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Definition of An A

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Definition of an A
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  • Give a brief background on the formation of hydrocarbons.

  • Describe the geologic history of the 1002 Area of ANWR.

  • Determine the amount of hydrocarbons that exist in the 1002 Area.
    • Find the types of hydrocarbons present.
    • Locate the reservoirs and determine the concentration of   hydrocarbons in each region. Create a map of the 1002 Area to present this data.

  •   Establish the depth of the reservoirs.

  •   Determine the expected recovery of hydrocarbons using both primary and secondary methods of production.
  •   Analyze the value of the hydrocarbons.
    • Revenue estimates
    • Lower end estimate (based on historic oil trends)
    • Higher end estimate (based on current value)
    • Projected future value
    • Cost estimates (in cooperation with Group 8)

  • A brief comparison of these values to other world hydrocarbon sources .