Characterization of the ANWR Ecosystem Team - Mission 2007
Mission 2007
Progress Journal

Ecological Modelling

An ecosystem is defined as a relatively discrete unit within which energy and nutrients are fixed and circulate with only minor transfers across the ecosystem boundaries. To begin modelling an ecosystem, our main objective was to locate the important parameters and components that define an ecosystem. Based on multiple references, the main constituents of an ecosystem include the following: geography structure and relief, climate, soils, hydrology, producers and consumers, decomposition and soil processes, energy and nutrient cycling, and interaction between terrestrial and aquatic communities (if relevant to the area of study). By developing a descriptive and quantitative model for each constituent we can compile the information for the structure and function of the ANWR ecosystem.

**On using physiological ecology to predict ecosystem response to environmental change:

  1.       Ecosystem response to environmental change is often predicted from simple physiological responses of organisms (e.g., estimation of plant production from temperature and light responses of photosynthesis). In the long term, however, feedbacks among processes often govern performance under natural circumstances more strongly than do short-term, kinetic responses of individual processes. For Example, even though photosynthesis always responds to CO2 concentration in the short term, compensatory changes in photosynthetic potential when plants are grown under different CO2 concentrations may counteract these short-term effects. Consequently, environmental factors that exert strong short-term effects may6 not be influential over longer time scales. To predict ecosystem responses, we must study feedbacks as well as direct environmental effects on plants.
  2.       Simulation modeling based on physiological studies can incorporate many of the feedbacks that operate in natural ecosystems. Experience suggests, however, that modeling predictions cannot be usefully extrapolated beyond two levels of organization. For this reason, the types of controls studied at one level of organization may not be fully relevant at other levels. Most past ecophysiological work has emphasized the direct effect of environment on physiology. Yet we need to know the nature, strength, and timing of the feedbacks and time lags that control resource supply and, indirectly, the growth of organisms. This will require an integrated, whole-plant approach to physiological ecology. Ecosystem and community ecology may provide the criteria for deciding which feedbacks are important at these higher levels of organization.

  3.       Ecosystem response to environment has been predicted from comparisons of current performance in two different environments
(e.g., latitudinal comparisons). A comparison of two ecosystems under equilibrium condition says nothing about the trajectory an ecosystem might follow in going from one equilibrium state to another. Moreover, a new environment will be occupied by different combinations of species than those co-occurring at present. If the dynamics of the present community are strongly influenced by specific competitive interactions, we may have difficulty predicting how new combinations of species will interact. Forecasting such interactions is particularly difficult because there are no present analogs of future climate, such as increased atmospheric CO2.?Latitudinal gradients in temperature, which might provide some insight into vegetation response to a changing thermal regime, are complicated by differences in day length and soils that will not be mimicked by climate change. Simulation modeling and whole-ecosystem experiments may enable us to test novel combinations of factors.

Source: CHAPIN, F.S., JEFFERIES, R.L., REYNOLDS, J.F., SHAVER, G.R. Arctic Ecosystem in a Changing Climate: An Ecophysiological Perspective, 1991


Ecosystem and Change

  • how change in ecological complexity will affect ecosystem function

  • relationship between ecological complexity and ecosystem -- > needs to be investigated

  • “Ecological complexity rather than biodiversity because more than just the number of species

  • => spatial patterns of species and communities

    • influence population dynamics and landscape and regional scale processes (less known about the relationship and how affected by rapid environmental change

  • arctic terrestrial ecosystem appear to be relatively stable over time and may have little resilience to disturbance effects
  •   one approach: reciprocal experiment biological composition (structure) and abiotic environment (factors affecting physiological function) are separately altered
    •    => effects on each other measured (details of experiment yet to be determined)

    Source: OECHEL, W.C., CALLAGHAN, T., GILMANOV, T., HOLTEN, J.I., MAXWELL, B.,MOLAU, U., SVEINBJORNSSON, B., Global Change and Arctic Terrestrail Ecosystems

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