Economic Impact Team - Mission 2007
Progress Log
  • Minutes for Sep.  17

Team Members
Mission 2007 - Course Site
Progress Log

Minutes for September 17, 2003

Ruchi will email librarian to set up appointment at either Tuesday or Thursday at 5pm

Research Question: What is the history and current state of oil industry and economy? (local, national, global)

            Research Mediums:
Zheng – Books
                        Jaime – Websites/Databases from M2007 site
                        Alex + Liz – Periodicals/Scientific Journals/People
                        Ruchi – Newspaper/Magazines
                        (Alex did not attend today, Liz shall contact him) 

Have List of Works Cited on team website

Note: cc entire group when responding to email

Open Question: Structure and administration of team website?

Available times for team emergency meetings: Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays after 8pm, Saturday and Sunday at roughly anytime

Summary of Coordinators meeting:
   -  next meeting Friday, TEAL room, 3-4 (during class, an extra group of coordinators)
   -  one last spam to give website of Mission 2007 Forum

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Last updated: October 19, 2003 Email Team 8: