Economic Impact Team - Mission 2007
Progress Log
Team Members
Mission 2007 - Course Site


Feel free to check out: Team 8's Report

You've reached the team web site for Team 8, the Economic Impact Team, of MIT's course 12.000 - Solving Complex Problems, also known as Mission 2007.  If you've reached this site in error, be thankful that you did and feel free to roam around and learn about this most interesting topic.

You can use the navigation bar on the left to visit the various colorful pages on this site, or visit the Mission 2007 course web site.  Also feel free to visit the MIT web site by clicking on the MIT logo at the bottom of the page.  

Please, we are MIT freshmen and can use any and all feedback on our site and our research.  Any bit of advice, criticism or other general comment would be greatly appreciated.  You may contact us by emailing the entire team at the email address at the bottom of the page, or by emailing individual members, found in the "Team Members" page to your left.

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Last updated: December 1, 2003 Email Team 8: