Progress Journal
Mission 2007
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Progress Journal
Herein are my notes of progress after periods of procrastination...Content: thoughts, comments, personal goals for the day, week, etc...:

1:55 p.m./November 26, 2003:
Well's a good thing that I'm not writing at 6:22 a.m. or 5:43 a.m. or 2:22 a.m. or any time in between for that matter--I was technically awake and working hard during those hours, but I am not so sure how lucid my non-Mission thoughts were...Thankfully I was able to complete editing all of my material, and I am now in the depths of editing the information about avian species. After that is completed I will check out what Jen ha
brown bears on the pipeline s come up with for the Mission 2007 web page template then send her my comments and suggestions, as well as ideas for the selection and placement of photographs. I have spent many hours over the past couple of weeks simply finding images of ANWR, and primarily those of the 1002 area. I have the best ones that I have found so far saved and cited for their url locations to make work easier when we simply want to insert them onto pages, eh?

Anyhoo, I was amazed to see how many people showed up at the Terrscope room to work through the night last night. It was excellent! We were extremely productive--I think that it helps me to be surrounded by other people who are working diligently...hmm...

Alas, I am now in a bus on my way home for Thanksgiving--don't ask...I slept a bit (an hour...?) and then got bored so whipped out the wonderful laptop--and I am thinking of how nice it will be to go to sleep tonight knowing that our mission is sooooooo close to being complete.

Oh yeah! I almost forgot: A decision was made this morning, based on the Cost-Benefit Analysis, on whether or not we recommend drilling in ANWR. Keep in mind that the decision was made by a small fraction of the class and was based soley on quantitative data; economic shiznit. I was a bit flustered by the outcome, that we should drill because according to all of our data, the economic benefits outweigh the cost to the environment. Of course I brought up the argument about the fact that an ecosystem is not just a functioning system that can be tagged with a price or a relative "fix-it" strategy--especially considering the 1002 region with its various unique migratory species and rich landscape. In addition, one cannot forget that much of the area has yet to be combed over with wildlife investigations and evaluation of biodiversity.

What do we do now? I am quite distraught by this issue...Look how beautiful it is there, and imagine what filth, despite ideal restrictions (because the ideal never becomes the real), will barge in and ruin not only the landscape but the livelihoods of the species who call the Coastal Plain their home!

polar bear walking into sunset
2:24 a.m./November 12, 2003: Much progress has been made over the past couple of days, and I am about to copy and paste a huge chunk of information onto my research site and send some of it to Amos as well so that he can put it on our team web site...Monday our group met and made a lot of decisions concerning connections within our work and to the work of other groups--Amos wants to handle the compilat ion of our group's information, ans we have each decided on and emailed the necessary people about which groups we would like to work in for our final weeks with Mission. The other day, I was lucky to be waived a fine for an overdue book--hee hee...oh yeah! I also found a bunch of awesome photos for my web site on Monday night while stopping by the Terrascope room for a bit before going into Boston. Tomorrow my team meets up with teams 5 and 6 in order to work on compiling a single evaluation of the Arctic ecosytems.

5:30 p.m./November 6, 2003:
Well, I was able to finish entering a rather complete explanation of the imortance of the nutrient cycle (in general), 
today, and tomorrow I will be able to type up all of my research on the Arctic, specifically, including the info about the tons of fungi that live in arctic tundra and the countless microorganisms that are able to break down crude oil...

1:21 a.m./November 3, 2003:
I have made several improvements to my network of pages today, I believe. In addition, while our group did not end up changing much of anything on our team web site this evening, we accomplished a lot of work preparing for our "midterm" tomorrow, as well as working on devising how exactly we want our team page outlined.

6:12 p.m./November 2, 2003:
At last, I have entered a sizable portion of my research  into my network of web pages! hooray! Tonight at 7 our my group (Team 7) is meeting for a few hours to work on our team web site (which is lacking just about is in desperate need of work!), and to start connecting our separate areas of research. Unfortunately, we have been a bit behind, but hopefully by the end of the night things will be a lot closer to a full wrap-up. We need to make a general food-web to connect our various species and groups of species, as well as put together a few maps, photos, etc...tonight is a content night, but graphics will need to be spruced up over the course of the week.
blue northern lights
5:25 p.m./ October 22, 2003: I have fixed the address of my homepage!!! yay! AND, I have fixed the way that the pictures on it show up--> apparently, when inserting images with Netscape Composer, I do not want to be using text wrap. well know...who'd'a'thunk-it?

9:34 p.m./October 20, 2003: I've just succeeded in making the first addition of images to my homepage! hooray! It's not so difficult after all. yay! Now I am working on creating an image library that I can use later when I have more information online. Tomorrow I plan to start typing up the research that I have so far and uploading it onto my research site. hmm...I suppose that's all for now.

8:15 p.m./October 20, 2003: Well, gee...It has been far too long! welcome to my web site. There are still a few gliches with certain links and web-addresses in general--namely, that for the Team 7 homepage and my own homepage (this).

Responsibilities this week:  For Wednesday I am expected to have wrapped up most of my research on the decomposer species that live in ANWR. On my own, I am also going to try switching over to Dreamweaver later this week as well as continue to build up a folder of photographs and other aesthetic accessories.

8:30 a.m./September 29, 2003: Alas, I am making new pages and links to them, too!!! hooray! later the flashy-beautifulness shall appear, but for now my goal is to just have some pages that function! woohoo!

2:51 a.m./September 29, 2003: This is my first time ever making a web site! Aaaaa!!! I have enlisted the help of some friends, however the most useful of them happens to be asleep at this time of 2:51 a.m. Believe it or not, I have been working on this site for the past 3 hours, figuring how to use Netscape Composer and how to upload my files to FileZilla, etc...hmm..This is all quite an interesting process and I have learned a lot tonight--for instance, I taught myself how to make tables within tables and links and whatnot. Even so, there is much work to be done. I plan to have my navigation bar functioning by sometime Monday evening, but as for the sites to which the bar links, well, they may not be as ready.

Currently, as co-team-web site manager (my partner in crime--Lia--is a bit more advanced in her experience with webpage design, thankfully) I am working on the "Team 7 Members" page for our Team page, and I am also researching a bit for my team.

My responsibilities this week include researching and putting together a comprehensive outline about the non-migratory decomposer species that live in ANWR (to be completed by the time we meet on Wednesday), as well as getting the team web site off the ground by collaborating with Lia.

Lia and I will work on the Team web site on Monday night at 8:30 p.m. until whenever--hmmmm...

All in all, I think I am learning quickly--albeit from scratch--and I am really looking forward to this project!

Last Updated: 11.12.03 : sometime after 2:30 a.m.
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Team 7: The Ecology of Non-Migratory Species in ANWR -->