Jaime Quinonez's Personal Web Site for Mission 2007



Hello, this is my personal web page for MIT's course 12.000 - Solving Complex Problems, also known as Mission 2007.  You may follow the links on the navigation bar to your left to track my research and productivity in this project, or see my team's or the class' web sites. 

In Mission 2007, we are working as a class in order to propose the most efficient method of oil extraction and production in an area of Alaska known as the Artic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), and to provide a cost-benefit analysis of our proposed method with respect to all the natural resources of ANWR, including both oil and the wide range of diverse wildlife that rely on ANWR for habitat.

The class is divided into ten interacting teams, each with its own specific goal.  I am part of Team 8, responsible for providing an economic analysis of oil drilling in ANWR, and our more specific goals are in the "Objectives" page to your left.

Also, please feel free to contact me regarding any questions, criticism, advice, or any other comments related to this web site and what is represented on it, by emailing me at jaimeq@mit.edu

Last Updated: December 1, 2003