Economic Impact Team - Mission 2007
Progress Log
Team Members
Mission 2007 - Course Site

The following are links to pages containing our research, organized by specific research questions: 


Focused Question: What is the potential harm to the wildlife/ecosystem present at ANWR? (Oct. 22, 2003)

Focused Question: What would be the impact on the local and national job market of opening Area 1002 to development? (Oct. 22, 2003)

Focused Question: What are the benefits of drilling in ANWR? (Oct. 15, 2003)

Focused Question: What is the monetary value of oil in ANWR? (Oct. 15, 2003)

Focused Question: What are the general types of historical events that can alter the oil market? (Oct. 6, 2003)

Focused Question: What is the past and current structure of the oil market? (Sep. 30, 2003)

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Last updated: Oct. 25, 2003 Email Team 8: