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Summary:  The research notes on this page discuss two similar documents, a Bill before the Senate and the Senate Report that corresponds to it.  The Bill is for the inclusion of all of ANWR as wilderness, thus making drilling illegal by the legal definition of wilderness.  The Report discusses several things including the drilling impact statement required by ANILCA 1980.  Editors Note:  The section numbers listed here do not correspond to those listed regarding ANILCA 1980, because these refer to a 1991 document which is separate from ANILCA 1980.  

Purpose:  I conducted this research to find what had become of the further analysis required by ANILCA 1980.  The debate of whether to open Section 1002 to drilling comes and goes within Congress and it is important to follow up on previous requests for further study.

 These documents have two major points of significance.  The first is that the House wanted to close the ANWR debate by designating all of ANWR as wilderness.  The second involves the report of impact on 1002 by exploration.  Summarized it says, "The wilderness character of the 1002 area would be lost."  It also states that the species in question aren't endangered and therefore the Endangered Species Act does not apply.

"A BILL to amend the National Wildlife Refuge Administration Act"  (1991 S. 39; 102 S. 39)
     -14 Jan. 1991, 27 Nov. 1991
     -ANWR proposed to be part of the National Wilderness Preservation System.
NOTE:  The Senate Report of BILL 39 follows.

     -25 Nov. 1991
     -The Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act in 1978 turned into ANWR and designated 13 million acres as wilderness
     -A 1980 version of ANILCA designated 8 of 19 million acres wilderness, not including the coastal plain; calls for study of oil and gas potential
     -The importance of ANWR is stated in 303(2)(B) of ANILCA
     -A comprehensive report of the area, wildlife, and energy potential required by section 1002 of ANILCA.
     -"The 1002 report points out that oil development 'would result in long term changes in the wilderness environment, wildlife habitats, and native community activities currently existing, resulting instead in an area governed by industrial activities.  The wilderness character of the 1002 area would be lost'."
     -An Act of Congress is required to drill by section 1003 of ANILCA.
"The fish and wildlife in the 1002 area that could be affected by oil and gas activities are 'very important but are neither threatened nor endangered'."


"A BILL to amend the National Wildlife Refuge Administration Act"  1991 S. 39; 102 S. 39.  102nd Congress; 1st Session in the Senate of the United States as Reported in the Senate.  14 Jan. 1991, 27 Nov. 1991.

"Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Protection."  Senate Report 102-241 (102 S. Rpt. 241).  102nd Congress.  25 Nov. 1991.

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