The union of teams two and three ("team e") plans to research, develop, and present a hydrocarbon exploration and production strategy that is complete, detailed, creative, and feasible and which seeks to optimally balance environmental impact with economic gain. By complete we mean a hydrocarbon procurement strategy that traces hydrocarbon resources through every phase of their development within ANWR, specifically addressing a) the location of recoverable hydrocarbon resources in the 1002 region, b) the delivery of those resources to the surface, and c) the transportation of recovered hydrocarbons out of ANWR, all the while d) taking into account all necessary set-up, equipment, labor, transport, byproducts, clean-up, restoration, and other essential processes related to the logistics of hydrocarbon development and the mitigation of environmental impact. Our final product must include explanations for design choices we made along the way and defend such decisions with research into multiple methods and our analyses of them. In order to fully succeed in the project, we must engage in productive critical exchange with the related Mission 2007 teams in a valiant effort to reach the best possible design.

Team e Website