Anna Massie - Mission 2007


Views of Corporations

Anna Massie - Mission 2007
Mission 2007
Progress Journal

This is my summary of what I have found about corporations

The Alaska Native Claim Settlement Act divided land in Alaska among several Alaskan corporations, private property, governmental, and National parks. These lands fall on top of each other. This means that the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and the 1002 area, is a National park, yet there are spots of land that are territories of Native corporations. These spots of land include primarily the villages of native Alaskans. These areas are creating the greatest controversy, because they are corporately owned, so the corporations feel that they should be able to do whatever they please with this area, but they are also in a federally protected area, so certain limitations are in place. On the North Slope The Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC) is in control of the land. This includes the 1002 region approximately half of ANWR. The Doyon company is in charge of the largest area of land in Alaska and is in charge of the rest of ANWR. The actions of each company directly affects the other company, because they are so close to each other, and share the same types of resources.
Corporations want to drill for oil, because it will profit their company, however, native corporations, which are owned by the natives that live in the area, are concerned about the condition of the environment and the health of their people. The ASRC has several underlying diversified companies including; ASRC Energy Services and Petro Star which are primarily concentrated on oil drilling, Alaska Growth Capital which is a banking system, and Top of the World Hotel which is a tourist enterprise that depends on a pristine wilderness. Doyon has corporations that are just as varied such as; Doyon Tourism, Doyon Drilling, Lands and Natural Resources, and The Doyon Foundation which has an emphasis on the well-being of Native Alaskans. If the native corporations were solely concerned in obtaining oil, one would think they are completely for oil exploration in the 1002 area, but the corporations also know that there are sites in Alaska with oil. For example, the ASRC stated in their 2002 annual report, “ASRC will continue to advocate for development of our resources in the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), but ANWR is not the only egg in the basket. With opposition in Congress still a barrier to ANWR, oil industry attention is now focusing on the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska (NPR-A). The Company strongly supports exploration and development in the NPR-A because of the jobs and other economic boost it would give to our region.” (pg. 4).
In addition, Deborah Williams, part of the Alaska Conservatory, pointed out that the Alaskan government does not acquire taxes from it's people, or companies, and that there is no tourism fee. Several cruises place Alaska as their main destination every season. As stated earlier, the corporations are concerned in tourism, and those branches of the corporation could expand and profit form an inflated tourism program. The Alaskan government likes the prospect of drilling because they obtain royalty revenue from the drilling corporations, but they can also obtain revenue from other means such as tourism.
Drilling affects families because when one or more parent is away from their family for an extended amount of time, it will effect that family, possibly quite detrimentally. Workers will live at the drilling site for long shifts. They have to live on site for such extended time periods, because of the length of the commute to get to the drilling site. Traditionally, shifts last around from two to four weeks at a time. It is not the optimal setting to raise a child in a home that has one or more of it's caretakers being gone for this amount of time.

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Last updated: Nov. 17, 2003 Anna Massie -
Team 10 -