Economic Impact Team - Mission 2007
Progress Log
  • Minutes for Nov. 4

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Mission 2007 - Course Site
Progress Log

Minutes for Nov. 4, 2003

Minutes for Team Meeting 11/2/03 (or 2/11/03 as the Americans should write it)

Present: everyone

Midterm Discussion of Pipeline and Road:
We need to know:

  1. distance from ANWR to Trans-Alaska pipeline- length of new pipeline and roads
  2. cost of building T-A pipeline 
  3. length of T-A pipeline
  4. no. of laborers/people needed
  5. how long it will take them to build it (reoccurring construction needed?)
  6. location of pipeline/roads- environmental impact
  7. cost of land (rent- pay government)

what we know:

  • unemployment rate in Alaska: 7.7%
  • wage for petroleum workers: 21.49 dollars/hour
  • proposal for pipeline from P. Bay along T-A pipeline to Canada= 2000 miles, cost of 10 billion dollars
  • natives are less expensive than importing people= less infrastructure
  • 25 miles for feeder pipeline from 1002 to T-A pipeline
  • need road style and specifications


Perspective Benefits Costs
  1. Oil Corporations
  1. Revenue from oil
  1. exploration
  2. transportation
  3. production
  4. wages
  5. clean-up for potential oil spills
  6. refining
  7. fund for workers (future)
  1. Society
  1. Jobs
  2. access of Alaskans to infrastructure
  3. fund for workers
  4. revenues from leasing land
  5. decrease in in the price of oil
  1. environmental
  2. risk of oil spills - clean up and damage of what remains
  3. disruption to culture of natives
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Last updated: November 10, 2003 Email Team 8: