Jaime Quinonez's Personal Web Site for Mission 2007



Administrative Log

Minutes for Oct. 17, 2003

Order of business:

  1. Zheng mysteriously absent
  2. Kip points out the final presentation time and date (December 4 @ 7:15pm)
  3. Cameron made suggestions on how to refine our crude oil value estimate
  4. Discussion of Darth Vader being Jaime's picture on the team website
  5. Jaime presents his estimate of the financial value of oil in ANWR
  6. Yasser interrupts class to discuss the teams timeline
  7. Decided on Team 8 rule: each member only allowed to miss three classes, for whichever reasons (Alex has soccer games on Oct. 29th and Nov. 5th)
  8. Ruchi presents her research: same type of information as before, tried to contact oil companies for financial records, not much provided
  9. Ruchi discusses Larry Sommers' opinions: useful expansionary fiscal policy behind everything, fiscal bonds, times of crises
  10. Team decides to ask class on any research done into alternative energy sources: Jaime presents to class, shot down by people saying that it is outside our scope of research
  11. Crystal reminds everyone to read Perspective IV for Monday
  12. Jaime will email alumni mentors about meeting with us this Thursday, Oct. 23, at 7pm
  13. Liz suggests that everyone sticks to their current topic and dives into research ferociously 


Last Updated: October 19, 2003