:

1. Frank R. Burden, Ian McKelvie, Ulrich Forstner, and Alex Guenther. Environmental Monitoring Handbook.New York: McGraw-Hill Handbooks,2002.
A book about techiniques used in environmental monitoring and risk analysis.

2. Kamal C. Jain, and Rui J. P. deFigueiredo. Concepts and Techniques in Oil and Gas Exploration. Tulsa, Oklahoma: The Society of Exploration Geophysicists.
A book that describes the techniques that are used in oil and gas exploration and that particularly highlights seismic exploration as one of the most precise and useful exploration techniques. 

3. Sigmund F. Zakrzewski. Environmental Toxicology. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002.

4.  Eugene P. Odum. Fundamentals of Ecology. Philadelphia: W.B.Saunders Company, 1971.

5. Glenn W. Suter II, Rebecca A. Efroymson, Bradley E. Sample, and Daniel S. Jones. Ecological Risk Assessment for Contaminated Sites. Florida:  Lewis Publishers, 2000.

6. Jeffry A. Foran, and Susan A. ferenc. Multiple Stressors In Ecological Risk and Impact Assessment. Florida: SETAC, 1999.

7. J.A.Coffeen. Seismic Exploration Fundamentals. Tulsa, Oklahoma: PennWell Publishing Company, 1986.

B. Links:

1. http://www.tapseis.anl.gov/documents/report.cfm

2. http://www.alyeska-pipe.com/environment.html

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Last updated: Oct. 15, 2003 (8:40 pm) Team 4 - m2007-4@mit.edu