Jaime Quinonez's Personal Web Site for Mission 2007



Team 8 Objectives

( My personal objectives are to follow those of the team, but to focus on one specific medium of information, which I selected to be online databases and professional websites.)

We intend, with collaboration with other teams, to:

  1. Express the costs and benefits of oil extraction and continued preservation in terms of mathematical figures that can be objectively compared.
  2. Explain in detail the costs and benefits of both options and how we arrived at the figures.
  3. Compare how the local, national and international economies would be impacted by oil extraction versus preservation.
  4. Maintain our team website.
  5. Answer the following questions given the time constraints of 12.000:
  • Local economy: What is the current job market in Alaska?  How many jobs (and which type) would be created if oil was extracted from ANWR?  What revenue would these jobs and the oil generate for Alaska?  What infrastructure would have to be built to support the new influx of laborers?
  • Oil market: What is the current US import/export balance for oil?  What amount of oil could be extracted from ANWR?  What changes would occur in the US oil market if this oil is extracted?  What is the future fuel need likely to be?  What percentage of this need can practically be met by oil?
  • Exploration: How much would the extraction machinery cost?  What disruptions to current operations/jobs (i.e. logging, fishing, tourism) would extraction cause?
  • Biological Impact: What value can one place on ANWR's unique ecosystem?  What change would occur in the ecosystem of ANWR if drilling was begun?  What potential risks would exist for the ecosystem if oil is extracted (i.e. oil spills)?  What would be the cost of solving these problems should they arise?
  • Other resources: What are the resources (besides oil) contained in ANWR?  What revenue could these generate if they are extracted?

Objectives update - October 15, 2003

We wish to focus our research in quantifying the items in the following table:

Costs of oil drilling Economic benefits of oil drilling
Setting up drilling
  • Exploration costs
  • Administration
  • Buying Land
  • Machinery for extraction
Value of oil:

(Price of oil at time over which oil extracted from ANWR may be sold) x (number of barrels that can be extracted from ANWR

Potential harm to wildlife/ecosystem:
determine with survey of where on average the environment ranks in importance among a number of different topics/issues
Balance of jobs:

(jobs gained) x (wage) - (jobs lost) x (wage) 

Transport cost of moving oil to demand market Less dependence on foreign oil


Last Updated: October 15, 2003