Jaime Quinonez's Personal Web Site for Mission 2007



Administrative Log

Minutes for September 17, 2003

Ruchi will email librarian to set up appointment at either Tuesday or Thursday at 5pm

Research Question: What is the history and current state of oil industry and economy? (local, national, global)

            Research Mediums:
Zheng – Books
                        Jaime – Websites/Databases from M2007 site
                        Alex + Liz – Periodicals/Scientific Journals/People
                        Ruchi – Newspaper/Magazines
                        (Alex did not attend today, Liz shall contact him) 

Have List of Works Cited on team website

Note: cc entire group when responding to email

Open Question: Structure and administration of team website?

Available times for team emergency meetings: Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays after 8pm, Saturday and Sunday at roughly anytime

Summary of Coordinators meeting:
   -  next meeting Friday, TEAL room, 3-4 (during class, an extra group of coordinators)
   -  one last spam to give website of Mission 2007 Forum

standard banner and navigation bar for team websites, all else customizable


Last Updated: October 19, 2003